#[repr(C)] pub struct ResultIterator { pub begin: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, pub end: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, } #[automatically_derived] impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ResultIterator { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result { ::core::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct_field2_finish( f, "ResultIterator", "begin", &self.begin, "end", &&self.end, ) } } #[automatically_derived] impl ::core::marker::Copy for ResultIterator {} #[automatically_derived] impl ::core::clone::Clone for ResultIterator { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> ResultIterator { let _: ::core::clone::AssertParamIsClone<*mut ::std::os::raw::c_void>; let _: ::core::clone::AssertParamIsClone<*mut ::std::os::raw::c_void>; *self } } #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_operation, clippy::identity_op)] const _: () = { ["Size of ResultIterator"][::std::mem::size_of::() - 16usize]; ["Alignment of ResultIterator"][::std::mem::align_of::() - 8usize]; [ "Offset of field: ResultIterator::begin", ][{ builtin # offset_of(ResultIterator, begin) } - 0usize]; [ "Offset of field: ResultIterator::end", ][{ builtin # offset_of(ResultIterator, end) } - 8usize]; }; extern "C" { pub fn hfst_empty_transducer() -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_input_stream( path: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, ) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_input_stream_close(arg1: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void); } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_input_stream_is_eof(arg1: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_input_stream_is_bad(arg1: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void) -> bool; } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_transducer_from_stream( arg1: *const ::std::os::raw::c_void, ) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_lookup( handle: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, input: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, ) -> *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void; } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_lookup_iterator( arg1: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void, ) -> *mut ResultIterator; } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_lookup_iterator_value( it: *mut ResultIterator, s: *mut *mut ::std::os::raw::c_char, w: *mut f32, ); } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_lookup_iterator_next(it: *mut ResultIterator); } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_lookup_iterator_free(it: *mut ResultIterator); } extern "C" { pub fn hfst_lookup_iterator_done(it: *mut ResultIterator) -> bool; }