% HEXYL(1) hexyl 0.12.0 | General Commands Manual % % 2022-12-05 # NAME hexyl - a command-line hex viewer # SYNOPSIS **hexyl** [_OPTIONS_] [_FILE_] # DESCRIPTION **hexyl** is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes (NULL bytes, printable ASCII characters, ASCII whitespace characters, other ASCII characters and non-ASCII). # POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS _FILE_ : The file to display. If no _FILE_ argument is given, read from STDIN. # OPTIONS **-n**, **\--length** _N_ : Only read _N_ bytes from the input. The _N_ argument can also include a unit with a decimal prefix (kB, MB, ..) or binary prefix (kiB, MiB, ..), or can be specified using a hex number. Examples: : Read the first 64 bytes: : $ **hexyl \--length=64** Read the first 4 kibibytes: : $ **hexyl \--length=4KiB** Read the first 255 bytes (specified using a hex number): : $ **hexyl \--length=0xff** **-c**, **\--bytes** _N_ : An alias for **-n**/**\--length**. **-l** _N_ : Yet another alias for **-n**/**\--length**. **-s**, **\--skip** _N_ : Skip the first _N_ bytes of the input. The _N_ argument can also include a unit (see **\--length** for details). A negative value is valid and will seek from the end of the file. **\--block-size** _SIZE_ : Sets the size of the block unit to _SIZE_ (default is 512). Examples: : Sets the block size to 1024 bytes: : $ **hexyl \--block-size=1024 \--length=5block** Sets the block size to 4 kilobytes: : $ **hexyl \--block-size=4kB \--length=2block** **-v**, **\--no-squeezing** : Displays all input data. Otherwise any number of groups of output lines which would be identical to the preceding group of lines, are replaced with a line comprised of a single asterisk. **\--color** _WHEN_ : When to use colors. The auto-mode only displays colors if the output goes to an interactive terminal. Possible values: : - **always** (default) - **auto** - **never** **\--border** _STYLE_ : Whether to draw a border with Unicode characters, ASCII characters, or none at all. Possible values: : - **unicode** (default) - **ascii** - **none** **-o**, **\--display-offset** _N_ : Add _N_ bytes to the displayed file position. The _N_ argument can also include a unit (see **\--length** for details). A negative value is valid and calculates an offset relative to the end of the file. **-h**, **\--help** : Prints help information. **-V**, **\--version** : Prints version information. # NOTES Source repository: : # EXAMPLES Print a given file: : $ **hexyl small.png** Print and view a given file in the terminal pager: : $ **hexyl big.png | less -r** Print the first 256 bytes of a given special file: : $ **hexyl -n 256 /dev/urandom** # AUTHORS **hexyl** was written by David Peter . # REPORTING BUGS Bugs can be reported on GitHub at: : # COPYRIGHT **hexyl** is dual-licensed under: : - Apache License 2.0 () - MIT License () # SEE ALSO **hexdump**(1), **xxd**(1)