syntax = "proto3"; package protocol.mediaproxy.v1; import "harmonytypes/v1/types.proto"; option go_package = ""; // Object representing the metadata of a website. message SiteMetadata { // Title of the website. string site_title = 1; // Page title of the website page. string page_title = 2; // Kind of the website. string kind = 3; // Description of the website page. string description = 4; // URL of the website. string url = 5; // A thumbnail image of the website. string image = 6; } // Object represeting the metadata of a media. message MediaMetadata { // Mimetype of the media. string mimetype = 1; // Filename of the media. string filename = 2; } // Used in the `FetchLinkMetadata` endpoint. message FetchLinkMetadataRequest { // URL to fetch metadata from. string url = 1; } // Used in the `FetchLinkMetadata` endpoint. message FetchLinkMetadataResponse { // Data of the metadata. oneof data { // Site metadata for the URL. SiteMetadata is_site = 1; // Media metadata for the URL. MediaMetadata is_media = 2; } } // Used in the `InstantView` endpoint. message InstantViewRequest { // URL to get instant view for. string url = 1; } // Used in the `InstantView` endpoint. message InstantViewResponse { // Site metadata for the URL. SiteMetadata metadata = 1; // Instant view content. string content = 2; // Whether the instant view is valid. bool is_valid = 3; } // Used in the `CanInstantView` endpoint. message CanInstantViewRequest { // URL to query if server can instant view the website. string url = 1; } // Used in the `CanInstantView` endpoint. message CanInstantViewResponse { // Whether the server generate an instant view for the URL queried. bool can_instant_view = 1; } // Harmony service for fetching metadata and generating instant view for URLs. service MediaProxyService { // Endpoint to fetch metadata for a URL. rpc FetchLinkMetadata(FetchLinkMetadataRequest) returns (FetchLinkMetadataResponse) { option (harmonytypes.v1.metadata).requires_authentication = true; } // Endpoint to instant view a website URL. rpc InstantView(InstantViewRequest) returns (InstantViewResponse) { option (harmonytypes.v1.metadata).requires_authentication = true; } // Endpoint to query if the server can generate an instant view for a website URL. rpc CanInstantView(CanInstantViewRequest) returns (CanInstantViewResponse) { option (harmonytypes.v1.metadata).requires_authentication = true; } }