# CHANGELOG ## Emoji Cheatsheet - :pencil2: doc updates - :bug: when fixing a bug - :rocket: when making general improvements - :white_check_mark: when adding tests - :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies - :tada: when adding new features # Version History ## v0.62.0 - :bug: Improved session handling to ensure server restarts without `HECATE_SECRET` don't lock session cookie ## v0.61.2 - :bug: Database Sandbox arg fix ## v0.61.1 - :bug: Dynamic PostGIS/PostgreSQL version error message - :rocket: only test version of write DB connection ## v0.61.0 - :tada: Optimize Boundary Stats by subdividing large/irregularly shaped geometries for faster indexed retrieval. - :rocket: Redefine database connections into `database`, `database_replica`, `database_sandbox` ## v0.60.0 - :tada: Add postgres/posgis version checking to database checks ## v0.59.1 - :bug: Optimize Bounds#Get with `ST_Subdivide` ## v0.59.0 - :tada: Feature query by lat/lng. ## v0.58.1 - :rocket: Reduce `clone()` calls where possible to decrease allocation calls - :rocket: Rename `xml` => `osm` mod to better reflect contents ## v0.58.0 - :arrow_up: Update to `geojson@13` which adds support for better representation of `Feature::Id` values - :tada: Validate coordinates on upload (180,-180,90,-90) - [UI] Fix styles overflow in admin panel ## v0.57.0 - :tada: Add `HECATE_SECRET` option for providing a 256 bit base64 key for cookie signing (`openssl rand --base64 32`) ## v0.56.0 - :bug: Explicitly set the cookie path ## v0.55.1 - :arrow_up: `Rocket@0.4.0` ## v0.55.0 - :tada: Add standard error class to store and parse errors from across the server - :rocket: Change the majority of custom error objects to use the new error class - :rocket: Remove unneeded `extern crate` calls ## v0.54.0 - :arrow_up: [BREAKING] Update to `nightly-2018-12-01` per README instructions to compile - :arrow_up: Update Rocket to RC2 - :arrow_up: General dep updates ## v0.53.0 - :tada: Add new `/api/data/stats/regen` endpoint - :rocket: Make `hecate` ROLE database owner for regen endpoint ## v0.52.0 - :rocket: Add filter consistency to users and bounds APIs - :tada: `users` has `limit` & `filter` param - :tada: `bounds` has `limit` & `filter` param - :rocket: `users` & `bounds` no longer require 2 function with rocket@0.4 ## v0.51.0 - :tada: Add database check to ensure connections work before starting server ## v0.50.1 - :bug: Fix regression where Data => String is not supported in release builds ## v0.50.0 - :arrow_up: [BREAKING] Update to `nightly-2018-11-19` per README instructions to compile - :arrow_up: Update to Rocket@0.4 ## v0.49.3 - [UI] Much better session handling, refreshing the page no longer marks you as logged out, when you actually still have a valid session cookie! - [UI] Add User Listing to admin panel - [UI] Add Self Modal to view your own account information when signed in - [UI] Add clickable usernames to open a user's public profile - [UI] Load auth settings at startup to allow components to conditionally request content - avoiding 401 errors where possible by telling the user they aren't logged in/aren't admin, etc. - [UI] Fix turf bbox calculation bug in Delta Panel - [UI] Fix Foot component error in Features Panel ## v0.49.2 - [UI] More whitespace fixes in deltas panel ## v0.49.1 - [UI] Fix spacing on main toolbar - [UI] Fix whitespace & overflow on delta message ## v0.49.0 - :rocket: Make fallback for `database_read` flag - :tada: Schema now creates a `hecate` & `hecate_read` user instead of using the `postgres` user by default ## v0.48.3 - :arrow_up: Update to