# Hayagriva [![Build status](https://github.com/typst/hayagriva/workflows/Continuous%20integration/badge.svg)](https://github.com/typst/hayagriva/actions) [![Current crates.io release](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/hayagriva)](https://crates.io/crates/hayagriva) [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs.rs-hayagriva-66c2a5?labelColor=555555&logoColor=white&logo=)](https://docs.rs/hayagriva/) Rusty bibliography management. Hayagriva is a tool that can help you or your apps deal with literature and other media. Its features include: - Data structures for literature collections - Reading and writing said collections from YAML files - Formatting literature into reference list entries and in-text citations as defined by popular style guides - Interoperability with BibTeX - Querying your literature items by type and available metadata Hayagriva can be used both as a library and as a Command Line Interface (CLI). Skip to the [section "Usage"](#usage) for more information about usage in your application or to the [section "Installation"](#installation) to learn about how to install and use Hayagriva on your terminal. ## Supported styles Hayagriva supports all styles provided in the [official Citation Style Language repository](https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles), currently over 2,600. # Usage ```rust use hayagriva::io::from_yaml_str; let yaml = r#" crazy-rich: type: Book title: Crazy Rich Asians author: Kwan, Kevin date: 2014 publisher: Anchor Books location: New York, NY, US "#; // Parse a bibliography let bib = from_yaml_str(yaml).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bib.get("crazy-rich").unwrap().date().unwrap().year, 2014); // Format the reference use std::fs; use hayagriva::{ BibliographyDriver, BibliographyRequest, BufWriteFormat, CitationItem, CitationRequest, }; use hayagriva::citationberg::{LocaleFile, IndependentStyle}; let en_locale = fs::read_to_string("tests/data/locales-en-US.xml").unwrap(); let locales = [LocaleFile::from_xml(&en_locale).unwrap().into()]; let style = fs::read_to_string("tests/data/art-history.csl").unwrap(); let style = IndependentStyle::from_xml(&style).unwrap(); let mut driver = BibliographyDriver::new(); for entry in bib.iter() { let items = vec![CitationItem::with_entry(entry)]; driver.citation(CitationRequest::from_items(items, &style, &locales)); } let result = driver.finish(BibliographyRequest { style: &style, locale: None, locale_files: &locales, }); for cite in result.citations { println!("{}", cite.citation.to_string()) } ``` To format entries, you need to wrap them in a `CitationRequest`. Each of these can reference multiple entries in their respective `CitationItem`s. Use these with a `BibliographyDriver` to obtain formatted citations and bibliographies. You can either supply your own CSL files or choose from about 100 bundled citation styles using the `archive` feature. If the default features are enabled, Hayagriva supports BibTeX and BibLaTeX bibliographies. You can use `io::from_biblatex_str` to parse such bibliographies. Should you need more manual control, the library's native `Entry` struct also offers an implementation of the `From<&biblatex::Entry>`-Trait. You will need to depend on the [biblatex](https://docs.rs/biblatex/latest/biblatex/) crate to obtain its `Entry`. Therefore, you could also use your BibLaTeX content like this: ```rust use hayagriva::Entry; let converted: Entry = your_biblatex_entry.into(); ``` If you do not need BibLaTeX compatibility, you can use Hayagriva without the default features by writing this in your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] hayagriva = { version = "0.8", default-features = false } ``` ### Selectors Hayagriva uses a custom selector language that enables you to filter bibliographies by type of media. For more information about selectors, refer to the [selectors.md file](https://github.com/typst/hayagriva/blob/main/docs/selectors.md). While you can parse user-defined selectors using the function `Selector::parse`, you may instead want to use the selector macro to avoid the run time cost of parsing a selector when working with constant selectors. ```rust use hayagriva::select; use hayagriva::io::from_yaml_str; let yaml = r#" quantized-vortex: type: Article author: Gross, E. P. title: Structure of a Quantized Vortex in Boson Systems date: 1961-05 page-range: 454-477 doi: 10.1007/BF02731494 parent: issue: 3 volume: 20 title: Il Nuovo Cimento "#; let entries = from_yaml_str(yaml).unwrap(); let journal = select!((Article["date"]) > ("journal":Periodical)); assert!