mod common; use common::assert_deserialize; use hcl::expr::{ BinaryOp, BinaryOperator, Expression, ForExpr, FuncCall, Heredoc, HeredocStripMode, ObjectKey, Operation, TemplateExpr, Traversal, UnaryOp, UnaryOperator, Variable, }; use hcl::structure::{Block, Body}; use hcl::{Identifier, Value}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::fmt::Debug; #[test] fn simple() { assert_deserialize(r#"foo = "bar""#, hcl::value!({ foo = "bar" })) } #[test] fn array() { let input = r#"foo = [true, 2, "three", var.enabled]"#; let expected = hcl::value!({ foo = [true, 2, "three", "${var.enabled}"] }); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn object() { assert_deserialize( r#"foo = { bar = 42, "baz" = true }"#, hcl::value!({ foo = { bar = 42, baz = true } }), ) } #[test] fn custom_struct() { #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Test { foo: u32, } assert_deserialize(r#"foo = 1"#, Test { foo: 1 }); } #[test] fn custom_enum() { #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] enum E { Unit, Newtype(u32), Tuple(u32, u32), Struct { a: u32 }, } #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Test { value: E, } assert_deserialize(r#"value = "Unit""#, Test { value: E::Unit }); assert_deserialize(r#"Newtype = 1"#, E::Newtype(1)); assert_deserialize(r#"Tuple = [1,2]"#, E::Tuple(1, 2)); assert_deserialize( r#"value = {"Struct" = {"a" = 1}}"#, Test { value: E::Struct { a: 1 }, }, ); } #[test] fn block() { assert_deserialize( r#"resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mybucket" { name = "mybucket" }"#, hcl::value!({ resource = { aws_s3_bucket = { mybucket = { name = "mybucket" } } } }), ); assert_deserialize( r#"block { name = "asdf" }"#, hcl::value!({ block = { name = "asdf" } }), ); } #[test] fn duplicate_block() { let input = r#" block { foo { bar = "baz" } foo { bar = 1 } } other "one" "two" { foo = "bar" } other "two" "three" { bar = "baz" } "#; let expected = hcl::value!({ block = { foo = [ { "bar" = "baz" }, { "bar" = 1 } ] }, other = { one = { two = { foo = "bar" } }, two = { three = { bar = "baz" } } } }); assert_deserialize(input, expected); let input = r#" foo { bar = "baz" } foo { bar = 1 } "#; let expected = hcl::value!({ foo = [{ bar = "baz" }, { bar = 1 }] }); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn duplicate_attribute() { let input = r#" foo = ["bar"] foo = ["baz"] "#; assert!(hcl::from_str::(input).is_err()); } #[test] fn duplicate_attribute_and_block() { let input = r#" foo = ["bar"] foo { bar = "baz" } "#; assert_deserialize(input, hcl::value!({ foo = { bar = "baz" } })); let input = r#" foo { bar = "baz" } foo = ["bar"] "#; assert_deserialize(input, hcl::value!({ foo = ["bar"] })); } #[test] fn func_call() { let input = r#"attr = foo(1, "bar", ["baz", "qux"]...)"#; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(( "attr", FuncCall::builder("foo") .arg(1) .arg("bar") .arg(vec!["baz", "qux"]) .expand_final(true) .build(), )) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn operations() { let input = r#" unary = !variable binary = 1 + 1 "#; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(( "unary", Operation::Unary(UnaryOp::new( UnaryOperator::Not, Variable::unchecked("variable"), )), )) .add_attribute(( "binary", Operation::Binary(BinaryOp::new(1, BinaryOperator::Plus, 1)), )) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn for_exprs() { let input = r#" list = [for item in items : func(item) if item] object = {for key, value in items : toupper(key) => tolower(value)...