pub mod mut_message_client; use std::{ collections::HashMap, env, io::{stdout, BufRead, BufReader, Write}, net::SocketAddr, panic::{catch_unwind, UnwindSafe}, process::{Command, Stdio}, str::FromStr, sync::*, thread, time::*, }; #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")] use hickory_client::client::Client; use hickory_client::{client::ClientHandle, proto::xfer::DnsResponse, ClientError}; #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")] use hickory_proto::rr::dnssec::*; use hickory_proto::rr::{rdata::A, *}; use hickory_proto::xfer::Protocol; use regex::Regex; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; use tracing::{info, warn}; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct SocketPort { v4: u16, v6: u16, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct SocketPorts(HashMap); impl SocketPorts { /// This will overwrite the existing value pub fn put(&mut self, protocol: Protocol, addr: SocketAddr) { let entry = self.0.entry(protocol).or_default(); if addr.is_ipv4() { entry.v4 = addr.port(); } else { entry.v6 = addr.port(); } } /// Assumes there is only one V4 addr for the IP based on the usage in the Server pub fn get_v4(&self, protocol: Protocol) -> Option { self.0 .get(&protocol) .iter() .find_map(|ports| if ports.v4 == 0 { None } else { Some(ports.v4) }) } /// Assumes there is only one V4 addr for the IP based on the usage in the Server #[allow(unused)] pub fn get_v6(&self, protocol: Protocol) -> Option { self.0 .get(&protocol) .iter() .find_map(|ports| if ports.v6 == 0 { None } else { Some(ports.v6) }) } } #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")] use self::mut_message_client::MutMessageHandle; fn collect_and_print(read: &mut R, output: &mut String) { output.clear(); read.read_line(output).expect("could not read stdio"); if !output.is_empty() { // uncomment for debugging // println!("SRV: {}", output.trim_end()); } } /// Spins up a Server and handles shutting it down after running the test #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn named_test_harness(toml: &str, test: F) where F: FnOnce(SocketPorts) -> R + UnwindSafe, { let server_path = env::var("TDNS_WORKSPACE_ROOT").unwrap_or_else(|_| "..".to_owned()); println!("using server src path: {server_path}"); let mut command = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_hickory-dns")); command .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .env( "RUST_LOG", "hickory_dns=debug,hickory_client=debug,hickory_proto=debug,hickory_resolver=debug,hickory_server=debug", ) .arg("-d") .arg(format!( "--config={server_path}/tests/test-data/test_configs/{toml}" )) .arg(format!( "--zonedir={server_path}/tests/test-data/test_configs" )) .arg(format!("--port={}", 0)); #[cfg(feature = "dns-over-tls")] command.arg(format!("--tls-port={}", 0)); #[cfg(feature = "dns-over-https-rustls")] command.arg(format!("--https-port={}", 0)); #[cfg(feature = "dns-over-quic")] command.arg(format!("--quic-port={}", 0)); println!("named cli options: {command:#?}"); let mut named = command.spawn().expect("failed to start named"); println!("server starting"); let mut named_out = BufReader::new(named.stdout.take().expect("no stdout")); // forced thread killer let named = Arc::new(Mutex::new(named)); let named_killer = Arc::clone(&named); let succeeded = Arc::new(atomic::AtomicBool::new(false)); let succeeded_clone = succeeded.clone(); let killer_join = thread::Builder::new() .name("thread_killer".to_string()) .spawn(move || { let succeeded = succeeded_clone; let kill_named = || { info!("killing named"); let mut named = named_killer.lock().unwrap(); if let Err(e) = named.kill() { warn!("warning: failed to kill named: {:?}", e); } }; for _ in 0..30 { thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); if succeeded.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) { kill_named(); return; } } kill_named(); println!("Thread Killer has been awoken, killing process"); std::process::exit(-1); }) .expect("could not start thread killer"); // These will be collected from the server startup' let mut socket_ports = SocketPorts::default(); // we should get the correct output before 1000 lines... let mut output = String::new(); let mut found = false; let wait_for_start_until = Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(60); // Search strings for the ports used during testing let addr_regex = Regex::new( r"listening for (UDP|TCP|TLS|HTTPS|QUIC) on ((?:(?:0\.0\.0\.0)|(?:\[::\])):\d+)", ) .unwrap(); while Instant::now() < wait_for_start_until { { if let Some(ret_code) = named .lock() .unwrap() .try_wait() .expect("failed to check status of named") { panic!