import tempfile import unittest import highspy from highspy.highs import highs_linear_expression, qsum import numpy as np from sys import platform import signal class TestHighsPy(unittest.TestCase): def assertEqualExpr(self, expr, idxs, vals, constant=None, bounds=None): self.assertEqual(list(map(int, expr.idxs)), list(map(int, idxs)), "variable index") self.assertEqual(expr.vals, vals, "variable values") self.assertEqual(expr.constant, constant, "constant") self.assertEqual(expr.bounds, (bounds[0], bounds[1]) if bounds is not None else None, "bounds") def get_basic_model(self): """ min y s.t. -x + y >= 2 x + y >= 0 """ inf = highspy.kHighsInf h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) h.addVars(2, np.array([-inf, -inf]), np.array([inf, inf])) h.changeColsCost(2, np.array([0, 1]), np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.double)) num_cons = 2 lower = np.array([2, 0], dtype=np.double) upper = np.array([inf, inf], dtype=np.double) num_new_nz = 4 starts = np.array([0, 2]) indices = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1]) values = np.array([-1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.double) h.addRows(num_cons, lower, upper, num_new_nz, starts, indices, values) return h def get_example_model(self): """ minimize f = x0 + x1 subject to x1 <= 7 5 <= x0 + 2x1 <= 15 6 <= 3x0 + 2x1 0 <= x0 <= 4; 1 <= x1 """ inf = highspy.kHighsInf h = highspy.Highs() # Define a HighsLp instance lp = highspy.HighsLp() lp.num_col_ = 2 lp.num_row_ = 3 lp.col_cost_ = np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.double) lp.col_lower_ = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.double) lp.col_upper_ = np.array([4, inf], dtype=np.double) lp.row_lower_ = np.array([-inf, 5, 6], dtype=np.double) lp.row_upper_ = np.array([7, 15, inf], dtype=np.double) lp.a_matrix_.start_ = np.array([0, 2, 5]) lp.a_matrix_.index_ = np.array([1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) lp.a_matrix_.value_ = np.array([1, 3, 1, 2, 2], dtype=np.double) h.passModel(lp) return h def test_example_model_builder(self): """ minimize f = x0 + x1 subject to x1 <= 7 5 <= x0 + 2x1 <= 15 6 <= 3x0 + 2x1 0 <= x0 <= 4; 1 <= x1 """ h = highspy.Highs() x0 = h.addVariable(lb=0, ub=4, obj=1) x1 = h.addVariable(lb=1, ub=7, obj=1) h.addConstr(5 <= x0 + 2 * x1 <= 15) h.addConstr(6 <= 3 * x0 + 2 * x1) lp = h.getLp() self.assertEqual(lp.num_col_, 2) self.assertEqual(lp.num_row_, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.col_cost_[0], 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.col_lower_[0], 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.col_upper_[0], 4) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.row_lower_[0], 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.row_upper_[0], 15) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.row_lower_[1], 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.row_upper_[1], highspy.kHighsInf) def get_infeasible_model(self): inf = highspy.kHighsInf lp = highspy.HighsLp() lp.num_col_ = 2 lp.num_row_ = 2 lp.col_cost_ = np.array([10, 15], dtype=np.double) lp.col_lower_ = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.double) lp.col_upper_ = np.array([inf, inf], dtype=np.double) lp.row_lower_ = np.array([3, 1], dtype=np.double) lp.row_upper_ = np.array([3, 1], dtype=np.double) lp.a_matrix_.start_ = np.array([0, 2, 4]) lp.a_matrix_.index_ = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1]) lp.a_matrix_.value_ = np.array([2, 1, 1, 3], dtype=np.double) lp.offset_ = 0 h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) status = h.passModel(lp) self.assertEqual(status, highspy.HighsStatus.kOk) h.setOptionValue("presolve", "off") return h def test_version(self): h = self.get_basic_model() self.assertEqual(h.version(), "1.8.0") self.assertEqual(h.versionMajor(), 1) self.assertEqual(h.versionMinor(), 8) self.assertEqual(h.versionPatch(), 0) def test_basics(self): h = self.get_basic_model() h.passColName(0, "Col0") h.passColName(1, "Col1") h.passRowName(0, "Row0") h.passRowName(1, "Row1") # h.setOptionValue('output_flag', True) h.writeModel("") h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) self.assertEqual(h.setOptionValue("presolve", "off"), highspy.HighsStatus.kOk) # h.setOptionValue('output_flag', True) # Info can be obtained from the class instance, specific call # and, in the case of objective_function_value, # h.getObjectiveValue() info = h.getInfo() objective_function_value0 = info.objective_function_value self.assertAlmostEqual(objective_function_value0, 1) [status, objective_function_value1] = h.getInfoValue("objective_function_value") self.assertAlmostEqual(objective_function_value0, objective_function_value1) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.getObjectiveValue(), objective_function_value0) simplex_iteration_count0 = info.simplex_iteration_count self.assertAlmostEqual(simplex_iteration_count0, 2) [status, simplex_iteration_count1] = h.getInfoValue("simplex_iteration_count") self.assertAlmostEqual(simplex_iteration_count0, simplex_iteration_count1) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -1) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], 1) # h.setOptionValue('output_flag', False) """ min y s.t. -x + y >= 3 x + y >= 0 """ inf = highspy.kHighsInf h.changeRowBounds(0, 3, inf) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -1.