import bpy import os import platform from importlib import reload import ctypes import bmesh # workaround for the "ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package" problem: DEV_MODE = False # Set this to False for distribution HALLR_LIBRARY = None class Vector3(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("x", ctypes.c_float), ("y", ctypes.c_float), ("z", ctypes.c_float)] class StringMap(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("keys", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)), ("values", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)), ("count", ctypes.c_size_t)] class GeometryOutput(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("vertices", ctypes.POINTER(Vector3)), ("vertex_count", ctypes.c_size_t), ("indices", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t)), ("indices_count", ctypes.c_size_t)] class ProcessResult(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("geometry", GeometryOutput), ("map", StringMap)] def load_latest_dylib(prefix="libhallr_"): global HALLR_LIBRARY if DEV_MODE: # this will be find-and-replaced by the build script directory = "HALLR__TARGET_RELEASE" # List all files in the directory with the given prefix files = [f for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, f)) and f.startswith(prefix)] # Sort files by their modification time files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(directory, x)), reverse=True) # Load the latest .dylib, .dll, .so, whatever if files: latest_dylib = os.path.join(directory, files[0]) print("Loading lib: ", latest_dylib) rust_lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(latest_dylib) else: raise ValueError("Could not find the hallr runtime library!") else: # release mode if HALLR_LIBRARY: return HALLR_LIBRARY system = platform.system() library_name = "libhallr.dylib" # Default to macOS if system == "Linux": library_name = "" elif system == "Windows": library_name = "hallr.dll" module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Get the directory of the Python module dylib_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'lib', library_name) # print("trying to load:", dylib_path) # os.environ['DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH'] = module_dir rust_lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(dylib_path) rust_lib.process_geometry.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(Vector3), ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_size_t), ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(StringMap)] rust_lib.process_geometry.restype = ProcessResult rust_lib.free_process_results.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ProcessResult)] rust_lib.free_process_results.restype = None HALLR_LIBRARY = rust_lib return rust_lib def ctypes_close_library(lib): if DEV_MODE: dlclose_func = ctypes.CDLL(None).dlclose dlclose_func.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] dlclose_func.restype = ctypes.c_int dlclose_func(lib._handle) def handle_new_object(mesh_obj): # Optionally make the new object active = mesh_obj # Ensure that we are in object mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Deselect all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select the newly created object mesh_obj.select_set(True) def handle_triangle_mesh(vertices, indices): # Convert the indices to Blender's polygon format # Assuming indices are [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, ...], where each set of 3 is a triangle polygons = [tuple(indices[i:i + 3]) for i in range(0, len(indices), 3)] # Check if polygons list isn't empty (to ensure it's not a line or other non-mesh shape) if polygons: # Create a new mesh mesh ="New_Mesh") mesh.from_pydata(vertices, [], polygons) # Create a new object using the mesh and link it to the current collection mesh_obj ="New_Object", mesh) handle_new_object(mesh_obj) def handle_line_mesh(vertices, indices): # Convert the indices to Blender's edge format # Assuming indices are [0, 1, 2, 3, ...], where each set of 2 is a line edges = [tuple(indices[i:i + 2]) for i in range(0, len(indices), 2)] # Check if edges list isn't empty if edges: # Create a new mesh print("Python: creating a new line mesh from ", len(vertices), " vertices and ", len(edges), " edges") mesh ="New_Line_Mesh") mesh.from_pydata(vertices, edges, []) # Create a new object using the mesh and link it to the current collection mesh_obj ="New_Line_Object", mesh) handle_new_object(mesh_obj) else: print("Python: Got no edges from rust") def handle_sliding_line_mesh(vertices, indices): """" Convert the indices to Blender's edge format Slide over each vertex pair """ print("Python: received ", len(vertices), " vertices and ", len(indices), " indices") edges = [(indices[i], indices[i + 1]) for i in range(len(indices) - 1)] # Check if edges list isn't empty if edges: # Create a new mesh mesh ="New_Line_Mesh") mesh.from_pydata(vertices, edges, []) # Create a new object using the mesh and link it to the current collection mesh_obj ="New_Line_Object", mesh) handle_new_object(mesh_obj) def handle_sliding_line_mesh_modify_actice_object(vertices, indices): """ convert vertices and indices to a bpy data, and insert into active object """ # Ensure that the active object is a mesh object active_obj = if not active_obj or active_obj.type != 'MESH': print("No active mesh object to modify!") return # Convert the indices to Blender's edge format edges = [(indices[i], indices[i + 1]) for i in range(len(indices) - 1)] # Clear the existing geometry bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') # Must be in edit mode to use bmesh bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh( bm.clear() # Clear all geometry # Create new vertices and edges verts = [ for vert in vertices] for edge in edges:[edge[0]], verts[edge[1]])) bmesh.update_edit_mesh( # Update the mesh with the changes bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') # Switch back to object mode # Update the mesh def is_loop(mesh): """" Determines if a mesh is a loop of vertices """ # Create a dictionary to store the count of edges connected to each vertex edge_count_per_vertex = {} for edge in mesh.edges: for vertex in edge.vertices: edge_count_per_vertex[vertex] = edge_count_per_vertex.get(vertex, 0) + 1 # Check if the vertex is connected to more than two edges if edge_count_per_vertex[vertex] > 2: return False # Check if there's any vertex connected to just one edge if 1 in edge_count_per_vertex.values(): return False # Check if the number of distinct vertices equals the number of edges return len(edge_count_per_vertex) == len(mesh.edges) def has_un_applied_transformations(obj): """ Returns true if an object has transformations """ if obj.location.x != 0 or obj.location.y != 0 or obj.location.z != 0: return True if obj.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': # print("obj.rotation_quaternion", obj.rotation_quaternion) if obj.rotation_quaternion != (1, 0, 0, 0): return True elif obj.rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE': # This is a bit more complicated because it's represented with an angle and a vector # print("obj.rotation_axis_angle", obj.rotation_axis_angle) if obj.rotation_axis_angle[0] != 0: # This checks the angle, which is the first element return True else: # Euler # print("obj.rotation_euler", obj.rotation_euler) if obj.rotation_euler.x != 0 or obj.rotation_euler.y != 0 or obj.rotation_euler.z != 0: return True if obj.scale.x != 1 or obj.scale.y != 1 or obj.scale.z != 1: return True return False def prepare_object_for_processing(obj, temp_name): """ When applying transforms it's easier to do so on a copy of the original object. So this function duplicates the object and applies transformations if necessary. Returns the object to be processed and a flag indicating if it was duplicated. """ # Deselect all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Select only the object we want to duplicate obj.select_set(True) = obj if has_un_applied_transformations(obj): # Duplicate the object bpy.ops.object.duplicate() dup_obj = bpy.context.object = temp_name # Apply all transformations bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True) # print("object had transformations") return dup_obj, True return obj, False def prepare_object_for_processing_direct(obj): if has_un_applied_transformations(obj): bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(True) = obj bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=True, rotation=True, scale=True) return obj def call_rust(config: dict[str, str], active_obj, bounding_shape=None, only_selected_vertices=False): # Load the Rust library # We load the .dylib and define argtypes for every invocation just to be able to update the lib without # restarting blender. This does not seem to work anymore, though rust_lib = load_latest_dylib() # Prepare both objects for processing active_obj_to_process, active_obj_is_duplicated = prepare_object_for_processing(active_obj, "TempDuplicateActive") if not active_obj_to_process: raise RuntimeError("Error in finding the active mesh.") if bounding_shape: bounding_obj_to_process, bounding_obj_is_duplicated = prepare_object_for_processing(bounding_shape, "TempDuplicateBounding") if not bounding_obj_to_process: raise RuntimeError("Error in finding the bounding shape.") if only_selected_vertices: indices = [] vertices = [Vector3(,, for v in if] else: # 4. Gather triangle vertex indices indices = [vert_idx for face in for vert_idx in face.vertices] # 5. Convert the data to a ctypes-friendly format vertices = [Vector3(,, for v in] # Keeping track of the current number of vertices before adding bounding shape start_vertex_index_for_bounding = len(vertices) if bounding_shape: # Appending vertices from the bounding shape vertices += [Vector3(,, for v in] # Take note of the starting index for the bounding shape in the indices list start_index_for_bounding = len(indices) config["start_vertex_index_for_bounding"] = str(start_vertex_index_for_bounding) config["start_index_for_bounding"] = str(start_index_for_bounding) # Appending edge vertex indices from the bounding shape, adjusting based on the start_vertex_index for edge in indices.append(edge.vertices[0]) indices.append(edge.vertices[1]) if active_obj_is_duplicated: cleanup_duplicated_object(active_obj_to_process) if bounding_shape and bounding_obj_is_duplicated: cleanup_duplicated_object(bounding_obj_to_process) # 6. Convert the data to a ctypes-friendly format vertices_ptr = (Vector3 * len(vertices))(*vertices) indices_ptr = (ctypes.c_size_t * len(indices))(*indices) # 7. Convert the dictionary to two separate lists for keys and values keys_list = list(config.keys()) values_list = list(config.values()) keys_array = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(keys_list))(*[k.encode('utf-8') for k in keys_list]) values_array = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(values_list))(*[v.encode('utf-8') for v in values_list]) map_data = StringMap(keys_array, values_array, len(keys_list)) # 8. Make the call to rust rust_result = rust_lib.process_geometry(vertices_ptr, len(vertices), indices_ptr, len(indices), map_data) print("python received: ", rust_result.geometry.vertex_count, "vertices") print("python received: ", rust_result.geometry.indices_count, "indices") # 9. Handle the results output_vertices = [(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z) for vec in (rust_result.geometry.vertices[i] for i in range(rust_result.geometry.vertex_count))] output_indices = [rust_result.geometry.indices[i] for i in range(rust_result.geometry.indices_count)] output_map = {} for i in range( key = ctypes.string_at([i]).decode('utf-8') value = ctypes.string_at([i]).decode('utf-8') output_map[key] = value print("python received: ", output_map) # 10. Free rust memory rust_lib.free_process_results(rust_result) # 11. try to close the .dylib so that it is "fresh" for the next invocation. # this does not seem to work anymore, though. It requires restart of blender to work ctypes_close_library(rust_lib) return output_vertices, output_indices, output_map def call_rust_direct(config, active_obj, expect_line_string=False): """ A simpler version of call_rust that only processes the active_object """ rust_lib = load_latest_dylib() active_obj_to_process = prepare_object_for_processing_direct(active_obj) vertices = [Vector3(,, for v in] vertices_ptr = (Vector3 * len(vertices))(*vertices) if expect_line_string: indices = [v for edge in for v in edge.vertices] else: indices = [vert_idx for face in for vert_idx in face.vertices] indices_ptr = (ctypes.c_size_t * len(indices))(*indices) keys_list = list(config.keys()) values_list = list(config.values()) keys_array = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(keys_list))(*[k.encode('utf-8') for k in keys_list]) values_array = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(values_list))(*[v.encode('utf-8') for v in values_list]) map_data = StringMap(keys_array, values_array, len(keys_list)) rust_result = rust_lib.process_geometry(vertices_ptr, len(vertices), indices_ptr, len(indices), map_data) output_vertices = [(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z) for vec in (rust_result.geometry.vertices[i] for i in range(rust_result.geometry.vertex_count))] output_indices = [rust_result.geometry.indices[i] for i in range(rust_result.geometry.indices_count)] output_map = {} for i in range( key = ctypes.string_at([i]).decode('utf-8') value = ctypes.string_at([i]).decode('utf-8') output_map[key] = value rust_lib.free_process_results(rust_result) ctypes_close_library(rust_lib) return output_vertices, output_indices, output_map def cleanup_duplicated_object(an_obj): """ Deletes the duplicated object if it exists. """ obj_name = if obj_name in obj =[obj_name] if obj: # print(f"Trying to delete {obj_name} which is linked to {len(obj.users_scene)} scenes") bpy.context.collection.objects.unlink(obj), do_unlink=True) bpy.context.view_layer.update() else: print("obj was None") else: print("obj_name was not found")