// @generated by protoc-gen-es v1.3.1 with parameter "target=ts" // @generated from file cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/query.proto (package cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1, syntax proto3) /* eslint-disable */ // @ts-nocheck import type { BinaryReadOptions, FieldList, JsonReadOptions, JsonValue, PartialMessage, PlainMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf"; import { Any, Message, proto3, protoInt64 } from "@bufbuild/protobuf"; import { PageRequest, PageResponse } from "../../query/v1beta1/pagination_pb.js"; import { BlockID } from "../../../../tendermint/types/types_pb.js"; import { Block } from "../../../../tendermint/types/block_pb.js"; import { Block as Block$1 } from "./types_pb.js"; import { DefaultNodeInfo } from "../../../../tendermint/p2p/types_pb.js"; /** * GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest is the request type for the Query/GetValidatorSetByHeight RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest */ export class GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest extends Message { /** * @generated from field: int64 height = 1; */ height = protoInt64.zero; /** * pagination defines an pagination for the request. * * @generated from field: cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 2; */ pagination?: PageRequest; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "height", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, { no: 2, name: "pagination", kind: "message", T: PageRequest }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest { return new GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest { return new GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest { return new GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetValidatorSetByHeightRequest, a, b); } } /** * GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse is the response type for the Query/GetValidatorSetByHeight RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse */ export class GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse extends Message { /** * @generated from field: int64 block_height = 1; */ blockHeight = protoInt64.zero; /** * @generated from field: repeated cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Validator validators = 2; */ validators: Validator[] = []; /** * pagination defines an pagination for the response. * * @generated from field: cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 3; */ pagination?: PageResponse; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "block_height", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, { no: 2, name: "validators", kind: "message", T: Validator, repeated: true }, { no: 3, name: "pagination", kind: "message", T: PageResponse }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse { return new GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse { return new GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse { return new GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetValidatorSetByHeightResponse, a, b); } } /** * GetLatestValidatorSetRequest is the request type for the Query/GetValidatorSetByHeight RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestValidatorSetRequest */ export class GetLatestValidatorSetRequest extends Message { /** * pagination defines an pagination for the request. * * @generated from field: cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 1; */ pagination?: PageRequest; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestValidatorSetRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "pagination", kind: "message", T: PageRequest }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetLatestValidatorSetRequest { return new GetLatestValidatorSetRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetLatestValidatorSetRequest { return new GetLatestValidatorSetRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetLatestValidatorSetRequest { return new GetLatestValidatorSetRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetLatestValidatorSetRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetLatestValidatorSetRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetLatestValidatorSetRequest, a, b); } } /** * GetLatestValidatorSetResponse is the response type for the Query/GetValidatorSetByHeight RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestValidatorSetResponse */ export class GetLatestValidatorSetResponse extends Message { /** * @generated from field: int64 block_height = 1; */ blockHeight = protoInt64.zero; /** * @generated from field: repeated cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Validator validators = 2; */ validators: Validator[] = []; /** * pagination defines an pagination for the response. * * @generated from field: cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 3; */ pagination?: PageResponse; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestValidatorSetResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "block_height", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, { no: 2, name: "validators", kind: "message", T: Validator, repeated: true }, { no: 3, name: "pagination", kind: "message", T: PageResponse }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetLatestValidatorSetResponse { return new GetLatestValidatorSetResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetLatestValidatorSetResponse { return new GetLatestValidatorSetResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetLatestValidatorSetResponse { return new GetLatestValidatorSetResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetLatestValidatorSetResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetLatestValidatorSetResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetLatestValidatorSetResponse, a, b); } } /** * Validator is the type for the validator-set. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Validator */ export class Validator extends Message { /** * @generated from field: string address = 1; */ address = ""; /** * @generated from field: google.protobuf.Any pub_key = 2; */ pubKey?: Any; /** * @generated from field: int64 voting_power = 3; */ votingPower = protoInt64.zero; /** * @generated from field: int64 proposer_priority = 4; */ proposerPriority = protoInt64.zero; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Validator"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "address", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "pub_key", kind: "message", T: Any }, { no: 3, name: "voting_power", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, { no: 4, name: "proposer_priority", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): Validator { return new Validator().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): Validator { return new Validator().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): Validator { return new Validator().