const ALL_SERVICES: [&str; 9] = [ "chat", "auth", "profile", "emote", "harmonytypes", "voice", "sync", "mediaproxy", "batch", ]; fn main() { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut builder = hrpc_build::configure(); let mut protos = Vec::with_capacity(12); #[cfg(feature = "gen_harmonytypes")] protos.push("harmonytypes/v1/types.proto"); #[cfg(feature = "gen_auth")] protos.push("auth/v1/auth.proto"); #[cfg(feature = "gen_mediaproxy")] protos.push("mediaproxy/v1/mediaproxy.proto"); #[cfg(feature = "gen_chat")] { let mut chat_protos = vec![ "chat/v1/chat.proto", "chat/v1/messages.proto", "chat/v1/channels.proto", "chat/v1/guilds.proto", "chat/v1/permissions.proto", "chat/v1/stream.proto", ]; protos.append(&mut chat_protos); } #[cfg(feature = "gen_voice")] protos.push("voice/v1/voice.proto"); #[cfg(feature = "gen_sync")] protos.push("sync/v1/sync.proto"); #[cfg(feature = "gen_batch")] protos.push("batch/v1/batch.proto"); #[cfg(feature = "gen_profile")] protos.push("profile/v1/profile.proto"); #[cfg(feature = "gen_emote")] protos.push("emote/v1/emote.proto"); if cfg!(feature = "_client_common") { let add_impl_call_req = |builder: hrpc_build::Builder, service: &str| { builder.type_attribute( format!(".protocol.{}.v1", service), format!("#[harmony_derive::impl_call_req({})]", service), ) }; for service in ALL_SERVICES .iter() .filter(|a| !["harmonytypes", "sync"].contains(a)) { builder = add_impl_call_req(builder, service); } } builder = builder.type_attribute(".", "#[harmony_derive::self_builder_with_new]"); if cfg!(feature = "rkyv") { for service in ALL_SERVICES.iter().filter(|a| "batch".ne(**a)) { builder = builder.type_attribute( format!(".protocol.{}.v1", service), "#[derive(rkyv::Archive, rkyv::Serialize, rkyv::Deserialize)]", ); } } let protocol_path = std::env::var("HARMONY_PROTOCOL_PATH").unwrap_or_else(|_| "protocol".to_string()); let stable_protos_path = format!("{}/stable", protocol_path); let staging_protos_path = format!("{}/staging", protocol_path); let mut conf = prost_build::Config::new(); conf.bytes(&[".protocol.batch.v1"]); builder.compile_with_config(conf, &protos, &[stable_protos_path.as_str(), staging_protos_path.as_str()]).expect( "\nProtobuf code generation failed! Are you sure you have `protoc` installed?\nIf so, please also set the PROTOC and PROTOC_INCLUDE as mentioned in the README.\nError", ); #[cfg(any(feature = "gen_chat", feature = "gen_harmonytypes"))] let out_dir = std::path::PathBuf::from( std::env::var_os("OUT_DIR") .expect("Failed to get OUT_DIR! Something must be horribly wrong."), ); #[cfg(feature = "gen_chat")] { // Patch chat message event // We patch these because of enum variant size differences, since they will be sent more than any other // event (its a realtime chat platform, so) this should help. let chat_gen_path = out_dir.join(""); let chat_gen = std::fs::read_to_string(&chat_gen_path).expect("Failed to read from chat service generated code, are you sure you have correct permissions?"); let mut patched_chat_gen = chat_gen.replace( "SentMessage(MessageSent),", "SentMessage(Box),", ); patched_chat_gen = patched_chat_gen.replace( "EditedMessage(MessageUpdated),", "EditedMessage(Box),", ); patched_chat_gen = patched_chat_gen.replace( "pub embed: ::core::option::Option,", "pub embed: ::core::option::Option>,", ); std::fs::write(&chat_gen_path, patched_chat_gen).expect("Failed to read from chat service generated code, are you sure you have correct permissions?"); write_permissions_rs(&out_dir); } } fn write_permissions_rs(out_dir: &std::path::Path) { use regex::Regex; use walkdir::WalkDir; let r = Regex::new(&format!(r#"option \(harmonytypes.v1.metadata\).requires_permission_node[ {}]+=[ {}]+"(?P.+)";"#, NEWLINE, NEWLINE)).unwrap(); let mut perms = String::new(); let files = WalkDir::new("protocol") .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .filter_map(|e| e.ok()); for entry in files { let f_name = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy(); if f_name.ends_with(".proto") { let text = std::fs::read_to_string(entry.path()).unwrap(); for m in r.captures_iter(&text).flat_map(|c|"perm")) { let perm = m.as_str(); let const_name = perm .replace(|c| ['.', '-'].contains(&c), "_") .to_uppercase(); let perm_const = format!( "/// `{}` permission\npub const {}: &str = \"{}\";\n", perm, const_name, perm ); if !perms.contains(&perm_const) { perms.push_str(&perm_const); } } } } let perms_path = out_dir.join(""); std::fs::write(perms_path, perms).unwrap(); } const NEWLINE: &str = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { "\r\n" } else { "\n" };