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], 1.5) # now make y integer h.changeColsIntegrality(1, np.array([1]), np.array([highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger])) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -1.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], 2) """ now delete the first constraint and add a new one min y s.t. x + y >= 0 -x + y >= 0 """ h.deleteRows(1, np.array([0])) h.addRows(1, np.array([0], dtype=np.double), np.array([inf]), 2, np.array([0]), np.array([0, 1]), np.array([-1, 1], dtype=np.double)) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], 0) # change the upper bound of x to -5 h.changeColsBounds(1, np.array([0]), np.array([-inf], dtype=np.double), np.array([-5], dtype=np.double)) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], 5) # now maximize h.changeColCost(1, -1) h.changeRowBounds(0, -inf, 0) h.changeRowBounds(1, -inf, 0) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], -5) h.changeColCost(1, 1) [status, sense] = h.getObjectiveSense() self.assertEqual(sense, highspy.ObjSense.kMinimize) h.changeObjectiveSense(highspy.ObjSense.kMaximize) [status, sense] = h.getObjectiveSense() self.assertEqual(sense, highspy.ObjSense.kMaximize) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.getObjectiveValue(), -5) h.changeObjectiveOffset(1) [status, offset] = h.getObjectiveOffset() self.assertAlmostEqual(offset, 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.getObjectiveValue(), -4) info = h.getInfo() mip_node_count0 = info.mip_node_count self.assertAlmostEqual(mip_node_count0, 0) [status, mip_node_count1] = h.getInfoValue("mip_node_count") self.assertEqual(status, highspy.HighsStatus.kOk) self.assertAlmostEqual(mip_node_count0, mip_node_count1) def test_example(self): h = self.get_example_model() lp = h.getLp() # # Extract column 0 iCol = 0 [status, cost, lower, upper, get_num_nz] = h.getCol(iCol) self.assertEqual(cost, lp.col_cost_[iCol]) self.assertEqual(lower, lp.col_lower_[iCol]) self.assertEqual(upper, lp.col_upper_[iCol]) index = np.empty(get_num_nz) value = np.empty(get_num_nz, dtype=np.double) [status, index, value] = h.getColEntries(iCol) for iEl in range(get_num_nz): self.assertEqual(index[iEl], lp.a_matrix_.index_[iEl]) self.assertEqual(value[iEl], lp.a_matrix_.value_[iEl]) # # Extract columns 0 and 1 indices = np.array([0, 1]) [status, get_num_col, cost, lower, upper, get_num_nz] = h.getCols(2, indices) for get_col in range(get_num_col): iCol = indices[get_col] self.assertEqual(cost[get_col], lp.col_cost_[iCol]) self.assertEqual(lower[get_col], lp.col_lower_[iCol]) self.assertEqual(upper[get_col], lp.col_upper_[iCol]) start = np.empty(get_num_col) index = np.empty(get_num_nz) value = np.empty(get_num_nz, dtype=np.double) [status, start, index, value] = h.getColsEntries(2, indices) for iCol in range(lp.num_col_): self.assertEqual(start[iCol], lp.a_matrix_.start_[iCol]) for iEl in range(get_num_nz): self.assertEqual(index[iEl], lp.a_matrix_.index_[iEl]) self.assertEqual(value[iEl], lp.a_matrix_.value_[iEl]) # # Extract row 1 iRow = 1 [status, lower, upper, get_num_nz] = h.getRow(iRow) self.assertEqual(lower, lp.row_lower_[iRow]) self.assertEqual(upper, lp.row_upper_[iRow]) index = np.empty(get_num_nz) value = np.empty(get_num_nz, dtype=np.double) [status, index, value] = h.getRowEntries(iRow) # # Extract rows 0 and 2 indices = np.array([0, 2]) [status, get_num_row, lower, upper, get_num_nz] = h.getRows(2, indices) for get_row in range(get_num_row): iRow = indices[get_row] self.assertEqual(lower[get_row], lp.row_lower_[iRow]) self.assertEqual(upper[get_row], lp.row_upper_[iRow]) start = np.empty(get_num_row) index = np.empty(get_num_nz) value = np.empty(get_num_nz, dtype=np.double) [status, start, index, value] = h.getRowsEntries(2, indices) def test_options(self): h = highspy.Highs() # test vanilla get option value method [status, output_flag] = h.getOptionValue("output_flag") [status, solver] = h.getOptionValue("solver") [status, primal_feasibility_tolerance] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") [status, simplex_update_limit] = h.getOptionValue("simplex_update_limit") self.assertEqual(output_flag, True) self.assertEqual(solver, "choose") self.assertEqual(primal_feasibility_tolerance, 