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: Validator | PlainMessage | undefined, b: Validator | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(Validator, a, b); } } /** * GetBlockByHeightRequest is the request type for the Query/GetBlockByHeight RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetBlockByHeightRequest */ export class GetBlockByHeightRequest extends Message { /** * @generated from field: int64 height = 1; */ height = protoInt64.zero; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetBlockByHeightRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "height", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetBlockByHeightRequest { return new GetBlockByHeightRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetBlockByHeightRequest { return new GetBlockByHeightRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetBlockByHeightRequest { return new GetBlockByHeightRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetBlockByHeightRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetBlockByHeightRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetBlockByHeightRequest, a, b); } } /** * GetBlockByHeightResponse is the response type for the Query/GetBlockByHeight RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetBlockByHeightResponse */ export class GetBlockByHeightResponse extends Message { /** * @generated from field: tendermint.types.BlockID block_id = 1; */ blockId?: BlockID; /** * Deprecated: please use `sdk_block` instead * * @generated from field: tendermint.types.Block block = 2; */ block?: Block; /** * Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 * * @generated from field: cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Block sdk_block = 3; */ sdkBlock?: Block$1; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetBlockByHeightResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "block_id", kind: "message", T: BlockID }, { no: 2, name: "block", kind: "message", T: Block }, { no: 3, name: "sdk_block", kind: "message", T: Block$1 }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetBlockByHeightResponse { return new GetBlockByHeightResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetBlockByHeightResponse { return new GetBlockByHeightResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetBlockByHeightResponse { return new GetBlockByHeightResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetBlockByHeightResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetBlockByHeightResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetBlockByHeightResponse, a, b); } } /** * GetLatestBlockRequest is the request type for the Query/GetLatestBlock RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestBlockRequest */ export class GetLatestBlockRequest extends Message { constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestBlockRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetLatestBlockRequest { return new GetLatestBlockRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetLatestBlockRequest { return new GetLatestBlockRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetLatestBlockRequest { return new GetLatestBlockRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetLatestBlockRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetLatestBlockRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetLatestBlockRequest, a, b); } } /** * GetLatestBlockResponse is the response type for the Query/GetLatestBlock RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestBlockResponse */ export class GetLatestBlockResponse extends Message { /** * @generated from field: tendermint.types.BlockID block_id = 1; */ blockId?: BlockID; /** * Deprecated: please use `sdk_block` instead * * @generated from field: tendermint.types.Block block = 2; */ block?: Block; /** * Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 * * @generated from field: cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Block sdk_block = 3; */ sdkBlock?: Block$1; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetLatestBlockResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "block_id", kind: "message", T: BlockID }, { no: 2, name: "block", kind: "message", T: Block }, { no: 3, name: "sdk_block", kind: "message", T: Block$1 }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetLatestBlockResponse { return new GetLatestBlockResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetLatestBlockResponse { return new GetLatestBlockResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetLatestBlockResponse { return new GetLatestBlockResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetLatestBlockResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetLatestBlockResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetLatestBlockResponse, a, b); } } /** * GetSyncingRequest is the request type for the Query/GetSyncing RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetSyncingRequest */ export class GetSyncingRequest extends Message { constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetSyncingRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetSyncingRequest { return new GetSyncingRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetSyncingRequest { return new GetSyncingRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetSyncingRequest { return new GetSyncingRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetSyncingRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetSyncingRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetSyncingRequest, a, b); } } /** * GetSyncingResponse is the response type for the Query/GetSyncing RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetSyncingResponse */ export class GetSyncingResponse extends Message { /** * @generated from field: bool syncing = 1; */ syncing = false; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetSyncingResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "syncing", kind: "scalar", T: 8 /* ScalarType.BOOL */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetSyncingResponse { return new GetSyncingResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetSyncingResponse { return new GetSyncingResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetSyncingResponse { return new GetSyncingResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetSyncingResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetSyncingResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetSyncingResponse, a, b); } } /** * GetNodeInfoRequest is the request type for the Query/GetNodeInfo RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetNodeInfoRequest */ export class GetNodeInfoRequest extends Message { constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetNodeInfoRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetNodeInfoRequest { return new GetNodeInfoRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetNodeInfoRequest { return new GetNodeInfoRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetNodeInfoRequest { return new GetNodeInfoRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetNodeInfoRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetNodeInfoRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetNodeInfoRequest, a, b); } } /** * GetNodeInfoResponse is the response type for the Query/GetNodeInfo RPC method. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetNodeInfoResponse */ export class GetNodeInfoResponse extends Message { /** * @generated from field: tendermint.p2p.DefaultNodeInfo default_node_info = 1; */ defaultNodeInfo?: DefaultNodeInfo; /** * @generated from field: cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.VersionInfo application_version = 2; */ applicationVersion?: VersionInfo; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.GetNodeInfoResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "default_node_info", kind: "message", T: DefaultNodeInfo }, { no: 2, name: "application_version", kind: "message", T: VersionInfo }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): GetNodeInfoResponse { return new GetNodeInfoResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): GetNodeInfoResponse { return new GetNodeInfoResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): GetNodeInfoResponse { return new GetNodeInfoResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: GetNodeInfoResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: GetNodeInfoResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(GetNodeInfoResponse, a, b); } } /** * VersionInfo is the type for the GetNodeInfoResponse message. