doc: cargo doc --no-deps .PHONY: doc # Since the master branch is protected, the current workflow is to create a PR with the version changes, # and once the PR is merged, run the `make VERSION= release` to publish the new crates. release: ifndef VERSION $(error VERSION is not set. Run with `make VERSION= release`) endif ifeq (, $(shell cargo --list|grep release)) $(error "Please, install cargo-release in order to be able to use this rule") endif git pull cargo update git tag v$(VERSION) @TRACKING_BRANCH=$$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u} 2> /dev/null) ;\ if [ "$$TRACKING_BRANCH" == "" ]; then \ echo "Error: Current branch does not have an upstream tracking branch." ;\ exit 1 ;\ fi ;\ git push --tags $$(echo $$TRACKING_BRANCH | sed 's!/.*!!') v$(VERSION) cargo release publish --execute --verbose