// @generated by protoc-gen-es v1.3.1 with parameter "target=ts" // @generated from file ethermint/evm/v1/tx.proto (package ethermint.evm.v1, syntax proto3) /* eslint-disable */ // @ts-nocheck import type { BinaryReadOptions, FieldList, JsonReadOptions, JsonValue, PartialMessage, PlainMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf"; import { Any, Message, proto3, protoInt64 } from "@bufbuild/protobuf"; import { AccessTuple, Log, Params } from "./evm_pb.js"; /** * MsgEthereumTx encapsulates an Ethereum transaction as an SDK message. * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTx */ export class MsgEthereumTx extends Message { /** * data is inner transaction data of the Ethereum transaction * * @generated from field: google.protobuf.Any data = 1; */ data?: Any; /** * size is the encoded storage size of the transaction (DEPRECATED) * * @generated from field: double size = 2; */ size = 0; /** * hash of the transaction in hex format * * @generated from field: string hash = 3; */ hash = ""; /** * from is the ethereum signer address in hex format. This address value is * checked against the address derived from the signature (V, R, S) using the * secp256k1 elliptic curve * * @generated from field: string from = 4; */ from = ""; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTx"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "data", kind: "message", T: Any }, { no: 2, name: "size", kind: "scalar", T: 1 /* ScalarType.DOUBLE */ }, { no: 3, name: "hash", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 4, name: "from", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): MsgEthereumTx { return new MsgEthereumTx().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): MsgEthereumTx { return new MsgEthereumTx().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): MsgEthereumTx { return new MsgEthereumTx().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: MsgEthereumTx | PlainMessage | undefined, b: MsgEthereumTx | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(MsgEthereumTx, a, b); } } /** * LegacyTx is the transaction data of regular Ethereum transactions. * NOTE: All non-protected transactions (i.e non EIP155 signed) will fail if the * AllowUnprotectedTxs parameter is disabled. * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.LegacyTx */ export class LegacyTx extends Message { /** * nonce corresponds to the account nonce (transaction sequence). * * @generated from field: uint64 nonce = 1; */ nonce = protoInt64.zero; /** * gas_price defines the value for each gas unit * * @generated from field: string gas_price = 2; */ gasPrice = ""; /** * gas defines the gas limit defined for the transaction. * * @generated from field: uint64 gas = 3; */ gas = protoInt64.zero; /** * to is the hex formatted address of the recipient * * @generated from field: string to = 4; */ to = ""; /** * value defines the unsigned integer value of the transaction amount. * * @generated from field: string value = 5; */ value = ""; /** * data is the data payload bytes of the transaction. * * @generated from field: bytes data = 6; */ data = new Uint8Array(0); /** * v defines the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes v = 7; */ v = new Uint8Array(0); /** * r defines the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes r = 8; */ r = new Uint8Array(0); /** * s define the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes s = 9; */ s = new Uint8Array(0); constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.LegacyTx"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "nonce", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 2, name: "gas_price", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 3, name: "gas", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 4, name: "to", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 5, name: "value", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 6, name: "data", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 7, name: "v", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 8, name: "r", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 9, name: "s", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): LegacyTx { return new LegacyTx().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): LegacyTx { return new LegacyTx().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): LegacyTx { return new LegacyTx().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: LegacyTx | PlainMessage | undefined, b: LegacyTx | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(LegacyTx, a, b); } } /** * AccessListTx is the data of EIP-2930 access list transactions. * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.AccessListTx */ export class AccessListTx extends Message { /** * chain_id of the destination EVM chain * * @generated from field: string chain_id = 1; */ chainId = ""; /** * nonce corresponds to the account nonce (transaction sequence). * * @generated from field: uint64 nonce = 2; */ nonce = protoInt64.zero; /** * gas_price defines the value for each gas unit * * @generated from field: string gas_price = 3; */ gasPrice = ""; /** * gas defines the gas limit defined for the transaction. * * @generated from field: uint64 gas = 4; */ gas = protoInt64.zero; /** * to is the recipient address in hex format * * @generated from field: string to = 5; */ to = ""; /** * value defines the unsigned integer value of the transaction amount. * * @generated from field: string value = 6; */ value = ""; /** * data is the data payload bytes of the transaction. * * @generated from field: bytes data = 7; */ data = new Uint8Array(0); /** * accesses is an array of access tuples * * @generated from field: repeated ethermint.evm.v1.AccessTuple accesses = 8; */ accesses: AccessTuple[] = []; /** * v defines the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes v = 9; */ v = new Uint8Array(0); /** * r defines the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes r = 10; */ r = new Uint8Array(0); /** * s define the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes s = 11; */ s = new Uint8Array(0); constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.AccessListTx"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "chain_id", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "nonce", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 3, name: "gas_price", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 4, name: "gas", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 5, name: "to", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 6, name: "value", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 7, name: "data", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 8, name: "accesses", kind: "message", T: AccessTuple, repeated: true }, { no: 9, name: "v", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 10, name: "r", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 11, name: "s", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): AccessListTx { return new AccessListTx().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): AccessListTx { return new AccessListTx().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): AccessListTx { return new AccessListTx().