mod associate; mod burn; mod create; mod delete; mod dissociate; mod fee_schedule_update; mod freeze; mod grant_kyc; mod info; mod mint; mod nft_info; mod nft_transfer; mod nft_update; mod pause; mod reject; mod reject_flow; mod airdrop; mod cancel_airdrop; mod claim_airdrop; mod revoke_kyc; mod transfer; mod unfreeze; mod unpause; mod update; mod wipe; use hedera::{ Client, PublicKey, TokenBurnTransaction, TokenCreateTransaction, TokenDeleteTransaction, TokenId, TokenMintTransaction, TransactionResponse, }; use time::{ Duration, OffsetDateTime, }; use tokio::task::JoinSet; use crate::account::Account; use crate::common::{ setup_global, Operator, TestEnvironment, }; pub(crate) enum Key { Owner, Custom(PublicKey), } pub(crate) struct TokenKeys { pub(crate) admin: Option, pub(crate) freeze: Option, pub(crate) wipe: Option, pub(crate) kyc: Option, pub(crate) supply: Option, pub(crate) fee_schedule: Option, pub(crate) pause: Option, } impl TokenKeys { const NONE: Self = Self { admin: None, freeze: None, wipe: None, kyc: None, supply: None, fee_schedule: None, pause: None, }; const DEFAULT: Self = Self { admin: Some(Key::Owner), ..Self::NONE }; const ALL_OWNER: Self = Self { admin: Some(Key::Owner), freeze: Some(Key::Owner), wipe: Some(Key::Owner), kyc: Some(Key::Owner), supply: Some(Key::Owner), fee_schedule: Some(Key::Owner), pause: Some(Key::Owner), }; } impl Default for TokenKeys { fn default() -> Self { Self::DEFAULT } } #[derive(Default)] pub(crate) struct CreateFungibleToken { initial_supply: u64, keys: TokenKeys, } pub(crate) struct FungibleToken { pub(crate) id: TokenId, pub(crate) owner: Account, } pub(crate) const TEST_FUNGIBLE_INITIAL_BALANCE: &u64 = &1_000_000; pub(crate) const TEST_MINTED_NFTS: &u64 = &10; pub(crate) const TEST_AMOUNT: i64 = 100; impl FungibleToken { pub(crate) async fn create( client: &Client, owner: &Account, params: CreateFungibleToken, ) -> hedera::Result { let owner_public_key = owner.key.public_key(); let token_id = { let mut tx = TokenCreateTransaction::new();"ffff") .symbol("F") .decimals(3) .treasury_account_id( .initial_supply(params.initial_supply); let keys = params.keys; if let Some(it) = keys.admin { tx.admin_key(match it { Key::Owner => owner_public_key, Key::Custom(key) => key, }); } if let Some(it) = keys.freeze { tx.freeze_key(match it { Key::Owner => owner_public_key, Key::Custom(key) => key, }); } if let Some(it) = keys.wipe { tx.wipe_key(match it { Key::Owner => owner_public_key, Key::Custom(key) => key, }); } if let Some(it) = keys.kyc { tx.kyc_key(match it { Key::Owner => owner_public_key, Key::Custom(key) => key, }); } if let Some(it) = { tx.supply_key(match it { Key::Owner => owner_public_key, Key::Custom(key) => key, }); } if let Some(it) = keys.fee_schedule { tx.fee_schedule_key(match it { Key::Owner => owner_public_key, Key::Custom(key) => key, }); } if let Some(it) = keys.pause { tx.pause_key(match it { Key::Owner => owner_public_key, Key::Custom(key) => key, }); } tx.freeze_default(false) .expiration_time(OffsetDateTime::now_utc() + Duration::minutes(5)) .sign(owner.key.clone()) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await? .token_id .unwrap() }; Ok(Self { id: token_id, owner: owner.clone() }) } async fn create_ft( client: &Client, owner: &Account, decimals: u32, ) -> anyhow::Result { let id = TokenCreateTransaction::new() .name("ffff".to_string()) .symbol("F".to_string()) .token_memo("memo".to_string()) .decimals(decimals) .initial_supply(1_000_000) .max_supply(1_000_000) .treasury_account_id( .token_supply_type(hedera::TokenSupplyType::Finite) .admin_key(owner.key.public_key()) .freeze_key(owner.key.public_key()) .wipe_key(owner.key.public_key()) .supply_key(owner.key.public_key()) .metadata_key(owner.key.public_key()) .pause_key(owner.key.public_key()) .execute(&client) .await? .get_receipt(&client) .await? .token_id .unwrap(); Ok(FungibleToken { id, owner: owner.clone() }) } async fn burn(&self, client: &Client, supply: u64) -> hedera::Result<()> { hedera::TokenBurnTransaction::new() .token_id( .amount(supply) .sign(self.owner.key.clone()) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn delete(self, client: &Client) -> hedera::Result<()> { TokenDeleteTransaction::new() .token_id( .sign(self.owner.key) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await?; Ok(()) } } pub(crate) struct Nft { pub(crate) id: TokenId, pub(crate) owner: Account, } impl Nft { pub(crate) async fn create(client: &Client, owner: &Account) -> hedera::Result { let owner_public_key = owner.key.public_key(); let token_id = TokenCreateTransaction::new() .name("ffff") .symbol("F") .token_type(hedera::TokenType::NonFungibleUnique) .treasury_account_id( .admin_key(owner_public_key) .freeze_key(owner_public_key) .wipe_key(owner_public_key) .pause_key(owner_public_key) .supply_key(owner_public_key) .fee_schedule_key(owner_public_key) .freeze_default(false) .expiration_time(OffsetDateTime::now_utc() + Duration::minutes(5)) .sign(owner.key.clone()) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await? .token_id .unwrap(); Ok(Self { id: token_id, owner: owner.clone() }) } // fixme: find a better name async fn mint_incremental( &self, client: &Client, nfts_to_mint: u8, ) -> hedera::Result> {, (0..nfts_to_mint).map(|it| [it])).await } pub(crate) async fn mint>( &self, client: &Client, metadata: impl IntoIterator, ) -> hedera::Result> { async fn inner( nft: &Nft, client: &Client, mut tx: TokenMintTransaction, ) -> hedera::Result> { let serials = tx .token_id( .sign(nft.owner.key.clone()) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await? .serials; Ok(serials) } let mut tx = TokenMintTransaction::new(); tx.metadata(metadata); inner(self, client, tx).await } pub(crate) async fn burn( &self, client: &Client, serials: impl IntoIterator, ) -> hedera::Result<()> { // non generic inner function to save generic instantiations... Not that that's a huge concern here. async fn inner( nft: &Nft, client: &Client, mut tx: TokenBurnTransaction, ) -> hedera::Result<()> { tx.token_id( .sign(nft.owner.key.clone()) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await .map(drop) } let mut tx = TokenBurnTransaction::new(); tx.serials(serials); inner(self, client, tx).await } pub(crate) async fn delete(self, client: &Client) -> hedera::Result<()> { TokenDeleteTransaction::new() .token_id( .sign(self.owner.key) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await?; Ok(()) } } #[tokio::test] async fn mint_several_nfts_at_once() -> anyhow::Result<()> { async fn setup(op: &Operator, client: &Client) -> anyhow::Result { let token_id = TokenCreateTransaction::new() .name("sdk::rust::e2e::mint_many") .symbol("ยต") .token_type(hedera::TokenType::NonFungibleUnique) .treasury_account_id(op.account_id) .admin_key(op.private_key.clone().public_key()) .supply_key(op.private_key.clone().public_key()) .expiration_time(OffsetDateTime::now_utc() + Duration::minutes(5)) .freeze_default(false) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await? .token_id .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Token creation failed"))?; log::info!("successfully created token {token_id}"); Ok(token_id) } async fn teardown(client: &Client, token_id: TokenId) -> anyhow::Result<()> { TokenDeleteTransaction::new() .token_id(token_id) .execute(client) .await? .get_receipt(client) .await?; Ok(()) } const MINT_TRANSACTIONS: usize = 5; // mint faster by using less transactions. const MAX_MINTS_PER_TX: usize = 10; let TestEnvironment { config, client } = setup_global(); let Some(op) = &config.operator else { log::debug!("skipping test due to lack of operator"); return Ok(()); }; if !config.run_nonfree_tests { log::debug!("skipping non-free test"); return Ok(()); } let token_id = setup(op, &client).await?; let mut tasks = JoinSet::new(); for _ in 0..MINT_TRANSACTIONS { // give the tasks a bit of time between spawning to avoid hammering the network. tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(25)).await; tasks.spawn({ let client = client.clone(); async move { create_nft(&client, token_id, MAX_MINTS_PER_TX).await } }); } let mut responses = Vec::with_capacity(MINT_TRANSACTIONS); // note: we collect the responses to test simultaniously waiting for multiple receipts next. while let Some(response) = tasks.join_next().await { let response = response??; responses.push(response); } let mut tasks = JoinSet::new(); for response in responses { // give the tasks a bit of time between spawning to avoid hammering the network. tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(25)).await; let client = client.clone(); tasks.spawn(async move { response.get_receipt(&client).await }); } while let Some(receipt) = tasks.join_next().await { // we error for status here. let _receipt = receipt??; } teardown(&client, token_id).await?; Ok(()) } async fn create_nft( client: &Client, token_id: TokenId, nfts: usize, ) -> hedera::Result { TokenMintTransaction::default() .token_id(token_id) .metadata(vec![Vec::from([0x12, 0x34]); nfts]) .execute(client) .await }