("named has already exited with code: {}", ret_code); } } collect_and_print(&mut named_out, &mut output); if let Some(addr) = addr_regex.captures(&output) { let proto = addr.get(1).expect("missing protocol").as_str(); let socket_addr = addr.get(2).expect("missing socket addr").as_str(); let socket_addr = SocketAddr::from_str(socket_addr).expect("could not parse socket_addr"); match proto { "UDP" => socket_ports.put(Protocol::Udp, socket_addr), "TCP" => socket_ports.put(Protocol::Tcp, socket_addr), "TLS" => socket_ports.put(Protocol::Tls, socket_addr), #[cfg(feature = "dns-over-https-rustls")] "HTTPS" => socket_ports.put(Protocol::Https, socket_addr), #[cfg(feature = "dns-over-quic")] "QUIC" => socket_ports.put(Protocol::Quic, socket_addr), _ => panic!("unsupported protocol: {proto}"), } } else if output.contains("awaiting connections...") { found = true; break; } } stdout().flush().unwrap(); assert!(found); println!("Test server started. ports: {socket_ports:?}",); // spawn a thread to capture stdout let succeeded_clone = succeeded.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("named stdout".into()) .spawn(move || { let succeeded = succeeded_clone; while !succeeded.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) { collect_and_print(&mut named_out, &mut output); if let Some(_ret_code) = named .lock() .unwrap() .try_wait() .expect("failed to check status of named") { // uncomment for debugging: // println!("named exited with code: {}", _ret_code); } } }) .expect("no thread available"); println!("running test..."); let result = catch_unwind(move || test(socket_ports)); println!("test completed");, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); killer_join.join().expect("join failed"); assert!(result.is_ok(), "test failed"); } pub fn query_message( io_loop: &mut Runtime, client: &mut C, name: Name, record_type: RecordType, ) -> Result { println!("sending request: {name} for: {record_type}"); io_loop.block_on(client.query(name, DNSClass::IN, record_type)) } // This only validates that a query to the server works, it shouldn't be used for more than this. // i.e. more complex checks live with the clients and authorities to validate deeper functionality #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn query_a(io_loop: &mut Runtime, client: &mut C) { let name = Name::from_str("").unwrap(); let response = query_message(io_loop, client, name, RecordType::A).unwrap(); let record = &response.answers()[0]; if let RData::A(address) = { assert_eq!(address, &A::new(127, 0, 0, 1)) } else { panic!("wrong RDATA") } } // This only validates that a query to the server works, it shouldn't be used for more than this. // i.e. more complex checks live with the clients and authorities to validate deeper functionality #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn query_a_refused(io_loop: &mut Runtime, client: &mut C) { let name = Name::from_str("").unwrap(); let error = query_message(io_loop, client, name, RecordType::A).expect_err("Expected an Error here"); println!("got error: {error:?}"); // assert!( // matches!(*error.kind(), ClientErrorKind::Timeout), // "Expected Timeout, got error: {error:?}" // ); } // This only validates that a query to the server works, it shouldn't be used for more than this. // i.e. more complex checks live with the clients and authorities to validate deeper functionality #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")] pub fn query_all_dnssec( io_loop: &mut Runtime, client: Client, algorithm: Algorithm, with_rfc6975: bool, ) { use hickory_proto::rr::dnssec::rdata::{DNSKEY, RRSIG}; let name = Name::from_str("").unwrap(); let mut client = MutMessageHandle::new(client); client.lookup_options.set_dnssec_ok(true); if with_rfc6975 { client .lookup_options .set_supported_algorithms(SupportedAlgorithms::from_vec(&[algorithm])); } let response = query_message(io_loop, &mut client, name.clone(), RecordType::DNSKEY).unwrap(); let dnskey = response .answers() .iter() .map(Record::data) .filter_map(DNSKEY::try_borrow) .find(|d| d.algorithm() == algorithm); assert!(dnskey.is_some(), "DNSKEY not found"); let response = query_message(io_loop, &mut client, name, RecordType::DNSKEY).unwrap(); let rrsig = response .answers() .iter() .map(Record::data) .filter_map(RRSIG::try_borrow) .filter(|rrsig| rrsig.algorithm() == algorithm) .find(|rrsig| rrsig.type_covered() == RecordType::DNSKEY); assert!(rrsig.is_some(), "Associated RRSIG not found"); } #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")] pub fn query_all_dnssec_with_rfc6975(io_loop: &mut Runtime, client: Client, algorithm: Algorithm) { query_all_dnssec(io_loop, client, algorithm, true) } #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(feature = "dnssec")] pub fn query_all_dnssec_wo_rfc6975(io_loop: &mut Runtime, client: Client, algorithm: Algorithm) { query_all_dnssec(io_loop, client, algorithm, false) }