# Console logging backend This is a logging implementation for [log](https://docs.rs/log/) that is designed for console programs. It is easy to configure, optionally integrates with [structopt](https://docs.rs/structopt/) for configuration, and can write log messages to `stderr` in concert with [indicatif](https://docs.rs/indicatif/) for coordinated logging and progress reporting. ## Example You can use this as follows: ```rust use log::*; use happylog::*; fn main() -> () { initialize(0).unwrap(); info!("info logging message"); } ``` ## Major Changes In 0.3, Happylog changed to use Fern instead of its own log target. It will eventually expose Fern dispatchers to allow for more thorough log configuration. It also no longer requires log guard objects; it maintains an internal `MultiProgress` and allows progress bars to be added to them. Code using happylog should usually not use `MultiProgress` directly. ## Acknowledgements Copyright © 2020–2022 Boise State University. Distributed under the MIT License; see LICENSE.md. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIS 17-51278. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.