latest deps ## v0.48.2 - :rocket: [UI] Show JOSM changeset messages in delta panel ## v0.48.1 - :rocket: [UI] Add cursor change on hover events in mapbox-gl # v0.48.0 - :rocket: Add endpoint for clearing the tile cache - :rocket: Add UI Fxn to clear tile cache ## v0.47.0 - :bug: Meta Set was incorrectly set to check meta::list permission - :tada: [UI] Add new server settings - allowing management of default styles - :tada: [UI] Add default styles switching ## v0.46.0 - :tada: Add support for configurable web workers to allow custom levels of parallelism ## v0.45.0 - :rocket: Add EOT Character at end of streaming API calls ## v0.44.1 - :rocket: Add redirect from `/admin` => `/admin/index.html` ## v0.44.0 - :tada: Allow creating and deleting bounds programatically ## v0.43.0 - :tada: Add an endpoint for allowing an admin to add admins who can add more admins - :tada: Add endpoint for admins to remove other admins - :tada: Add endpoint for searching list of users ## v0.42.0 - :rocket: Add generic server meta store ## v0.41.0 - :rocket: Add Data Statistics API for Boundaries ## v0.40.0 - :rocket: Add Data Statistics API ## v0.39.0 - :bug: [UI] Ensure protocol (http(s)) is respected - :rocket: [UI] Add paging fxn for deltas panel - :bug: [UI] Ensure panels don't collide with mapbox logo ## v0.38.1 - :bug: Fix version mismatch ## v0.38.0 - :rocket: All query style endpoints now use read-only postgres account - :tada: Allow multiple read-only postgres connections & load balancing between them ## v0.37.2 - :rocket: remove all `unwrap()` `feature` mod ## v0.37.1 - :white_check_mark: Add test for missing Action on features - :bug: :white_check_mark: Ensure non-string `key` values error gracefully ## v0.37.0 - :rocket: Ensure app API requests include domain cookies ## v0.36.1 - :rocket: [UI] Add style deletion - :bug: [UI] Ensure feature requests didn't poll infinitely ## v0.36.0 - :rocket: Rewrite web UI to use Vue Components for better readability - :tada: Add logout endpoint for deletion of session token ## v0.35.2 - :bug: Take 2 - Use `` to make docker a happy camper ## v0.35.1 - :bug: Use `localhost` to make docker a happy camper ## v0.35.0 - :rocket: Remove `Rocket.toml`, replacing with CLI options ## v0.34.0 - :rocket: Add CLI option for manually specifying read only db connection ## v0.33.0 - :tada: Add arbitrary SQL query endpoint ## v0.32.1 - :white_check_mark: Add `FeatureCollection` force tests ## v0.32.0 - :tada: Add `force: true` option for force overwriting `create` features. ## v0.31.0 - :rocket: `Feature` and `FeatureCollection` uploads now will return the specific feature/id if there is an error ## v0.30.1 - :arrow_up: Update to latest deps ## v0.30.0 - :bug: Ensure `affected` array is the actual feature id on create and not the user specified id - :rocket: Throw an error if a `version` is provided on create ## v0.29.0 - :rocket: Allow querying features by `key` value in addition to their assigned id. ## v0.28.0 - :tada: Add `start`, `end` and `limit` options to delta list API ## v0.27.2 - :arrow_up: Remove unused `geo` dependency ## v0.27.1 - :bug: A `key: null` JSON property on an uploaded feature should not return a `Duplicate Key Value` error when attempting an upload. Duplicate `null` is allowed ## v0.27.0 - :tada: Add optional `key` value to allow the user to specify a duplication avoidance policy ## v0.26.0 - :tada: Add new `action: restore` on Features to be able to restore previously deleted features to the given id ## v0.25.0 - :white_check_mark: Add a bunch of tests around the `deltas` endpoints - :bug: change