1e-7) self.assertEqual(simplex_update_limit, 5000) # Illegal name option_value = h.getOptionValue("simplex_limit") self.assertEqual(option_value[0], highspy.HighsStatus.kError) # test bool option [status, type] = h.getOptionType("output_flag") self.assertEqual(type, highspy.HighsOptionType.kBool) h.setOptionValue("output_flag", True) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("output_flag") self.assertTrue(value) h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("output_flag") self.assertFalse(value) # test string option [status, type] = h.getOptionType("presolve") self.assertEqual(type, highspy.HighsOptionType.kString) h.setOptionValue("presolve", "off") [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("presolve") self.assertEqual(value, "off") h.setOptionValue("presolve", "on") [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("presolve") self.assertEqual(value, "on") # test int option [status, type] = h.getOptionType("threads") self.assertEqual(type, highspy.HighsOptionType.kInt) h.setOptionValue("threads", 1) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("threads") self.assertEqual(value, 1) h.setOptionValue("threads", 2) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("threads") self.assertEqual(value, 2) # test double option [status, type] = h.getOptionType("time_limit") self.assertEqual(type, highspy.HighsOptionType.kDouble) h.setOptionValue("time_limit", 1.7) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("time_limit") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, 1.7) h.setOptionValue("time_limit", 2.7) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("time_limit") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, 2.7) def test_clear(self): h = self.get_basic_model() self.assertEqual(h.getNumCol(), 2) self.assertEqual(h.getNumRow(), 2) self.assertEqual(h.getNumNz(), 4) [status, orig_feas_tol] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") new_feas_tol = orig_feas_tol + 1 h.setOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance", new_feas_tol) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, new_feas_tol) h.clear() self.assertEqual(h.getNumCol(), 0) self.assertEqual(h.getNumRow(), 0) self.assertEqual(h.getNumNz(), 0) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, orig_feas_tol) h = self.get_basic_model() h.setOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance", new_feas_tol) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, new_feas_tol) h.clearModel() self.assertEqual(h.getNumCol(), 0) self.assertEqual(h.getNumRow(), 0) self.assertEqual(h.getNumNz(), 0) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, new_feas_tol) h = self.get_basic_model() sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -1) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], 1) h.clearSolver() self.assertEqual(h.getNumCol(), 2) self.assertEqual(h.getNumRow(), 2) self.assertEqual(h.getNumNz(), 4) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertFalse(sol.value_valid) self.assertFalse(sol.dual_valid) h = self.get_basic_model() [status, orig_feas_tol] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") new_feas_tol = orig_feas_tol + 1 h.setOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance", new_feas_tol) [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, new_feas_tol) h.resetOptions() [status, value] = h.getOptionValue("primal_feasibility_tolerance") self.assertAlmostEqual(value, orig_feas_tol) def test_ranging(self): inf = highspy.kHighsInf h = self.get_basic_model() # Cost ranging # c0 2 -1 1 0 # c1 0 0 inf inf # ## Bound ranging ## Columns # c0 1 -inf inf 1 # c1 1 1 inf 1 ## Rows # r0 -inf -inf inf inf # r1 -inf -inf inf inf [status, ranging] = h.getRanging() self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_dn.objective_[0], 2) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_dn.value_[0], -1) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_up.value_[0], 1) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_up.objective_[0], 0) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_dn.objective_[1], 0) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_dn.value_[1], 0) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_up.value_[1], inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_cost_up.objective_[1], inf) # self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_dn.objective_[0], 1) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_dn.value_[0], -inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_up.value_[0], inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_up.objective_[0], 1) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_dn.objective_[1], 1) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_dn.value_[1], 1) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_up.value_[1], inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.col_bound_up.objective_[1], 1) # self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_dn.objective_[0], -inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_dn.value_[0], -inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_up.value_[0], inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_up.objective_[0], inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_dn.objective_[1], -inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_dn.value_[1], -inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_up.value_[1], inf) self.assertEqual(ranging.row_bound_up.objective_[1], inf) # this catches error in our highs_bindings (pybind11) when passed arrays are not contiguous def test_numpy_slice(self): h = highspy.Highs() N = 10 zero, ones = np.zeros(N), np.ones(N) h.addCols(N, zero, zero, ones, 0, [], [], []) x = np.arange(N, dtype=np.int32) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] tmp = x[1::2] # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] h.addRow(1, 1, len(tmp), tmp, ones) # needs to be rowwise for test to work correctly self.assertEqual(h.getLp().a_matrix_.format_, highspy.MatrixFormat.kRowwise) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().a_matrix_.index_, list(tmp)) def test_constraint_removal(self): h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariable(lb=-highspy.kHighsInf) y = h.addVariable(lb=-highspy.kHighsInf) c1 = h.addConstr(-x + y >= 2) c2 = h.addConstr(x + y >= 0) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 2) h.removeConstr(c1) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 1) def test_infeasible_model(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) h.setOptionValue("presolve", "off") x = h.addVariable() y = h.addVariable() c1 = h.addConstr(x + y == 3) c2 = h.addConstr(x + y == 1) status = h.minimize(10 * x + 15 * y) self.assertEqual(status, highspy.HighsStatus.kOk) status = h.getModelStatus() self.assertEqual(status, highspy.HighsModelStatus.kInfeasible) # change the model to be feasible h.chgCoeff(c1, y, 3) status = self.assertEqual(status, highspy.HighsStatus.kOk) status = h.getModelStatus() self.assertEqual(status, highspy.HighsModelStatus.kOptimal) def test_simple_basics_builder(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.silent() x, y = h.addVariables(2, lb=-highspy.kHighsInf) c = h.addConstrs(-x + y >= 2, x + y >= 0) h.minimize(y) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.val([x, y])), [-1, 1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.variableValue([x, y])), [-1, 1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.variableValues([x, y])), [-1, 1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.allVariableValues()), [-1, 1]) # -x + y >= 3 h.changeRowBounds(0, 3, highspy.kHighsInf) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.val([x, y])), [-1.5, 1.5]) # make y integer h.setInteger(y) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.val([x, y])), [-1, 2]) # delete the first constraint and add a new one h.removeConstr(c[0], c) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, c)), [-1, 0]) h.addConstr(-x + y >= 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.val([x, y])), [0, 0]) def test_basics_builder(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) x = h.addVariable(lb=-highspy.kHighsInf) y = h.addVariable(lb=-highspy.kHighsInf) c1 = h.addConstr(-x + y >= 2) c2 = h.addConstr(x + y >= 0) h.minimize(y) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x), -1) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y), 1) """ min y s.t. -x + y >= 3 x + y >= 0 """ h.changeRowBounds(0, 3, highspy.kHighsInf) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x), -1.5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y), 1.5) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(h.variableDual(x), sol.col_dual[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.variableDuals(x), sol.col_dual[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.variableDuals([x, y])), [sol.col_dual[0], sol.col_dual[1]]) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.variableDuals({"x": x, "y": y}), {"x": sol.col_dual[0], "y": sol.col_dual[1]}) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.variableDuals(np.asarray([x, y]))), [sol.col_dual[0], sol.col_dual[1]]) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.allVariableDuals(), sol.col_dual) c1, c2 = h.getConstrs() self.assertAlmostEqual(h.constrValue(c1), sol.row_value[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.constrValues(c1), sol.row_value[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.constrValues([c1, c2])), sol.row_value) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.constrValues([c2, c1])), sol.row_value[::-1]) # order matters self.assertAlmostEqual(h.constrValues({"c1": c1, "c2": c2}), {"c1": sol.row_value[0], "c2": sol.row_value[1]}) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.constrValues(np.asarray([c1, c2]))), sol.row_value) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.allConstrValues(), sol.row_value) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.constrDual(c1), sol.row_dual[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.constrDuals(c1), sol.row_dual[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.constrDuals([c1, c2])), sol.row_dual) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.constrDuals([c2, c1])), sol.row_dual[::-1]) # order matters self.assertAlmostEqual(h.constrDuals({"c1": c1, "c2": c2}), {"c1": sol.row_dual[0], "c2": sol.row_dual[1]}) self.assertAlmostEqual(list(h.constrDuals(np.asarray([c1, c2]))), sol.row_dual) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.allConstrDuals(), sol.row_dual) # now make y integer h.changeColsIntegrality(1, np.array([1]), np.array([highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger])) sol = h.getSolution() self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[0], -1) self.assertAlmostEqual(sol.col_value[1], 2) """ now delete the first constraint and add a new one min y s.t. x + y >= 0 -x + y >= 0 """ h.removeConstr(c1) c1 = h.addConstr(-x + y >= 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y), 0) # change the upper bound of x to -5 h.changeColsBounds(1, np.array([0]), np.array([-highspy.kHighsInf], dtype=np.double), np.array([-5], dtype=np.double)) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x), -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y), 5) # now maximize h.changeRowBounds(1, -highspy.kHighsInf, 0) h.changeRowBounds(0, -highspy.kHighsInf, 0) h.minimize(-y) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x), -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y), -5) self.assertEqual(h.getObjectiveSense()[1], highspy.ObjSense.kMinimize) h.maximize(y) self.assertEqual(h.getObjectiveSense()[1], highspy.ObjSense.kMaximize) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x), -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y), -5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.getObjectiveValue(), -5) h.maximize(y + 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.getObjectiveOffset()[1], 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.getObjectiveValue(), -4) def test_addVariable(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.addVariable() self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 1) # exception self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariable(lb=h.inf)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariables(2, lb=h.inf)) def test_addConstr(self): h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariable() y = h.addVariable() c1 = h.addConstr(2 * x + 3 * y <= 10, name="c1") self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 2) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 1) self.assertEqual(h.getNumNz(), 2) self.assertEqual(, "c1") = "c2" self.assertEqual(, "c2") lp = h.getLp() self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.row_lower_[0], -highspy.kHighsInf) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.row_upper_[0], 10) self.assertEqual(lp.a_matrix_.index_[0], 0) self.assertEqual(lp.a_matrix_.index_[1], 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.a_matrix_.value_[0], 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.a_matrix_.value_[1], 3) def test_removeConstr(self): h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariable() y = h.addVariable() c = h.addConstr(2 * x + 3 * y <= 10) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 1) h.removeConstr(c) self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 2) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 0) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda:"c")) def test_val(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) x = [h.addVariable(), h.addVariable()] h.addConstr(2 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] <= 10) h.maximize(x[0]) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x[0]), 5) vals = h.vals(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals[0], 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals[1], 0) # test linear expr self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(2 * x[0] + 3 * x[1]), 10) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(1 * x[0] + 3 * x[1]), 