# What is Hailstone? - Hailstone is a program for testing different functions from the `beetle-collatz` crate - Run in debug mode for correctness, or in Release mode for # What the dependencies for - `beetle-collatz` provides all the functions related to the Collatz Conjecture we need. - `inquire` provides the Terminal UI - `rayon` provides multi-threading for multi-core CPUs - `strum` & `strum-macros` allow for better parsing of user input to enum variants (makes adding and removing options from the Terminal UI easier) # Terminal UI ``` ? Select an operation > Explain the collatz conjecture Check if a number falls to 1 Check if a range of numbers fall to one Steps a NUMBER takes to reach 1 Steps a RANGE takes to reach 1. Transformations a NUMBER takes to reach 1. v Transformations a RANGE takes to reach 1. [↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter] ```