#include #include #include "packages.h" #include "aes.h" #include "rsa.h" #include "sha.h" void pk11_process(pk11_ctx_t *ctx) { fseeko64(ctx->file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fread(&ctx->stage1, 1, sizeof(ctx->stage1), ctx->file) != sizeof(ctx->stage1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read PK11 Stage 1!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Check if PK11 was built in 2016. */ /* This is a heuristic to detect an older layout for the PK11 binary. */ if (ctx->stage1.build_date[0] == '2' && ctx->stage1.build_date[1] == '0' && ctx->stage1.build_date[2] == '1' && ctx->stage1.build_date[3] == '6') { ctx->is_pilot = 1; } else { ctx->is_pilot = 0; } ctx->pk11 = malloc(ctx->stage1.pk11_size); if (ctx->pk11 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate PK11!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fread(ctx->pk11, 1, ctx->stage1.pk11_size, ctx->file) != ctx->stage1.pk11_size) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read PK11!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } aes_ctx_t *crypt_ctx = NULL; pk11_t dec_header; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) { ctx->key_rev = i; crypt_ctx = new_aes_ctx(&ctx->tool_ctx->settings.keyset.package1_keys[i], 0x10, AES_MODE_CTR); aes_setiv(crypt_ctx, ctx->stage1.ctr, 0x10); aes_decrypt(crypt_ctx, &dec_header, ctx->pk11, sizeof(dec_header)); if (dec_header.magic == MAGIC_PK11) { break; } free_aes_ctx(crypt_ctx); crypt_ctx = NULL; } if (crypt_ctx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decrypt PK11! Is correct key present?\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } aes_setiv(crypt_ctx, ctx->stage1.ctr, 0x10); aes_decrypt(crypt_ctx, ctx->pk11, ctx->pk11, ctx->stage1.pk11_size); uint64_t pk11_size = 0x20 + ctx->pk11->warmboot_size + ctx->pk11->nx_bootloader_size + ctx->pk11->secmon_size; pk11_size = align64(pk11_size, 0x10); if (pk11_size != ctx->stage1.pk11_size) { fprintf(stderr, "PK11 seems corrupt!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_INFO) { pk11_print(ctx); } if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_EXTRACT) { pk11_save(ctx); } } void pk11_print(pk11_ctx_t *ctx) { printf("PK11:\n"); printf(" Build Date: %s\n", ctx->stage1.build_date); memdump(stdout, " Build Hash: ", ctx->stage1.build_hash, 0x10); printf(" Key Revision: %02"PRIx32" (%s)\n", ctx->key_rev, get_key_revision_summary((uint8_t)ctx->key_rev)); printf(" PK11 Size: %08"PRIx32"\n", ctx->stage1.pk11_size); printf(" Warmboot.bin Size: %08"PRIx32"\n", ctx->pk11->warmboot_size); printf(" NX_Bootloader.bin Size %08"PRIx32"\n", ctx->pk11->nx_bootloader_size); printf(" Secure_Monitor.bin Size: %08"PRIx32"\n", ctx->pk11->secmon_size); printf("\n"); } void pk11_save(pk11_ctx_t *ctx) { /* Extract to directory. */ filepath_t *dirpath = NULL; if (ctx->tool_ctx->file_type == FILETYPE_PACKAGE1 && ctx->tool_ctx->settings.out_dir_path.enabled) { dirpath = &ctx->tool_ctx->settings.out_dir_path.path; } if (dirpath == NULL || dirpath->valid != VALIDITY_VALID) { dirpath = &ctx->tool_ctx->settings.pk11_dir_path; } if (dirpath != NULL && dirpath->valid == VALIDITY_VALID) { os_makedir(dirpath->os_path); /* Save Decrypted.bin */ printf("Saving decrypted binary to %s/Decrypted.bin\n", dirpath->char_path); char *decrypted_bin = malloc(sizeof(ctx->stage1) + ctx->stage1.pk11_size); if (decrypted_bin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate buffer!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memcpy(decrypted_bin, &ctx->stage1, sizeof(ctx->stage1)); memcpy(decrypted_bin + sizeof(ctx->stage1), ctx->pk11, ctx->stage1.pk11_size); save_buffer_to_directory_file(decrypted_bin, sizeof(ctx->stage1) + ctx->stage1.pk11_size, dirpath, "Decrypted.bin"); free(decrypted_bin); /* Save Warmboot.bin */ printf("Saving Warmboot.bin to %s/Warmboot.bin...