# Hemlock Hemlock is a security application that enables an individual or organization to split a document among multiple semi-trusted parties. It is primarily for data that only needs to be accessed in an unlikely event. (E.g., a company is being sued and needs to produce sensitive records for evidence, a family member has passed away and legal documents they left behind need to be activated, or you for some reason need to authorize a nuclear launch.) ## What's this repository? `hemlock_lib` is the Rust library that implements all the basic functionality of the application *except* a UI, because I'm bad at designing UI's. My attempt at creating a UI for macOS can be found [here](https://github.com/SylvanM/Hemlock). I have included a C header file that allows the core components of the library to be called from C code, for portability. (Not everyone uses Rust yet, even if they should.)