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(1 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] <= 4), False) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(1 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] == 5), True) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(1 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] >= 6), False) def test_var_name(self): h = highspy.Highs() # name set, but not in the model x = h.addVariable(name="x") self.assertEqual(, "x") # change name before adding to the model = "y" self.assertEqual(, "y") # add to the model self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 1) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().col_names_[0], "y") # change name after adding to the model = "z" self.assertEqual(h.getLp().col_names_[0], "z") # change name via the model h.passColName(0, "a") self.assertEqual(h.getLp().col_names_[0], "a") self.assertEqual(, "a") self.assertEqual(h.variableName(x), "a") self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.variableName(1)) self.assertEqual(h.variableNames([x]), ["a"]) self.assertEqual(h.variableNames({"key": x}), {"key": "a"}) self.assertEqual(h.allVariableNames(), ["a"]) y = h.addVariable() h.deleteVariable(y) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: def test_binary(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) x = [h.addBinary(), h.addBinary()] h.addConstr(2 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] <= 10) h.maximize(x[0]) lp = h.getLp() self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.col_lower_[0], 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(lp.col_upper_[0], 1) self.assertEqual(lp.integrality_[0], highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x[0]), 1) vals = h.vals(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals[0], 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals[1], 0) def test_integer(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) x = [h.addIntegral(), h.addVariable()] h.addConstr(2 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] <= 10.6) h.maximize(x[0] + x[1]) lp = h.getLp() self.assertEqual(lp.integrality_[0], highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger) self.assertEqual(lp.integrality_[1], highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x[0]), 5) vals = h.vals(x) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals[0], 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals[1], 0.2) y = h.addIntegrals(2) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[2], highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[3], highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger) h.setContinuous(y[0]) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[2], highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[3], highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger) h.setInteger(y) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[2], highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[3], highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger) h.setContinuous(y) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[2], highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().integrality_[3], highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous) def test_objective(self): h = highspy.Highs() h.setOptionValue("output_flag", False) x = [h.addVariable(), h.addVariable()] h.addConstr(2 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] <= 10) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.maximize, x[0] + x[1] <= 3) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.minimize, x[0] + x[1] <= 3) def test_constraint_builder(self): h = highspy.Highs() (x, y) = [h.addVariable(), h.addVariable()] # -inf <= 2x + 3y <= inf c1 = 2 * x + 3 * y self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y], [2, 3]) # -inf <= 2x + 3y <= 2x c1 = 2 * x + 3 * y <= 2 * x self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y, x], [2, 3, -2], None, [-highspy.kHighsInf, 0]) # -inf <= 2x + 3y <= 2x c1 = 2 * x >= 2 * x + 3 * y self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y, x], [2, 3, -2], None, [-highspy.kHighsInf, 0]) # failure add constraint without inequality self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addConstr(x + 3 * y)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addConstrs(x == 1, x + 3 * y)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addConstrs({"a": x == 1, "b": x + 3 * y})) # ensure model is rolled back on error self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 0) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addConstrs([x == 1] * 100 + [x + 3 * y])) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 0) # failure - bounds already set