syntax = "proto3"; import "harmonytypes/v1/types.proto"; import "profile/v1/types.proto"; package protocol.profile.v1; // Harmony's Profile service manages the profiles of the users. service ProfileService { // Gets a user's profile. rpc GetProfile(GetProfileRequest) returns (GetProfileResponse) { option (harmonytypes.v1.metadata).requires_authentication = true; } // Updates the user's profile. rpc UpdateProfile(UpdateProfileRequest) returns (UpdateProfileResponse) { option (harmonytypes.v1.metadata).requires_authentication = true; } // Gets app data for a user (this can be used to store user preferences which // is synchronized across devices). rpc GetAppData(GetAppDataRequest) returns (GetAppDataResponse) { option (harmonytypes.v1.metadata).requires_authentication = true; } // Sets the app data for a user. rpc SetAppData(SetAppDataRequest) returns (SetAppDataResponse) { option (harmonytypes.v1.metadata).requires_authentication = true; } }