use ff::Field; use halo2_axiom as halo2_proofs; use halo2_proofs::{ circuit::{Cell, Layouter, Region, SimpleFloorPlanner, Value}, plonk::{Advice, Assigned, Circuit, Column, ConstraintSystem, Error, Fixed, TableColumn}, poly::Rotation, }; use halo2curves::pasta::Fp; use rand_core::OsRng; use std::marker::PhantomData; /// This represents an advice column at a certain row in the ConstraintSystem #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct Variable(Column, usize); #[derive(Clone)] struct PlonkConfig { a: Column, b: Column, c: Column, d: Column, e: Column, sa: Column, sb: Column, sc: Column, sm: Column, sl: TableColumn, } trait StandardCs { fn raw_multiply(&self, region: &mut Region, f: F) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Value<(Assigned, Assigned, Assigned)>; fn raw_add(&self, region: &mut Region, f: F) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Value<(Assigned, Assigned, Assigned)>; fn copy(&self, region: &mut Region, a: Cell, b: Cell) -> Result<(), Error>; fn lookup_table(&self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, values: &[FF]) -> Result<(), Error>; } struct MyCircuit { a: Value, lookup_table: Vec, } struct StandardPlonk { config: PlonkConfig, _marker: PhantomData, } impl StandardPlonk { fn new(config: PlonkConfig) -> Self { StandardPlonk { config, _marker: PhantomData, } } } impl StandardCs for StandardPlonk { fn raw_multiply( &self, region: &mut Region, mut f: F, ) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Value<(Assigned, Assigned, Assigned)>, { let mut value = None; let lhs = region.assign_advice( || "lhs", self.config.a, 0, || { value = Some(f()); value.unwrap().map(|v| v.0) }, )?; region.assign_advice( || "lhs^4", self.config.d, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.0).square().square(), )?; let rhs = region.assign_advice(|| "rhs", self.config.b, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.1))?; region.assign_advice( || "rhs^4", self.config.e, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.1).square().square(), )?; let out = region.assign_advice(|| "out", self.config.c, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.2))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ZERO))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "b",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ZERO))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "c",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ONE))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a * b",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ONE))?; Ok((lhs.cell(), rhs.cell(), out.cell())) } fn raw_add(&self, region: &mut Region, mut f: F) -> Result<(Cell, Cell, Cell), Error> where F: FnMut() -> Value<(Assigned, Assigned, Assigned)>, { let mut value = None; let lhs = region.assign_advice( || "lhs", self.config.a, 0, || { value = Some(f()); value.unwrap().map(|v| v.0) }, )?; region.assign_advice( || "lhs^4", self.config.d, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.0.square().square()), )?; let rhs = region.assign_advice(|| "rhs", self.config.b, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.1))?; region.assign_advice( || "rhs^4", self.config.e, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.1.square().square()), )?; let out = region.assign_advice(|| "out", self.config.c, 0, || value.unwrap().map(|v| v.2))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ONE))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "b",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ONE))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "c",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ONE))?; region.assign_fixed(|| "a * b",, 0, || Value::known(FF::ZERO))?; Ok((lhs.cell(), rhs.cell(), out.cell())) } fn copy(&self, region: &mut Region, left: Cell, right: Cell) -> Result<(), Error> { region.constrain_equal(left, right) } fn lookup_table(&self, layouter: &mut impl Layouter, values: &[FF]) -> Result<(), Error> { layouter.assign_table( || "", |mut table| { for (index, &value) in values.iter().enumerate() { table.assign_cell( || "table col",, index, || Value::known(value), )?; } Ok(()) }, )?; Ok(()) } } impl Circuit for MyCircuit { type Config = PlonkConfig; type FloorPlanner = SimpleFloorPlanner; #[cfg(feature = "circuit-params")] type Params = (); fn without_witnesses(&self) -> Self { Self { a: Value::unknown(), lookup_table: self.lookup_table.clone(), } } #[allow(clippy::many_single_char_names)] fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem) -> PlonkConfig { let e = meta.advice_column(); let a = meta.advice_column(); let b = meta.advice_column(); let sf = meta.fixed_column(); let c = meta.advice_column(); let d = meta.advice_column(); meta.enable_equality(a); meta.enable_equality(b); meta.enable_equality(c); let sm = meta.fixed_column(); let sa = meta.fixed_column(); let sb = meta.fixed_column(); let sc = meta.fixed_column(); let sl = meta.lookup_table_column(); /* * A B ... sl * [ * instance 0 ... 0 * a a ... 0 * a a^2 ... 0 * a a ... 0 * a a^2 ... 0 * ... ... ... ... * ... ... ... instance * ... ... ... a * ... ... ... a * ... ... ... 0 * ] */ meta.lookup("lookup", |meta| { let a_ = meta.query_any(a, Rotation::cur()); vec![(a_, sl)] }); meta.create_gate("Combined add-mult", |meta| { let d = meta.query_advice(d, Rotation::next()); let a = meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur()); let sf = meta.query_fixed(sf, Rotation::cur()); let e = meta.query_advice(e, Rotation::prev()); let b = meta.query_advice(b, Rotation::cur()); let c = meta.query_advice(c, Rotation::cur()); let sa = meta.query_fixed(sa, Rotation::cur()); let sb = meta.query_fixed(sb, Rotation::cur()); let sc = meta.query_fixed(sc, Rotation::cur()); let sm = meta.query_fixed(sm, Rotation::cur()); vec![a.clone() * sa + b.clone() * sb + a * b * sm - (c * sc) + sf * (d * e)] }); PlonkConfig { a, b, c, d, e, sa, sb, sc, sm, sl, } } fn synthesize(&self, config: PlonkConfig, mut layouter: impl Layouter) -> Result<(), Error> { let cs = StandardPlonk::new(config); for i in 0..10 { layouter.assign_region( || format!("region_{}", i), |mut region| { let a: Value> = self.a.into(); let mut a_squared = Value::unknown(); let (a0, _, c0) = cs.raw_multiply(&mut region, || { a_squared = a.square();|(a, a_squared)| (a, a, a_squared)) })?; let (a1, b1, _) = cs.raw_add(&mut region, || { let fin = a_squared + a; .zip(fin) .map(|((a, a_squared), fin)| (a, a_squared, fin)) })?; cs.copy(&mut region, a0, a1)?; cs.copy(&mut region, b1, c0) }, )?; } cs.lookup_table(&mut layouter, &self.lookup_table)?; Ok(()) } } // ANCHOR: dev-graph fn main() { // Prepare the circuit you want to render. // You don't need to include any witness variables. let a = Fp::random(OsRng); let instance = Fp::one() + Fp::one(); let lookup_table = vec![instance, a, a, Fp::zero()]; let circuit: MyCircuit = MyCircuit { a: Value::unknown(), lookup_table, }; // Create the area you want to draw on. // Use SVGBackend if you want to render to .svg instead. use plotters::prelude::*; let root = BitMapBackend::new("layout.png", (1024, 768)).into_drawing_area(); root.fill(&WHITE).unwrap(); let root = root .titled("Example Circuit Layout", ("sans-serif", 60)) .unwrap(); halo2_proofs::dev::CircuitLayout::default() // You can optionally render only a section of the circuit. .view_width(0..2) .view_height(0..16) // You can hide labels, which can be useful with smaller areas. .show_labels(false) // Render the circuit onto your area! // The first argument is the size parameter for the circuit. .render(5, &circuit, &root) .unwrap(); } // ANCHOR_END: dev-graph