import bpy from . import hallr_ffi_utils # Define the choices for the tool/probe property probes_props_items = [ ("BALL_NOSE", "Ball Nose", "Ball Nose probe"), ("SQUARE_END", "Square End", "Square End probe") ] # Define the choices for the search pattern property patterns_props_items = [ ("MEANDER", "Meander", "Meander scan pattern"), ("TRIANGULATION", "Triangulation", "2d Delaunay Triangulation") ] # Define the choices for the search pattern property bounding_props_items = [ ("AABB", "Aabb", "Use secondary object as an Axis aligned bounding box"), ("CONVEX_HULL", "ConvexHull", "Use secondary object as Convex hull bounds") # ("LINE", "LineHull", "Line hull bounds") ] class OBJECT_OT_hallr_collision(bpy.types.Operator): """A CNC toolpath/mesh probe operation, work in progress""" bl_idname = "object.hallr_collision" bl_label = "Hallr mesh toolpath generator" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} enable_adaptive_scan_props: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable Adaptive Scan", description="Activates a more accurate scanning method, though it may result in longer processing times.", ) enable_reduce_props: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable reduce for Adaptive Scan", description="Reduces collinear line sections to one single line", ) z_jump_threshold_multiplier_props: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Z Jump Threshold Multiplier", description="Multiplier for step size to set max Z jump before adding a new sample.", default=0.5, min=0.05, max=1.0 ) xy_sample_dist_multiplier_props: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="XY Sample Distance Multiplier", description="Multiplier of step size determining the minimum XY distance " "between samples before stopping adaptive scanning.", default=0.5, min=0.05, max=1.0 ) probe_radius_props: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Tool Radius", description="Define the radius of the tool", default=0.5, min=0.01, max=10.0 ) step_props: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Step size", description="Define step size of the grid sampling", default=0.5, min=0.01, max=10.0 ) minimum_z_props: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Minimum Z value", description="Define the minimum of reported Z value.", default=0.0, min=-100.0, max=100.0 ) probe_props: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Tool/Probe", description="Choose a tool or probe", items=probes_props_items, default="BALL_NOSE" ) pattern_props: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Scan Pattern", description="Choose a scan pattern", items=patterns_props_items, default="MEANDER" ) bounds_props: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name="Bounding box", description="Choose a bounding box", items=bounding_props_items, default="AABB" ) def execute(self, context): try: # 1. Get the selected objects and verify counts: selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects if len(selected_objects) != 2:{'ERROR'}, "Please select only two objects: the mesh and the bounding shape.") return {'CANCELLED'} active_obj = bpy.context.active_object if not active_obj:{'ERROR'}, "Nothing selected") return {'CANCELLED'} if active_obj.type != 'MESH':{'ERROR'}, "The selected object is not a mesh") return {'CANCELLED'} # Check if the mesh is triangulated for face in if len(face.vertices) != 3: raise ValueError("The mesh is not fully triangulated!") # Identify the bounding shape: bounding_shape = next((obj for obj in selected_objects if obj != active_obj), None) if not bounding_shape:{'ERROR'}, "Failed to find the bounding shape.") return {'CANCELLED'} # 2. Verify the bounding shape type: if bounding_shape.type != 'MESH':{'ERROR'}, "The bounding shape should be of type 'MESH'.") return {'CANCELLED'} bpy.context.view_layer.update() config = {"probe_radius": str(self.probe_radius_props), "probe": str(self.probe_props), "bounds": str(self.bounds_props), "pattern": str(self.pattern_props), "step": str(self.step_props), "mesh.format": "triangulated", "minimum_z": str(self.minimum_z_props), "command": "surface_scan"} if self.enable_adaptive_scan_props: config["z_jump_threshold_multiplier"] = str(self.z_jump_threshold_multiplier_props) config["xy_sample_dist_multiplier"] = str(self.xy_sample_dist_multiplier_props) config["reduce_adaptive"] = str(self.enable_reduce_props) if config["bounds"] == "LINE": # Ensure the bounding shape doesn't have any faces: if len( > 0:{'ERROR'}, "The bounding shape should not have faces. It should be a line object.") return {'CANCELLED'} # Check the bounding shape if not hallr_ffi_utils.is_loop({'ERROR'}, "The bounding shape should be a continuous loop.") return {'CANCELLED'} # Call the Rust function vertices, indices, config = hallr_ffi_utils.call_rust(config, active_obj, bounding_shape) # print(f"Received {config} as the result from Rust!") if config.get("ERROR"):{'ERROR'}, "" + config.get("ERROR")) return {'CANCELLED'} # Check if the returned mesh format is triangulated if config.get("mesh.format") == "triangulated": hallr_ffi_utils.handle_triangle_mesh(vertices, indices) # Handle line format elif config.get("mesh.format") == "line": hallr_ffi_utils.handle_sliding_line_mesh(vertices, indices) else:{'ERROR'}, "Unknown mesh format:" + config.get("mesh.format", "None")) return {'CANCELLED'} except Exception as e:{'ERROR'}, str(e)) return {'CANCELLED'} return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.label(text="Use the second object to define an axis aligned") layout.label(text="bounding box or a bounding convex hull.") layout.prop(self, "probe_props") layout.prop(self, "pattern_props") layout.prop(self, "bounds_props") layout.prop(self, "enable_adaptive_scan_props") if self.enable_adaptive_scan_props: layout.prop(self, "z_jump_threshold_multiplier_props") layout.prop(self, "xy_sample_dist_multiplier_props") layout.prop(self, "enable_reduce_props") layout.separator() layout.prop(self, "probe_radius_props") layout.prop(self, "step_props") layout.prop(self, "minimum_z_props") def VIEW3D_MT_collision_menu_item(self, context): self.layout.operator(OBJECT_OT_hallr_collision.bl_idname) def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(OBJECT_OT_hallr_collision) bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mesh_add.append(VIEW3D_MT_collision_menu_item) def unregister(): try: bpy.utils.unregister_class(OBJECT_OT_hallr_collision) except (RuntimeError, NameError): pass bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mesh_add.remove(VIEW3D_MT_collision_menu_item) for f in bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mesh_add._dyn_ui_initialize(): if f.__name__ == VIEW3D_MT_collision_menu_item.__name__: bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_mesh_add.remove(f) if __name__ == "__main__": unregister() register()