# Release process for Rust SDK ## Setup 1. Login to your *crates.io* account: `cargo login` >- Prior authorization must be given by a maintainer of the crate ## Release 1. Create a new git branch: `release/vX.Y.Z`. 2. Run all tests against [hedera-local-node](https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-local-node). Stop local-node once the tests are completed. >- `cargo test` 3. Change the version number in *Cargo.toml*. >- `version = major.minor.patch` >- Follows [semver 2.0](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) 4. Before publishing, run `--dry-run` to check for warnings or errors. >- `cargo publish --dry-run` 5. If all warnings and error are resolved, publish the newest version to *crates.io*. >- `cargo publish` 6. Create a new tag. >- `git push -a -m ` 7. Once branch has been approved and merged to main, document added features pertaining to the newest release. >- [Tags and Releases for Rust SDK](https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-sdk-rust/releases)