(journal.matches(entries.nth(0).unwrap())); ``` There are two ways to check if a selector matches an entry. You should use [`Selector::matches`] if you just want to know if an item matches a selector and [`Selector::apply`] to continue to work with the data from parents of a matching entry. Keep in mind that the latter function will return `Some` even if no sub-entry was bound / if the hash map is empty. ## Installation Run this in your terminal: ```bash cargo install hayagriva --features cli ``` Cargo will install the Hayagriva Command Line Interface for you. Now, you just need a Hayagriva YAML literature file or a Bib(La)TeX file to get started. The Hayagriva YAML file is intuitive to write and can represent a wealth of media types, [learn how to write one in its dedicated documentation.](https://github.com/typst/hayagriva/blob/main/docs/file-format.md) Suppose you have this file saved as `literature.yml` in your current working directory: ```yaml dependence: type: Article title: The program dependence graph and its use in optimization author: ["Ferrante, Jeanne", "Ottenstein, Karl J.", "Warren, Joe D."] date: 1987-07 serial-number: doi: "10.1145/24039.24041" parent: type: Periodical title: ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems volume: 9 issue: 3 feminism: type: Article title: She swoons to conquer author: Ungard-Sargon, Batya editor: Weintraub, Pam date: 2015-09-25 url: https://aeon.co/essays/can-you-enjoy-romance-fiction-and-be-a-feminist parent: type: Blog title: Aeon ``` You can then issue the following command to get reference list entries for both of these articles. ```bash hayagriva literature.yml reference ``` Hayagriva defaults to the Author-Date style of the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). If you prefer to use another style, you can, for example, do the following to use the style of the American Psychological Association instead: ```bash hayagriva literature.yml reference --style apa ``` Available values for the `--style` argument can be viewed by calling `hayagriva help reference`. If you now need an in-text citation to the second article in the above file, you can call: ```bash hayagriva literature.yml cite --key feminism ``` The `--key` takes a comma-separated list of keys (or a single one). The sub-command will then only work on the specified keys. Just like the `reference` sub-command, the `cite` command also allows the `--style` argument. Its possible values can be viewed with `hayagriva help cite`. It will default to the _Author Date_ style. Instead of the `--key` argument, you can also use `--select` to provide a custom [Hayagriva selector.](https://github.com/typst/hayagriva/blob/main/docs/selectors.md) For example, you could run the following to only reference entries that have a URL or DOI at the top level: ```bash hayagriva literature.yml --select "*[url] | *[doi]" reference ``` This expression would match both entries in our example and therefore the command would return the same result as the first reference command. Hayagriva also allows you to explore which values were bound to which sub-entries if the selector matches. This is especially useful if you intend to consume Hayagriva as a dependency in your application and need to debug an expression. Consider this selector which always binds the sub-entry with the volume field to `a`, regardless of if it occurred at the top level or in the first parent: `a:*[volume] | * > a:[volume]`. You can then use the command below to show which sub-entry the selector bound as `a` for each match: ```bash hayagriva literature.yml --select "a:*[volume] | * > a:[volume]" --show-bound ``` The `--show-bound` flag shows all keys matching the selector or key filter and details which sub-entries of each entry were bound by the selector. If, instead, you only want to obtain a list of matching keys, use the `--keys` flag. If you are working with BibTeX, you can use your `.bib` file with Hayagriva just like you would use a `.yml` file. If you want to convert your `.bib` file to a `.yml` file, you can simply pass the `.bib` file to the CLI without any additional arguments. It will then show the YAML-formatted bibliography with key and selector filters applied on standard output. If you therefore want to convert your `.bib` file and save the result somewhere, you can just use `>`: ```bash hayagriva literature.bib > converted.yml ``` ## Contributing We are looking forward to receiving your bugs and feature requests in the Issues tab. We would also be very happy to accept PRs for bug fixes, minor refactorings, features that were requested in the issues and greenlit by us, as well as the planned features listed below: - Implementing the YAML-to-BibLaTeX conversion - Documentation improvements - CSL bugfixes - CSL-M Support We wish to thank each and every prospective contributor for the effort you (plan to) invest in this project and for adopting it! ## License Hayagriva is licensed under a MIT / Apache 2.0 dual license. Users and consumers of the library may choose which of those licenses they want to apply whereas contributors have to accept that their code is in compliance and distributed under the terms of both of these licenses. Hayagriva includes CSL styles that are licensed as CC-BY-SA 3.0 Deed if the `archive` feature is enabled. The file `styles.cbor.rkyv` is a collection of these works and falls under this license. Retrieve attribution information by deserializing it using the `styles` function and reading the `StyleInfo` structs.