@prefix rdfs: . @prefix show: . @prefix xsd: . show:218 rdfs:label "That Seventies Show"^^xsd:string . # literal with XML Schema string datatype show:218 rdfs:label "That Seventies Show"^^ . # same as above show:218 rdfs:label "That Seventies Show" . # same again show:218 show:localName "That Seventies Show"@en . # literal with a language tag show:218 show:localName 'Cette Série des Années Soixante-dix'@fr . # literal delimited by single quote show:218 show:localName "Cette Série des Années Septante"@fr-be . # literal with a region subtag show:218 show:blurb '''This is a multi-line # literal with embedded new lines and quotes literal with many quotes (""""") and up to two sequential apostrophes ('').''' .