# hebrew_rs Hebrew alephbet primatives and parsing library for rust. The aim for this library is to fully support all unicode supported Hebrew characters and nikkud. Final and non-final versions are also distinguished. Simple word and phrases are also supported, but there is still some work to be done. Actual hebrew letters are used in enums as primary variants, but I intend to add constant values or possibly convertable enums in english variations for users that are not comfortable or find it preferable to use those instead. As a general structure there are two main base enums for regular letters and final variants: NonEnd & End Then there is a higher level `Letter` struct that consolidates both versions. This struct also provides any nikkud to be attached as Vector of `Dot`. Most unicode symbols are supported but there may still be some that need to be accounted for. # TODO * Properly re-construct phrases using input instead of reconstructing with spaces # Non Endings א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, # Endings ך, ם, ן, ף, ץ # Nikkud SHEVA ֱ HATEF SEGOL ֲ HATEF PATAH ֳ HATEF QAMATS ִ HIRIQ ֵ TSERE ֶ SEGOL ַ PATAH ָ QAMATS ֹ HOLAM ֻ QUBUTS ּ DAGESH, MAPIQ, or SHURUQ ֽ METEG ֿ RAFE ׁ SHIN DOT ׂ SIN DOT ׄ MARK UPPER DOT ׅ MARK LOWER DOT