} "#; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(( "list", ForExpr::new( Identifier::unchecked("item"), Variable::unchecked("items"), FuncCall::builder("func") .arg(Variable::unchecked("item")) .build(), ) .with_cond_expr(Variable::unchecked("item")), )) .add_attribute(( "object", ForExpr::new( Identifier::unchecked("value"), Variable::unchecked("items"), FuncCall::builder("tolower") .arg(Variable::unchecked("value")) .build(), ) .with_key_var(Identifier::unchecked("key")) .with_key_expr( FuncCall::builder("toupper") .arg(Variable::unchecked("key")) .build(), ) .with_grouping(true), )) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn negative_numbers() { let input = r#" float = -4.2 float_exp = -4.2e10 signed = -42 "#; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(("float", -4.2f64)) .add_attribute(("float_exp", -4.2e10f64)) .add_attribute(("signed", -42)) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn template_expr() { let input = r#"foo = "bar ${baz} %{~ if cond}qux%{ endif ~}""#; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(( "foo", TemplateExpr::QuotedString("bar ${baz} %{~ if cond}qux%{ endif ~}".into()), )) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn null_in_variable_expr() { let input = "foo = null_foo"; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(("foo", Variable::unchecked("null_foo"))) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn object_with_variable_expr_key() { let input = "providers = { = }"; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(( "providers", Expression::from_iter([( ObjectKey::Expression(Expression::from(Traversal::new( Variable::unchecked("aws"), [Identifier::unchecked("eu-central-1")], ))), Expression::from(Traversal::new( Variable::unchecked("aws"), [Identifier::unchecked("eu-central-1")], )), )]), )) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn traversal_with_expression() { let input = "route_table_id = aws_route_table.private[count.index % var.availability_zone_count].id"; let expected = Body::builder() .add_attribute(( "route_table_id", Traversal::builder(Variable::unchecked("aws_route_table")) .attr("private") .index(BinaryOp::new( Traversal::builder(Variable::unchecked("count")) .attr("index") .build(), BinaryOperator::Mod, Traversal::builder(Variable::unchecked("var")) .attr("availability_zone_count") .build(), )) .attr("id") .build(), )) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn unescape_strings() { let input = r#" block "label\\with\\backslashes" { string_attr = "I \u2665 unicode" template_attr = "I \u2665 ${unicode}\n" object_attr = { "key\nwith\nnewlines" = true } heredoc = <<-EOS heredoc template with \ escaped newline and \\backslash is not unescaped yet EOS } "#; let expected = Body::builder() .add_block( Block::builder("block") .add_label("label\\with\\backslashes") .add_attribute(("string_attr", "I \u{2665} unicode")) .add_attribute(("template_attr", TemplateExpr::from("I \u{2665} ${unicode}\n"))) .add_attribute(( "object_attr", Expression::from_iter([("key\nwith\nnewlines", true)]), )) .add_attribute(( "heredoc", TemplateExpr::Heredoc( Heredoc::new( Identifier::unchecked("EOS"), "heredoc template with \\\nescaped newline and \\\\backslash is not unescaped yet\n" ) .with_strip_mode(HeredocStripMode::Indent) ) )) .build(), ) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); } #[test] fn errors() { assert!(hcl::from_str::(r#"invalid["#).is_err()); } #[test] fn terraform() { let input = r#" resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mybucket" { bucket = "mybucket" force_destroy = true server_side_encryption_configuration { rule { apply_server_side_encryption_by_default { kms_master_key_id = aws_kms_key.mykey.arn sse_algorithm = "aws:kms" } } } tags = { var.dynamic = null "application" = "myapp" team = "bar" } } "#; let expected = Body::builder() .add_block( Block::builder("resource") .add_label("aws_s3_bucket") .add_label("mybucket") .add_attribute(("bucket", "mybucket")) .add_attribute(("force_destroy", true)) .add_block( Block::builder("server_side_encryption_configuration") .add_block( Block::builder("rule") .add_block( Block::builder("apply_server_side_encryption_by_default") .add_attribute(( "kms_master_key_id", Traversal::new( Variable::unchecked("aws_kms_key"), ["mykey", "arn"], ), )) .add_attribute(("sse_algorithm", "aws:kms")) .build(), ) .build(), ) .build(), ) .add_attribute(( "tags", Expression::from_iter([ ( ObjectKey::from(Traversal::new( Variable::unchecked("var"), ["dynamic"], )), Expression::Null, ), ( ObjectKey::from("application"), Expression::String("myapp".into()), ), ( ObjectKey::Identifier("team".into()), Expression::String("bar".into()), ), ]), )) .build(), ) .build(); assert_deserialize(input, expected); }