# Installation instruction **Currently supported plateforms** : linux, macos and redox. Windows is not supported. **Needed dependencides for Linux** : libudev-dev You can install it through (ubuntu, debian and other distributions using the apt package manager) : ``` sudo apt-get install libudev-dev ``` ## Install from crates.io If you have a rust toolchain installed you simply have to run : ``` cargo install herkulex_communicator ``` Otherwise you can follow an other installation method or [install a rust toolchain](https://rustup.rs/). ## [Download the latest binary from the release page](https://git.florencepaul.com/gbip/herkulex_manager/releases) ## Build from source You have clone the repository and build the application using: ``` cargo build ``` # Install completion Once you have installed `herkulex_communicator` you can generate completion files for your favorite sheel. Currently only `bash`, `zsh` and `fish` are supported. Note: you may need to restart your shell in order for the changes to take effect. ### Bash ``` herkulex_communicator completions bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/herkulex_communicator.bash-completion ``` ### Bash (macOS/Homebrew) ``` herkulex_communicator completions bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/herkulex_communicator.bash-completion ``` ### Fish ``` herkulex_communicator completions fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/herkulex_communicator.fish ``` ### Zsh ``` herkulex_communicator completions zsh > ~/.zfunc/_herkulex_communicator ``` Then, you must then add the following line in your ~/.zshrc before compinit: ``` fpath+=~/.zfunc ```