// @generated by protoc-gen-es v1.3.1 with parameter "target=ts" // @generated from file cosmos/base/query/v1beta1/pagination.proto (package cosmos.base.query.v1beta1, syntax proto3) /* eslint-disable */ // @ts-nocheck import type { BinaryReadOptions, FieldList, JsonReadOptions, JsonValue, PartialMessage, PlainMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf"; import { Message, proto3, protoInt64 } from "@bufbuild/protobuf"; /** * PageRequest is to be embedded in gRPC request messages for efficient * pagination. Ex: * * message SomeRequest { * Foo some_parameter = 1; * PageRequest pagination = 2; * } * * @generated from message cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest */ export class PageRequest extends Message { /** * key is a value returned in PageResponse.next_key to begin * querying the next page most efficiently. Only one of offset or key * should be set. * * @generated from field: bytes key = 1; */ key = new Uint8Array(0); /** * offset is a numeric offset that can be used when key is unavailable. * It is less efficient than using key. Only one of offset or key should * be set. * * @generated from field: uint64 offset = 2; */ offset = protoInt64.zero; /** * limit is the total number of results to be returned in the result page. * If left empty it will default to a value to be set by each app. * * @generated from field: uint64 limit = 3; */ limit = protoInt64.zero; /** * count_total is set to true to indicate that the result set should include * a count of the total number of items available for pagination in UIs. * count_total is only respected when offset is used. It is ignored when key * is set. * * @generated from field: bool count_total = 4; */ countTotal = false; /** * reverse is set to true if results are to be returned in the descending order. * * Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43 * * @generated from field: bool reverse = 5; */ reverse = false; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "key", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 2, name: "offset", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 3, name: "limit", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 4, name: "count_total", kind: "scalar", T: 8 /* ScalarType.BOOL */ }, { no: 5, name: "reverse", kind: "scalar", T: 8 /* ScalarType.BOOL */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): PageRequest { return new PageRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): PageRequest { return new PageRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): PageRequest { return new PageRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: PageRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: PageRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(PageRequest, a, b); } } /** * PageResponse is to be embedded in gRPC response messages where the * corresponding request message has used PageRequest. * * message SomeResponse { * repeated Bar results = 1; * PageResponse page = 2; * } * * @generated from message cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse */ export class PageResponse extends Message { /** * next_key is the key to be passed to PageRequest.key to * query the next page most efficiently. It will be empty if * there are no more results. * * @generated from field: bytes next_key = 1; */ nextKey = new Uint8Array(0); /** * total is total number of results available if PageRequest.count_total * was set, its value is undefined otherwise * * @generated from field: uint64 total = 2; */ total = protoInt64.zero; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "next_key", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 2, name: "total", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): PageResponse { return new PageResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): PageResponse { return new PageResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): PageResponse { return new PageResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: PageResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: PageResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(PageResponse, a, b); } }