# Healthscript A [DSL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language) for writing healthchecks ![healthcheck example](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/https://example.com) ![healthcheck example](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/tcp://pwn.osucyber.club:13389%20<"cheese">) ![healthcheck example](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/ping://example.com) ![healthcheck example](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/dns://example.com) ![healthcheck example](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/https://http.codes/404%20[404]) ![healthcheck example](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/dns://thisdomaindoesntexist.com) The best way to grok the language is to look at the [examples below](#http-examples). The general philosophy behind the language design are as follows: - Tags before the uri are included as part of the request, and tags after the uri are expectations about the response - "Meta" tags like HTTP verbs, HTTP headers, status codes, and timeouts are in square brackets `[]` - Body tags are in angle brackets `<>` - Urls with custom schemes should be used to denote the protocol in the url, similar to `postgres://` urls for example ## HTTP Examples - Make an HTTP `GET` request to `https://example.com`, and expect a `200` status code - `https://example.com` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/https://example.com) - Make an HTTP `POST` request to `https://httpbin.org/post` with a `User-Agent: curl/7.72.0` header, and expect a `200` status code and a response header of `server: gunicorn/19.9.0` - `[POST] [User-Agent: curl/7.72.0] https://httpbin.org/post [server: gunicorn/19.9.0]` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/[POST]%20[User-Agent:%20curl/7.72.0]%20https://httpbin.org/post%20[server:%20gunicorn/19.9.0]) - Make an HTTP `POST` request with some JSON, and expect a `200` status code and the response body to be JSON matching the [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq) expression `.json.a == 3` - `[POST] <{ "a": 3 }> https://httpbin.org/post <(.json.a == 3)>` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/[POST]%20<{%20"a":%203%20}>%20https://httpbin.org/post%20<(.json.a%20==%203)>) - Make an HTTP `POST` request with body bytes encoded in base64 to `https://httpbin.org/post`, and expect a `200` status code - `[POST] https://httpbin.org/post` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/[POST]%20https://httpbin.org/post) ## Error Recovery The parser will recover from errors as best as possible to help you write correct healthscript. Errors are available using the CLI. ![error handling example on the cli](cli-errors.png) Install the CLI with ``` cargo install healthscript-cli ``` ## Badge Service Append healthscript at the end of `https://healthscript.mbund.dev/` to have the hosted server run the healthcheck against your service and generate an svg badge. Then, you can use markdown syntax to include it in your own readmes. ``` ![healthcheck for example.com](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/https://example.com) ``` ![healthcheck for example.com](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/https://example.com) You may need to url encode your spaces to `%20`. ## Library Integrate healthscript into your own rust project. To do so, add the following to your `Cargo.toml` ``` healthscript = "1.0" ``` Or use the `cargo` CLI. ``` cargo add healthscript ``` ## TCP Examples - Connect to `pwn.osucyber.club` on port `13389` over TCP, and expect at least one byte to be returned - `tcp://pwn.osucyber.club:13389` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/tcp://pwn.osucyber.club:13389) - Connect to `pwn.osucyber.club` on port `13389` over TCP, and expect the response to contain the regex `/e./` to be found anywhere within the response, timing out after 3 seconds - `tcp://pwn.osucyber.club:13389 [3s]` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/tcp://pwn.osucyber.club:13389%20%20[3s]) - Connect to `pwn.osucyber.club` on port `13389` over TCP, and expect the response to start with the string `chee` - `tcp://pwn.osucyber.club:13389 <"chee">` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/tcp://pwn.osucyber.club:13389%20<"chee">) ## Ping Examples - Ping `example.com`, and expect a response, timing out after 8 seconds - `ping://example.com` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/ping://example.com) ## DNS Examples - Make a DNS query to `example.com` and expect any response - `dns://example.com` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/dns://example.com) - Make a DNS query to `example.com` using the dns server `` and expect any response - `dns://example.com/` - ![](https://healthscript.mbund.dev/dns://example.com/