\n", dirpath->char_path); save_buffer_to_directory_file(pk11_get_warmboot_bin(ctx), ctx->pk11->warmboot_size, dirpath, "Warmboot.bin"); /* Save NX_Bootloader.bin */ printf("Saving NX_Bootloader.bin to %s/NX_Bootloader.bin...\n", dirpath->char_path); save_buffer_to_directory_file(pk11_get_nx_bootloader(ctx), ctx->pk11->nx_bootloader_size, dirpath, "NX_Bootloader.bin"); /* Save Secure_Monitor.bin */ printf("Saving Secure_Monitor.bin to %s/Secure_Monitor.bin...\n", dirpath->char_path); save_buffer_to_directory_file(pk11_get_secmon(ctx), ctx->pk11->secmon_size, dirpath, "Secure_Monitor.bin"); } } void pk21_process(pk21_ctx_t *ctx) { fseeko64(ctx->file, 0, SEEK_SET); if (fread(&ctx->header, 1, sizeof(ctx->header), ctx->file) != sizeof(ctx->header)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read PK21 Header!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool is_encrypted = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { if (ctx->header.signature[i] != 0) { is_encrypted = true; } } is_encrypted &= ctx->header.magic != MAGIC_PK21; if (is_encrypted) { if (rsa2048_pss_verify(&ctx->header.ctr, 0x100, ctx->header.signature, ctx->tool_ctx->settings.keyset.package2_fixed_key_modulus)) { ctx->signature_validity = VALIDITY_VALID; } else { ctx->signature_validity = VALIDITY_INVALID; } } else { ctx->signature_validity = VALIDITY_UNCHECKED; } /* Nintendo, what the fuck? */ ctx->package_size = ctx->header.ctr_dwords[0] ^ ctx->header.ctr_dwords[2] ^ ctx->header.ctr_dwords[3]; if (ctx->package_size > 0x7FC000) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Package2 Header is corrupt!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } aes_ctx_t *crypt_ctx = NULL; if (is_encrypted) { unsigned char ctr[0x10]; pk21_header_t temp_header; memcpy(ctr, ctx->header.ctr, sizeof(ctr)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) { ctx->key_rev = i; memcpy(&temp_header, &ctx->header, sizeof(temp_header)); crypt_ctx = new_aes_ctx(&ctx->tool_ctx->settings.keyset.package2_keys[i], 0x10, AES_MODE_CTR); aes_setiv(crypt_ctx, ctr, 0x10); aes_decrypt(crypt_ctx, &temp_header.ctr[0], &temp_header.ctr[0], 0x100); if (temp_header.magic == MAGIC_PK21) { memcpy(&ctx->header, &temp_header, sizeof(temp_header)); memcpy(ctx->header.ctr, ctr, sizeof(ctr)); break; } free_aes_ctx(crypt_ctx); crypt_ctx = NULL; } if (crypt_ctx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decrypt PK21! Is correct key present?\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (ctx->package_size != 0x200 + ctx->header.section_sizes[0] + ctx->header.section_sizes[1] + ctx->header.section_sizes[2]) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Package2 Header is corrupt!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ctx->sections = malloc(ctx->package_size); if (ctx->sections == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate sections!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fread(ctx->sections, 1, ctx->package_size - 0x200, ctx->file) != ctx->package_size - 0x200) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read PK21 Sections!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } uint64_t offset = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { unsigned char calc_hash[0x20]; sha256_hash_buffer(calc_hash, ctx->sections + offset, ctx->header.section_sizes[i]); if (memcmp(calc_hash, ctx->header.section_hashes[i], 0x20) == 0) { ctx->section_validities[i] = VALIDITY_VALID; } else { ctx->section_validities[i] = VALIDITY_INVALID; } if (is_encrypted) { aes_setiv(crypt_ctx, ctx->header.section_ctrs[i], 0x10); aes_decrypt(crypt_ctx, ctx->sections + offset, ctx->sections + offset, ctx->header.section_sizes[i]); } offset += ctx->header.section_sizes[i]; } ctx->ini1_ctx.tool_ctx = ctx->tool_ctx; ctx->ini1_ctx.header = (ini1_header_t *)(ctx->sections + ctx->header.section_sizes[0]); if (ctx->ini1_ctx.header->magic == MAGIC_INI1 && ctx->ini1_ctx.header->num_processes <= INI1_MAX_KIPS) { offset = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ctx->ini1_ctx.header->num_processes; i++) { ctx->ini1_ctx.kips[i].tool_ctx = ctx->tool_ctx; ctx->ini1_ctx.kips[i].header = (kip1_header_t *)&ctx->ini1_ctx.header->kip_data[offset]; if (ctx->ini1_ctx.kips[i].header->magic != MAGIC_KIP1) { fprintf(stderr, "INI1 is corrupted!