# hid-io-client HID-IO Client Side application interface The purpose of this crate is to provide a common set of functions that can be used to connect directly to hid-io-core. Please see [hid-io-client-ffi](../hid-io-client-ffi) if you are looking for an FFI-compatible library interface. ## Connecting to hid-io-core ```rust extern crate tokio; use hid_io_client::capnp; use hid_io_client::common_capnp::NodeType; use hid_io_client::setup_logging_lite; use rand::Rng; #[tokio::main] pub async fn main() -> Result<(), capnp::Error> { setup_logging_lite().ok(); tokio::task::LocalSet::new().run_until(try_main()).await } async fn try_main() -> Result<(), capnp::Error> { // Prepare hid-io-core connection let mut hidio_conn = hid_io_client::HidioConnection::new().unwrap(); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); // Connect and authenticate with hid-io-core let (hidio_auth, _hidio_server) = hidio_conn .connect( hid_io_client::AuthType::Priviledged, NodeType::HidioApi, "lsnodes".to_string(), format!("{:x} - pid:{}", rng.gen::(), std::process::id()), true, std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000), ) .await?; let hidio_auth = hidio_auth.expect("Could not authenticate to hid-io-core"); let nodes_resp = { let request = hidio_auth.nodes_request(); request.send().promise.await? }; let nodes = nodes_resp.get()?.get_nodes()?; println!(); for n in nodes { println!(" * {} - {}", n.get_id(), hid_io_client::format_node(n)); } hidio_conn.disconnect().await?; Ok(()) } ```