// @generated by protoc-gen-connect-es v1.1.3 with parameter "target=ts" // @generated from file cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/tx.proto (package cosmos.slashing.v1beta1, syntax proto3) /* eslint-disable */ // @ts-nocheck import { MsgUnjail, MsgUnjailResponse, MsgUpdateParams, MsgUpdateParamsResponse } from "./tx_pb.js"; import { MethodKind } from "@bufbuild/protobuf"; /** * Msg defines the slashing Msg service. * * @generated from service cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.Msg */ export const Msg = { typeName: "cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.Msg", methods: { /** * Unjail defines a method for unjailing a jailed validator, thus returning * them into the bonded validator set, so they can begin receiving provisions * and rewards again. * * @generated from rpc cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.Msg.Unjail */ unjail: { name: "Unjail", I: MsgUnjail, O: MsgUnjailResponse, kind: MethodKind.Unary, }, /** * UpdateParams defines a governance operation for updating the x/slashing module * parameters. The authority defaults to the x/gov module account. * * Since: cosmos-sdk 0.47 * * @generated from rpc cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.Msg.UpdateParams */ updateParams: { name: "UpdateParams", I: MsgUpdateParams, O: MsgUpdateParamsResponse, kind: MethodKind.Unary, }, } } as const;