import { Logger } from '@whi/weblogger'; const log = new Logger("test-basic", process.env.LOG_LEVEL ); import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { Holochain } from '@spartan-hc/holochain-backdrop'; import { HoloHash, AgentPubKey, ActionHash, EntryHash, } from '@spartan-hc/holo-hash'; import json from '@whi/json'; // const why = require('why-is-node-running'); import { AppInterfaceClient, } from '@spartan-hc/app-interface-client'; import { Zomelet } from '@spartan-hc/zomelets'; import { Entity } from '@spartan-hc/entities'; import { linearSuite, } from '../utils.js'; const delay = (n) => new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, n)); const DNA_PATH = new URL( "../dnas/happy_path.dna", import.meta.url ).pathname; async function expect_reject ( cb, error, message ) { let failed = false; try { await cb(); } catch (err) { failed = true; expect( () => { throw err } ).to.throw( error, message ); } expect( failed ); } const DNA_NAME = "happy_path"; let app_port; let installations; describe("CAPS", () => { const holochain = new Holochain({ "timeout": 60_000, "default_stdout_loggers": log.level_rank > 3, }); before(async function () { this.timeout( 30_000 ); installations = await holochain.install([ "alice", ], { "app_name": "test", "bundle": { [DNA_NAME]: DNA_PATH, }, }); app_port = await holochain.ensureAppPort(); }); linearSuite("Basic", basic_tests.bind( this, holochain ) ); after(async () => { await holochain.destroy(); }); }); const TestZomelet = new Zomelet({ // Posts "create_post": true, "get_post": true, "update_post": true, "delete_post": true, // Comments async create_comment ( input ) { const comment = await input ); comment.for_post = new ActionHash( comment.for_post ); return comment; }, async get_comment ( input ) { const comment = await input ); comment.for_post = new ActionHash( comment.for_post ); return comment; }, "update_comment": true, "delete_comment": true, "get_comments_for_post": true, "get_comments_by_agent": true, "link_comment_to_post": true, "move_comment_to_post": true, }); TestZomelet.addTransformer({ async output ( resp ) { try { return new Entity( resp ); } catch (err) { } try { return item => new Entity( item ) ); } catch (err) { } try { return new HoloHash( resp ); } catch (err) { } log.trace("%s", resp ); return resp; }, }); let post, post2; let comment, comment2; let create_post_input = { "message": "Hello, world!", }; let create_comment_input_1 = { "message": "Don't call me surely", }; let create_comment_input_2 = { "message": "I've never been on a plane before", }; function basic_tests () { let client; let app_client; let agent_context; let happy_path; let happy_path_csr; before(async function () { this.timeout( 30_000 ); client = new AppInterfaceClient( app_port, { "logging": process.env.LOG_LEVEL || "fatal", }); const alice_token = installations.alice.test.auth.token; app_client = await alice_token ); agent_context = app_client.agent; ({ happy_path, } = app_client.createInterface({ [DNA_NAME]: { "happy_path": TestZomelet, }, })); happy_path_csr = happy_path.zomes.happy_path.functions; }); it("should test 'create_entity'", async function () { post = await happy_path_csr.create_post( create_post_input ); // log.trace("%s", json.debug(post) ) expect( post.message ).to.equal( create_post_input.message ); post2 = await happy_path_csr.create_post( create_post_input ); // log.trace("%s", json.debug(post2) ) }); it("should test 'get_entity'", async function () { post = await happy_path_csr.get_post({ "id": post.$id, }); log.trace("%s", json.debug(post) ) expect( post.message ).to.equal( create_post_input.message ); }); it("should test 'update_entity'", async function () { let input = Object.assign( {}, create_post_input, { "message": "Goodbye, world!", }); let result = await happy_path_csr.update_post({ "base": post2.$action, "properties": input, }); // log.trace("%s", json.debug(post2) ) expect( result.message ).to.equal( input.message ); expect( result.$action ).to.not.deep.equal( post2.$action ); let latest = await happy_path_csr.get_post({ "id": post2.$id, }); // log.trace("%s", json.debug(post2) ) expect( latest.message ).to.equal( input.message ); expect( latest.$action ).to.not.deep.equal( post2.$action ); post2.$update( latest ); expect( post2.$action ).to.deep.equal( latest.