self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 1 <= (4 <= 2 * x + 3 * y)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 >= (4 >= 2 * x + 3 * y)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (2 * x + 3 * y <= 2) <= 4) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (1 <= 2 * x + 3 * y) <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 1 <= (2 * x + 3 * y <= 5)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 1 <= (5 >= 2 * x + 3 * y)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (5 >= 2 * x + 3 * y) >= 1) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 5 >= (2 * x + 3 * y >= 1)) c1 = 2 * x + 3 * y <= (2 <= 4) # 2x + 3y <= float(True) self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y], [2, 3], None, [-highspy.kHighsInf, 1]) # failure, non-linear terms self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 * x * 3 * y) # failure, order matters when having variables on both sides of inequality self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (4 * x <= 2 * x + 3 * y) <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 4 * x <= (2 * x + 3 * y <= 5)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (4 * x <= 2 * x + 3 * y) <= 5 * x) c1 = 5 * x <= 2 * x + 3 * y <= 5 * x self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y, x], [2, 3, -5], None, [0, 0]) # test various combinations with different inequalities self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (2 * x + 3 * y == 3 * y) == 3) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 * x + 3 * y == (3 * y == 3)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 * x + 3 * y == (3 * y <= 3)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 * x + 3 * y == (3 * y >= 3)) c1 = 2 * x + 3 * y == x self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y, x], [2, 3, -1], None, [0, 0]) c1 = 2 * x + 3 * y == 5 self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y], [2, 3], None, [5, 5]) c1 = 5 == 2 * x + 3 * y self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y], [2, 3], None, [5, 5]) # 2*x + 3*y == 4.5 c1 = 2 * x + 3 * y + 0.5 == 5 self.assertEqualExpr(c1, [x, y], [2, 3], None, [4.5, 4.5]) h.addConstr(c1) self.assertAlmostEqual((h.getLp().row_lower_[0], h.getLp().row_upper_[0]), (4.5, 4.5)) def test_add_multiple_variables(self): # test basic functionality h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariables(2) self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 2) # test multiple dimensions h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariables(2, 3, 4, out_array=False) self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 2 * 3 * 4) self.assertEqual(isinstance(x, dict), True) # test multiple dimensions array h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariables(2, 3, 4) self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 2 * 3 * 4) self.assertEqual(x.shape, (2, 3, 4)) # test binary variables with objective and names h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addBinaries(20, obj=range(20), name_prefix="t_") self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 20) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().col_names_[0], "t_0") self.assertEqual(h.getLp().col_names_[19], "t_19") self.assertEqual(h.getLp().col_cost_[0], 0) self.assertEqual(h.getLp().col_cost_[19], 19) # test prefix item with indices, not variable offset h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariables("a", "b", "c", name_prefix="t_") # ('a', 'b', 'c') self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 1) self.assertEqual(x["a", "b", "c"].name, "t_('a', 'b', 'c')") # Testing different ways of adding variables # Some are unlikely to be used, but this is expected behaviour N = 0 h = highspy.Highs() x1 = h.addVariables(("a", "b", "c"), obj={"b": 20, "c": 10, "a": 50}) N += 3 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) lp = h.getLp() self.assertEqual(lp.col_cost_[0], 50) self.assertEqual(lp.col_cost_[1], 20) self.assertEqual(lp.col_cost_[2], 10) x2 = h.addVariables(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) # 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' N += 4 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) x3 = h.addVariables("abc") # 'a', 'b', 'c' N += 3 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) x4 = h.addVariables(("ab", "b", "c", "d")) # 'ab', 'b', 'c', 'd' N += 4 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) x5 = h.addVariables("ab", "b", "c", "d") # ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), ('b', 'b', 'c', 'd') N += 2 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) self.assertTrue(("a", "b", "c", "d") in x5.keys()) self.assertTrue(("b", "b", "c", "d") in x5.keys()) x6 = h.addVariables(5, "a", 