Copyright 2020-2022 The Electric Coin Company

This package ("Original Work") is licensed under the terms of the Bootstrap Open
Source License, version 1.0, or at your option, any later version ("BOSL"). See
the file ./LICENSE-BOSL for the terms of the Bootstrap Open Source Licence,
version 1.0.

Only if this Original Work is included as part of the distribution of one of the
following projects ("the Project"):

- The Zcash projects published by the Electric Coin Company,
- The Zebra project published by the Zcash Foundation,

then License is granted to use this package under the BOSL as modified by the
following clarification and special exception. This exception applies only to
the Original Work when linked or combined with the Project and not to the
Original Work when linked, combined, or included in or with any other software
or project or on a standalone basis.

    Under the terms of the BOSL, linking or combining this Original Work with
    the Project creates a Derivative Work based upon the Original Work and the
    terms of the BOSL thus apply to both the Original Work and that Derivative
    Work. As a special exception to the BOSL, and to allow this Original Work to
    be linked and combined with the Project without having to apply the BOSL to
    the other portions of the Project, you are granted permission to link or
    combine this Original Work with the Project and to copy and distribute the
    resulting work ("Resulting Work") under the open source license applicable
    to the Project ("Project License"), provided that any portions of this
    Original Work included in the Resulting Work remain subject to the BOSL. For
    clarity, you may continue to treat all other portions of the Project under
    the Project License, provided that you comply with the BOSL with respect to
    the Original Work. If you modify this Original Work, your version of the
    Original Work must remain under the BOSL. You may also extend this exception
    to your version, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
    do so, delete this exception statement from your version.