$action ); }); it("should test 'Collection'", async function () { this.timeout( 30_000 ); { create_comment_input_1.for_post = post.$id; comment = await happy_path_csr.create_comment({ "post_id": post.$id, "comment": create_comment_input_1, }); expect( comment.message ).to.equal( create_comment_input_1.message ); expect( comment.for_post ).to.deep.equal( post.$id ); create_comment_input_2.for_post = post2.$id; comment2 = await happy_path_csr.create_comment({ "post_id": post2.$id, "comment": create_comment_input_2, }); } { comment = await happy_path_csr.get_comment({ "id": comment.$id, }); expect( comment.message ).to.equal( create_comment_input_1.message ); expect( comment.for_post ).to.deep.equal( post.$id ); } { let comments = await happy_path_csr.get_comments_for_post( post.$id ); expect( comments ).to.have.length( 1 ); } { let comments = await happy_path_csr.get_comments_by_agent( agent_context.cell_agent ); expect( comments ).to.have.length( 2 ); } { let input = Object.assign( {}, create_comment_input_1, { "message": "I just want to tell you both, good luck. We're all counting on you.", }); let result = await happy_path_csr.update_comment({ "base": comment.$action, "properties": input, }); expect( result.$action ).to.not.deep.equal( comment.$action ); let comments = await happy_path_csr.get_comments_for_post( post.$id ); expect( comments ).to.have.length( 1 ); expect( comments[0].message ).to.equal( input.message ); expect( comments[0].$action ).to.not.deep.equal( comment.$action ); comment.$update( result ); } { await happy_path_csr.link_comment_to_post({ "comment_id": comment.$id, "post_id": post2.$id, }); let comments = await happy_path_csr.get_comments_for_post( post2.$id ); expect( comments ).to.have.length( 2 ); } { comment = await happy_path_csr.move_comment_to_post({ "comment_action": comment.$action, "post_id": post2.$id, }); expect( comment.for_post ).to.not.deep.equal( post.$id ); let comments = await happy_path_csr.get_comments_for_post( post.$id ); expect( comments ).to.have.length( 0 ); let comments2 = await happy_path_csr.get_comments_for_post( post2.$id ); expect( comments2 ).to.have.length( 2 ); } { let delete_hash = await happy_path_csr.delete_comment({ "id": comment.$id, }); let comments = await happy_path_csr.get_comments_for_post( post2.$id ); log.trace("%s", json.debug(comments) ) expect( comments ).to.have.length( 1 ); } }); it("should test 'delete_entity'", async function () { let delete_hash = await happy_path_csr.delete_post({ "id": post.$id, }); expect( delete_hash )"ActionHash"); }); linearSuite("Errors", () => { it("should fail to 'get_entity' because base is wrong entry type", async function () { await expect_reject( async () => { await happy_path_csr.get_post({ "id": comment2.$id, }); }, "Deserialized entry to wrong type: expected 0/0 but found 0/1" ); }); it("should fail to update because of wrong entry type", async function () { await expect_reject( async () => { await happy_path_csr.update_comment({ "base": post2.$action, "properties": create_comment_input_1, }); }, "Serialize(Deserialize(\"missing field `for_post`\"))" ); }); it("should fail to update because mismatched type", async function () { await expect_reject( async () => { await happy_path_csr.update_post({ "base": comment2.$action, "properties": create_post_input, }); }, "Deserialized entry to wrong type: expected 0/0 but found 0/1" ); }); it("should fail to create comment because post is deleted", async function () { await expect_reject( async () => { await happy_path_csr.create_comment({ "post_id": post.$id, "comment": create_comment_input_1, }); }, "Record not found @ address" ); }); it("should fail to delete because wrong type", async function () { await expect_reject( async () => { await happy_path_csr.delete_comment({ "id": post2.$id, }); }, "Serialize(Deserialize(\"missing field `for_post`\"))" ); }); it("should fail to delete because mismatched type", async function () { await expect_reject( async () => { await happy_path_csr.delete_post({ "id": comment2.$id, }); }, "Deserialized entry to wrong type: expected 0/0 but found 0/1" ); }); it("should fail to get because base is an 'update', not an 'origin' entry", async function () { await expect_reject( async () => { await happy_path_csr.get_post({ "id": post2.$action, }); }, "is not a Create record" ); }); }); after(async function () { await client.close(); }); }