## v0.8.1 (2024-10-15) ## v0.8.0 (2023-01-08) ## v0.7.1 (2021-10-18) #### Chores * Remove unused dep ([fd10256a](fd10256a)) * Manually patch the changelog ([d9dd610e](d9dd610e)) #### Bug Fixes * Make some fields optional (#22) ([ccdcfca4](ccdcfca4)) #### Documentation * Clarify library usage/documentation ([21f6a917](21f6a917)) ## v0.7.0 (2021-03-02) #### Documentation * Bump version in README ([3516ab8d](3516ab8d)) #### Refactorings * Switch to using thiserror ([d162c8ba](d162c8ba)) #### Breaking Changes * Switch to using thiserror ([d162c8ba](d162c8ba)) #### Chores * Bump deps ([a76b71be](a76b71be)) #### Continuous Integrations * Add cache restore keys ([dfabe51b](dfabe51b)) * Disable continuous delivery for now ([043dbd72](043dbd72)) ## v0.6.1 (2020-10-13) #### Bug Fixes * Revert "Check in lockfile" (#16) ([0c5ed643](0c5ed643)) #### Continuous Integrations * Explicitly set semantic-rs modes ([10cc3d2d](10cc3d2d)) ## v0.6.0 (2020-10-13) #### Continuous Integrations * Set up GitHub Actions V2 (#15) ([da5dd0be](da5dd0be)) * Switch to mandrean/semantic-rs fork ([c16c53aa](c16c53aa)) #### Refactorings * Remove url_serde ([7b28586c](7b28586c)) * Use serde_with to remove repetitive annotations ([e18e6bb8](e18e6bb8)) * Make postData.text optional ([c877f81b](c877f81b)) * Remove _charlesStatus residues ([b36733f4](b36733f4)) #### Documentation * Bump version in README ([d02f4cfc](d02f4cfc)) #### Breaking Changes * Make postData.text optional ([c877f81b](c877f81b)) * Remove _charlesStatus residues ([b36733f4](b36733f4)) #### Tests * Fix regression in fixtures ([6e884adc](6e884adc)) #### Chores * Remove deprecated badges section ([004dfc6b](004dfc6b)) * Check in lockfile ([945247b4](945247b4)) * Bump dependencies ([46f1fb00](46f1fb00)) ## v0.5.0 (2020-05-04) #### Bug Fixes * Port HAR v1.2 fp metrics fixes to HAR v1.3 (#12) ([5c60c183](5c60c183)) #### Breaking Changes * Port HAR v1.2 fp metrics fixes to HAR v1.3 (#12) ([5c60c183](5c60c183)) ## v0.4.0 (2020-05-04) #### Breaking Changes * Allow floating point number in timing metrics (#8) ([4773e5ea](4773e5ea)) #### Documentation * Generate new changelog for v0.3.0 using custom Clog config ([60feb71a](60feb71a)) #### Refactorings * Allow floating point number in timing metrics (#8) ([4773e5ea](4773e5ea)) #### Builds * Add Clog config ([b1ac66a3](b1ac66a3)) ## v0.3.0 (2019-05-09) #### Builds * Add Clog config ([b1ac66a3](b1ac66a3)) #### Continuous Integrations * Set CI envvar to true ([392bce6b](392bce6b)) #### Chores * Allow deprecated error_chain ([c52b3c9d](c52b3c9d)) * Bump glob dev dependency ([af20707f](af20707f)) #### Documentation * Bump version in README ([b7423f91](b7423f91)) ## v0.2.0 (2019-02-14) #### Features * Support HAR v1.3 proposal (#5) ([3d7c529b](3d7c529b)) ## v0.1.0 (2018-11-16) #### Features * Create library (#1) ([216c5f5e](216c5f5e))