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.VersionInfo */ export class VersionInfo extends Message { /** * @generated from field: string name = 1; */ name = ""; /** * @generated from field: string app_name = 2; */ appName = ""; /** * @generated from field: string version = 3; */ version = ""; /** * @generated from field: string git_commit = 4; */ gitCommit = ""; /** * @generated from field: string build_tags = 5; */ buildTags = ""; /** * @generated from field: string go_version = 6; */ goVersion = ""; /** * @generated from field: repeated cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Module build_deps = 7; */ buildDeps: Module[] = []; /** * Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43 * * @generated from field: string cosmos_sdk_version = 8; */ cosmosSdkVersion = ""; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.VersionInfo"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "name", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "app_name", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 3, name: "version", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 4, name: "git_commit", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 5, name: "build_tags", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 6, name: "go_version", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 7, name: "build_deps", kind: "message", T: Module, repeated: true }, { no: 8, name: "cosmos_sdk_version", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): VersionInfo { return new VersionInfo().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): VersionInfo { return new VersionInfo().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): VersionInfo { return new VersionInfo().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: VersionInfo | PlainMessage | undefined, b: VersionInfo | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(VersionInfo, a, b); } } /** * Module is the type for VersionInfo * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Module */ export class Module extends Message { /** * module path * * @generated from field: string path = 1; */ path = ""; /** * module version * * @generated from field: string version = 2; */ version = ""; /** * checksum * * @generated from field: string sum = 3; */ sum = ""; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Module"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "path", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "version", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 3, name: "sum", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): Module { return new Module().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): Module { return new Module().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): Module { return new Module().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: Module | PlainMessage | undefined, b: Module | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(Module, a, b); } } /** * ABCIQueryRequest defines the request structure for the ABCIQuery gRPC query. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ABCIQueryRequest */ export class ABCIQueryRequest extends Message { /** * @generated from field: bytes data = 1; */ data = new Uint8Array(0); /** * @generated from field: string path = 2; */ path = ""; /** * @generated from field: int64 height = 3; */ height = protoInt64.zero; /** * @generated from field: bool prove = 4; */ prove = false; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ABCIQueryRequest"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "data", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 2, name: "path", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 3, name: "height", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, { no: 4, name: "prove", kind: "scalar", T: 8 /* ScalarType.BOOL */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): ABCIQueryRequest { return new ABCIQueryRequest().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): ABCIQueryRequest { return new ABCIQueryRequest().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): ABCIQueryRequest { return new ABCIQueryRequest().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: ABCIQueryRequest | PlainMessage | undefined, b: ABCIQueryRequest | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(ABCIQueryRequest, a, b); } } /** * ABCIQueryResponse defines the response structure for the ABCIQuery gRPC query. * * Note: This type is a duplicate of the ResponseQuery proto type defined in * Tendermint. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ABCIQueryResponse */ export class ABCIQueryResponse extends Message { /** * @generated from field: uint32 code = 1; */ code = 0; /** * nondeterministic * * @generated from field: string log = 3; */ log = ""; /** * nondeterministic * * @generated from field: string info = 4; */ info = ""; /** * @generated from field: int64 index = 5; */ index = protoInt64.zero; /** * @generated from field: bytes key = 6; */ key = new Uint8Array(0); /** * @generated from field: bytes value = 7; */ value = new Uint8Array(0); /** * @generated from field: cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ProofOps proof_ops = 8; */ proofOps?: ProofOps; /** * @generated from field: int64 height = 9; */ height = protoInt64.zero; /** * @generated from field: string codespace = 10; */ codespace = ""; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ABCIQueryResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "code", kind: "scalar", T: 13 /* ScalarType.UINT32 */ }, { no: 3, name: "log", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 4, name: "info", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 5, name: "index", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, { no: 6, name: "key", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 7, name: "value", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 8, name: "proof_ops", kind: "message", T: ProofOps }, { no: 9, name: "height", kind: "scalar", T: 3 /* ScalarType.INT64 */ }, { no: 10, name: "codespace", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): ABCIQueryResponse { return new ABCIQueryResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): ABCIQueryResponse { return new ABCIQueryResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): ABCIQueryResponse { return new ABCIQueryResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: ABCIQueryResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: ABCIQueryResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(ABCIQueryResponse, a, b); } } /** * ProofOp defines an operation used for calculating Merkle root. The data could * be arbitrary format, providing necessary data for example neighbouring node * hash. * * Note: This type is a duplicate of the ProofOp proto type defined in Tendermint. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ProofOp */ export class ProofOp extends Message { /** * @generated from field: string type = 1; */ type = ""; /** * @generated from field: bytes key = 2; */ key = new Uint8Array(0); /** * @generated from field: bytes data = 3; */ data = new Uint8Array(0); constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ProofOp"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "type", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "key", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 3, name: "data", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): ProofOp { return new ProofOp().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): ProofOp { return new ProofOp().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): ProofOp { return new ProofOp().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: ProofOp | PlainMessage | undefined, b: ProofOp | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(ProofOp, a, b); } } /** * ProofOps is Merkle proof defined by the list of ProofOps. * * Note: This type is a duplicate of the ProofOps proto type defined in Tendermint. * * @generated from message cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ProofOps */ export class ProofOps extends Message { /** * @generated from field: repeated cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ProofOp ops = 1; */ ops: ProofOp[] = []; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ProofOps"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "ops", kind: "message", T: ProofOp, repeated: true }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): ProofOps { return new ProofOps().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): ProofOps { return new ProofOps().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): ProofOps { return new ProofOps().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: ProofOps | PlainMessage | undefined, b: ProofOps | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(ProofOps, a, b); } }