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } offset += kip1_get_size(&ctx->ini1_ctx.kips[i]); } } if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_INFO) { pk21_print(ctx); } if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_EXTRACT) { pk21_save(ctx); } } static const char *pk21_get_section_name(int section) { switch (section) { case 0: return "Kernel"; case 1: return "INI1"; case 2: return "Empty"; default: return "Unknown"; } } void pk21_print(pk21_ctx_t *ctx) { printf("PK21:\n"); if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_VERIFY && ctx->signature_validity != VALIDITY_UNCHECKED) { if (ctx->signature_validity == VALIDITY_VALID) { memdump(stdout, " Signature (GOOD): ", &ctx->header.signature, 0x100); } else { memdump(stdout, " Signature (FAIL): ", &ctx->header.signature, 0x100); } } else { memdump(stdout, " Signature: ", &ctx->header.signature, 0x100); } /* What the fuck? */ printf(" Header Version: %02"PRIx32"\n", (ctx->header.ctr_dwords[1] ^ (ctx->header.ctr_dwords[1] >> 16) ^ (ctx->header.ctr_dwords[1] >> 24)) & 0xFF); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { printf(" Section %"PRId32" (%s):\n", i, pk21_get_section_name(i)); if (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_VERIFY) { if (ctx->section_validities[i] == VALIDITY_VALID) { memdump(stdout, " Hash (GOOD): ", ctx->header.section_hashes[i], 0x20); } else { memdump(stdout, " Hash (FAIL): ", ctx->header.section_hashes[i], 0x20); } } else { memdump(stdout, " Hash: ", ctx->header.section_hashes[i], 0x20); } memdump(stdout, " CTR: ", ctx->header.section_ctrs[i], 0x20); printf(" Load Address: %08"PRIx32"\n", ctx->header.section_offsets[i] + 0x80000000); printf(" Size: %08"PRIx32"\n", ctx->header.section_sizes[i]); } printf("\n"); ini1_print(&ctx->ini1_ctx); } void pk21_save(pk21_ctx_t *ctx) { /* Extract to directory. */ filepath_t *dirpath = NULL; if (ctx->tool_ctx->file_type == FILETYPE_PACKAGE2 && ctx->tool_ctx->settings.out_dir_path.enabled) { dirpath = &ctx->tool_ctx->settings.out_dir_path.path; } if (dirpath == NULL || dirpath->valid != VALIDITY_VALID) { dirpath = &ctx->tool_ctx->settings.pk21_dir_path; } if (dirpath != NULL && dirpath->valid == VALIDITY_VALID) { os_makedir(dirpath->os_path); /* Save Decrypted.bin */ printf("Saving decrypted binary to %s/Decrypted.bin\n", dirpath->char_path); char *decrypted_bin = malloc(ctx->package_size); if (decrypted_bin == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate buffer!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memcpy(decrypted_bin, &ctx->header, 0x200); memcpy(decrypted_bin + sizeof(ctx->header), ctx->sections, ctx->package_size - 0x200); save_buffer_to_directory_file(decrypted_bin, ctx->package_size, dirpath, "Decrypted.bin"); free(decrypted_bin); /* Save Kernel.bin */ printf("Saving Kernel.bin to %s/Kernel.bin...\n", dirpath->char_path); save_buffer_to_directory_file(ctx->sections, ctx->header.section_sizes[0], dirpath, "Kernel.bin"); /* Save INI1.bin */ printf("Saving INI1.bin to %s/INI1.bin...\n", dirpath->char_path); save_buffer_to_directory_file(ctx->sections + ctx->header.section_sizes[0], ctx->header.section_sizes[1], dirpath, "INI1.bin"); } if (ctx->ini1_ctx.header != NULL && (ctx->tool_ctx->action & ACTION_EXTRACTINI1 || ctx->tool_ctx->settings.ini1_dir_path.valid == VALIDITY_VALID)) { filepath_t *ini1_dirpath = &ctx->tool_ctx->settings.ini1_dir_path; if (ini1_dirpath->valid != VALIDITY_VALID && dirpath != NULL && dirpath->valid == VALIDITY_VALID) { filepath_copy(ini1_dirpath, dirpath); filepath_append(ini1_dirpath, "INI1"); } ini1_save(&ctx->ini1_ctx); } }