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CLI to help build and develop an SSR fullstack application. I'm creating this to make it easier when I make HTMX projects.
## 📝 Table of Contents
- [About](#about)
- [Getting Started](#getting_started)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Built Using](#built_using)
- [TODO](../TODO.md)
- [Contributing](../CONTRIBUTING.md)
- [Authors](#authors)
- [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgement)
## 🧐 About
CLI to watch for changes and build web static files using templates to separate elements
## 🏁 Getting Started
`cargo install haych`
### Prerequisites
### Installing
## 🔧 Running the tests
### Break down into end to end tests
### And coding style tests
## 🎈 Usage
`haych init`
Initialize project
`haych watch`
Watch for changes, will watch src, cargo run, and serve the server. Will also watch the templates/ and build the index.html to serve
## 🚀 Deployment
## ⛏️ Built Using
- [Tera](https://keats.github.io/tera/) - Templates
## ✍️ Authors
- [@chazfg](https://github.com/chazfg)