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: AccessListTx | PlainMessage | undefined, b: AccessListTx | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(AccessListTx, a, b); } } /** * DynamicFeeTx is the data of EIP-1559 dinamic fee transactions. * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.DynamicFeeTx */ export class DynamicFeeTx extends Message { /** * chain_id of the destination EVM chain * * @generated from field: string chain_id = 1; */ chainId = ""; /** * nonce corresponds to the account nonce (transaction sequence). * * @generated from field: uint64 nonce = 2; */ nonce = protoInt64.zero; /** * gas_tip_cap defines the max value for the gas tip * * @generated from field: string gas_tip_cap = 3; */ gasTipCap = ""; /** * gas_fee_cap defines the max value for the gas fee * * @generated from field: string gas_fee_cap = 4; */ gasFeeCap = ""; /** * gas defines the gas limit defined for the transaction. * * @generated from field: uint64 gas = 5; */ gas = protoInt64.zero; /** * to is the hex formatted address of the recipient * * @generated from field: string to = 6; */ to = ""; /** * value defines the the transaction amount. * * @generated from field: string value = 7; */ value = ""; /** * data is the data payload bytes of the transaction. * * @generated from field: bytes data = 8; */ data = new Uint8Array(0); /** * accesses is an array of access tuples * * @generated from field: repeated ethermint.evm.v1.AccessTuple accesses = 9; */ accesses: AccessTuple[] = []; /** * v defines the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes v = 10; */ v = new Uint8Array(0); /** * r defines the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes r = 11; */ r = new Uint8Array(0); /** * s define the signature value * * @generated from field: bytes s = 12; */ s = new Uint8Array(0); constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.DynamicFeeTx"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "chain_id", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "nonce", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 3, name: "gas_tip_cap", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 4, name: "gas_fee_cap", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 5, name: "gas", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, { no: 6, name: "to", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 7, name: "value", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 8, name: "data", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 9, name: "accesses", kind: "message", T: AccessTuple, repeated: true }, { no: 10, name: "v", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 11, name: "r", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 12, name: "s", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): DynamicFeeTx { return new DynamicFeeTx().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): DynamicFeeTx { return new DynamicFeeTx().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): DynamicFeeTx { return new DynamicFeeTx().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: DynamicFeeTx | PlainMessage | undefined, b: DynamicFeeTx | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(DynamicFeeTx, a, b); } } /** * ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx is an extension option for ethereum transactions * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx */ export class ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx extends Message { constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx { return new ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx { return new ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx { return new ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx | PlainMessage | undefined, b: ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(ExtensionOptionsEthereumTx, a, b); } } /** * MsgEthereumTxResponse defines the Msg/EthereumTx response type. * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTxResponse */ export class MsgEthereumTxResponse extends Message { /** * hash of the ethereum transaction in hex format. This hash differs from the * Tendermint sha256 hash of the transaction bytes. See * https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/6539 for reference * * @generated from field: string hash = 1; */ hash = ""; /** * logs contains the transaction hash and the proto-compatible ethereum * logs. * * @generated from field: repeated ethermint.evm.v1.Log logs = 2; */ logs: Log[] = []; /** * ret is the returned data from evm function (result or data supplied with * revert opcode) * * @generated from field: bytes ret = 3; */ ret = new Uint8Array(0); /** * vm_error is the error returned by vm execution * * @generated from field: string vm_error = 4; */ vmError = ""; /** * gas_used specifies how much gas was consumed by the transaction * * @generated from field: uint64 gas_used = 5; */ gasUsed = protoInt64.zero; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.MsgEthereumTxResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "hash", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "logs", kind: "message", T: Log, repeated: true }, { no: 3, name: "ret", kind: "scalar", T: 12 /* ScalarType.BYTES */ }, { no: 4, name: "vm_error", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 5, name: "gas_used", kind: "scalar", T: 4 /* ScalarType.UINT64 */ }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): MsgEthereumTxResponse { return new MsgEthereumTxResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): MsgEthereumTxResponse { return new MsgEthereumTxResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): MsgEthereumTxResponse { return new MsgEthereumTxResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: MsgEthereumTxResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: MsgEthereumTxResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(MsgEthereumTxResponse, a, b); } } /** * MsgUpdateParams defines a Msg for updating the x/evm module parameters. * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.MsgUpdateParams */ export class MsgUpdateParams extends Message { /** * authority is the address of the governance account. * * @generated from field: string authority = 1; */ authority = ""; /** * params defines the x/evm parameters to update. * NOTE: All parameters must be supplied. * * @generated from field: ethermint.evm.v1.Params params = 2; */ params?: Params; constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.MsgUpdateParams"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "authority", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "params", kind: "message", T: Params }, ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): MsgUpdateParams { return new MsgUpdateParams().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): MsgUpdateParams { return new MsgUpdateParams().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): MsgUpdateParams { return new MsgUpdateParams().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: MsgUpdateParams | PlainMessage | undefined, b: MsgUpdateParams | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(MsgUpdateParams, a, b); } } /** * MsgUpdateParamsResponse defines the response structure for executing a * MsgUpdateParams message. * * @generated from message ethermint.evm.v1.MsgUpdateParamsResponse */ export class MsgUpdateParamsResponse extends Message { constructor(data?: PartialMessage) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "ethermint.evm.v1.MsgUpdateParamsResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ ]); static fromBinary(bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial): MsgUpdateParamsResponse { return new MsgUpdateParamsResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson(jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial): MsgUpdateParamsResponse { return new MsgUpdateParamsResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString(jsonString: string, options?: Partial): MsgUpdateParamsResponse { return new MsgUpdateParamsResponse().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals(a: MsgUpdateParamsResponse | PlainMessage | undefined, b: MsgUpdateParamsResponse | PlainMessage | undefined): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(MsgUpdateParamsResponse, a, b); } }