behavior of `?offset=` param to return the anticipated results ## v0.24.1 - :bug: Fix session token bug preventing style creation - :bug: (UI) Fix stringification of function of new style creation ## v0.24.0 - :tada: Add `GET /api/auth` endpoint for retrieving overview of auth settings ## v0.23.0 - :rocket: Consistent Streaming Line-Delimited GeoJSON Output ## v0.22.0 - :tada: Add data clone API ## v0.21.1 - :rocket: Refector `BoundsStream` into a new generic `PGStream` ## v0.21.0 - :tada: Add custom authentication config ## v0.20.3 - :rocket: Migrate all BoundsStream implementation details into the `bounds` mod for cleaner `lib.rs` file ## v0.20.2 - :rocket: Add ability to toggle style access `public/private` via web UI ## v0.20.1 - :bug: Fix negative feature ids entering deltas from xml_shim ## v0.20.0 - :tada: Add feature history endpoint ## v0.19.0 - :tada: Add API Meta endpoint ## v0.18.0 - :arrow_up: `rust@nightly-2018-05-05` - :arrow_up: Update all deps to latest versions ## v0.17.0 - :tada: Add `GET /api/tiles////meta` endpoint & assoc. tests ## v0.16.0 - :tada: Add Styles UI - :rocket: Return Style ID on create - :rocket: Return `uid` on session token ## v0.15.0 - :tada: Add endpoint for manually regenerating Mapbox Vector Tiles ## v0.14.0 - :tada: Add mapbox-gl-js style related endpoints ## v0.13.0 - :rocket: Rewrite `bounds` endpoint to use in-memory streams ## v0.12.2 - :bug: Fix Web UI timezone bug ## v0.12.1 - :bug: Unescape XML chars when uploading via OSMXML shim ## v0.12.0 - :rocket: Add support for JSON in OSM XML - :tada: Add schema endpoint ## v0.11.0 - :rocket: Add time based TileCache for faster map rendering ## v0.10.1 - :rocket: Better visualization of Arrays & Object properties in web UI ## v0.10.0 - :rocket: `hecate::start` is now exposed via lib. Note thta it is blocking, per the rocket docs - :white_check_mark: Each test now creates and manages its own server instance ## v0.9.0 - :rocket: Add JSON Schema Validation ## v0.8.0 - :rocket: Add login fxn to web UI - :rocket: Add register fxn to web UI - :tada: Add user info endpoint - :tada: Add user session endpoint - :rocket: Refactor Auth object to support Basic or Cookie auth ## v0.7.3 - :rocket: Allow downloading bounds files via web UI ## v0.7.2 - :rocket: Improvements to the web UI ## v0.7.1 - :rocket: View list of bounds via the web UI ## v0.7.0 - :white_check_mark: Rewrite all JS tests in pure rust w/ reqwest - :rocket: Limit number of features in MVT at low zooms ## v0.6.1 - :bug: Use the `location.host` prop for all API calls in admin interface instead of hardcoded port ## v0.6.0 - :tada: Delta APIs - :tada: Usable Web API ## v0.5.0 - :rocket: Add support for `multipoint`, `polygon`, `multilinestrint`, `multipolygon` via XML download shim ## v0.4.0 - :tada: Service Vector Tiles directly from data for web interface - :pencil2: Doc new tile endpoint and admin interface ## v0.3.1 - :pencil2: Huge doc update on endpoints & setting up - :rocket: Update a ton of install & Docker instructions ## v0.3.0 - :tada: Add bounds API ## v0.2.0 - :tada: Authentication on all endpoints! ## v0.1.3 - :rocket: Add CLI Options ## v0.1.2 - :bug: Track package.json & Cargo.toml ## v0.1.1 - :tada: `409 CONFLICT` errors are now thrown when a changeset is closed that the caller tries to access/append to ## v0.1.0 - :rocket: The first general release - Basic OSMXML support for points & sketchy line/simply poly suport - Full delta/geojson support - opening/committing/finalizing deltas - Pretty thorough suite of JS tests for JS integration - Basic Rust tests for node/way/rel objects