2, "b", "c") # range(5), 'a', range(2), 'b', 'c' N += 5 * 2 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) x7 = h.addVariables([5, "a", 2, "b", "c"]) # 5, 'a', 2, 'b', 'c' N += 5 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) x8 = h.addVariables([(20, 1), (1, 2), (2, 6)], ub=[3, 2, 1], name_prefix="t") # (20, 1), (1,2), (2,6) N += 3 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) x9 = h.addBinaries((20, 1), (1, 2), (2, 6)) # product((20, 1), (1,2), (2,6))) = (20, 1, 2), ..., (1, 2, 6) N += 8 self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, N) def test_add_single_constraints(self): h = highspy.Highs() (x, y) = h.addVariables(2) added_constraints = h.addConstrs([2 * x + 3 * y <= 5]) self.assertEqual(len(added_constraints), 1) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 1) def test_add_multiple_constraints(self): # test manual constraints h = highspy.Highs() (x, y, z) = h.addVariables(3) added_constraints = h.addConstrs([x + y <= 5, 2 * x + 3 * y >= 10, x - z == 2]) self.assertEqual(len(added_constraints), 3) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 3) # test list comprehension constraints h = highspy.Highs() x = h.addVariables(5) h.addConstr(sum(x) == 1) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 1) h.addConstrs(x[i] + x[j] <= 1 for i in range(5) for j in range(5)) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 26) # test names and sequence types (list, tuple, nothing) h = highspy.Highs() (x1, x2, x3) = h.addVariables(3) h.addConstrs((x2 - x1 >= 2), name_prefix="a") self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 1) h.addConstrs((x2 - x1 >= 2)) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 2) h.addConstrs(x2 - x1 >= 2, name_prefix="b") self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 3) h.addConstrs(x2 - x1 >= 2) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 4) h.addConstrs([x2 - x1 >= 2], name_prefix="c") self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 5) h.addConstrs([x2 - x1 >= 2]) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 6) # r/w basis tests below works on unix but not windows? def test_write_basis_before_running(self): if platform == "linux" or platform == "darwin": h = self.get_basic_model() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: h.writeBasis( contents = self.assertEqual(contents, b"HiGHS v1\nNone\n") def test_write_basis_after_running(self): if platform == "linux" or platform == "darwin": h = self.get_basic_model() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: h.writeBasis( contents = self.assertEqual(contents, b"HiGHS v1\nValid\n# Columns 2\n1 1 \n# Rows 2\n0 0 \n") def test_read_basis(self): if platform == "linux" or platform == "darwin": # Read basis from one run model into an unrun model expected_status_before = highspy.HighsBasisStatus.kLower expected_status_after = highspy.HighsBasisStatus.kBasic h1 = self.get_basic_model() self.assertEqual(h1.getBasis().col_status[0], expected_status_before) self.assertEqual(h1.getBasis().col_status[0], expected_status_after) h2 = self.get_basic_model() self.assertEqual(h2.getBasis().col_status[0], expected_status_before) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: h1.writeBasis( h2.readBasis( self.assertEqual(h2.getBasis().col_status[0], expected_status_after) def test_solve(self): """Test the solve method to ensure it runs the solver.""" h = highspy.Highs() h.silent() x = h.addBinary(obj=1) h.setMaximize() h.solve() self.assertEqual(h.getSolution().col_value[0], 1) self.assertEqual(h.getObjectiveSense()[1], highspy.highs.ObjSense.kMaximize) h.setMinimize() h.optimize() self.assertEqual(h.getSolution().col_value[0], 0) self.assertEqual(h.getObjectiveSense()[1], highspy.highs.ObjSense.kMinimize) def test_minimize(self): """Test the minimize method with and without an objective.""" h = highspy.Highs() h.silent() x, y, z = h.addBinaries(3, obj=-1) h.minimize() self.assertEqual(list(h.val([x, y, z])), [1, 1, 1]) h.minimize(-x) self.assertEqual(h.val(x), 1) h.minimize(x) self.assertEqual(h.val(x), 0) h.minimize(x - y) self.assertEqual(h.val(x), 0) self.assertEqual(h.val(y), 1) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.minimize, x - y <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.minimize, 0 <= x - y <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.minimize, 4 <= x - y) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.minimize, 4) def test_maximize(self): """Test the maximize method with and without an objective.""" h = highspy.Highs() h.silent() x, y, z = h.addBinaries(3, obj=1) h.maximize() self.assertEqual(list(h.val([x, y, z])), [1, 1, 1]) h.maximize(x) self.assertEqual(h.val(x), 1) h.maximize(-x) self.assertEqual(h.val(x), 0) h.maximize(y - x) self.assertEqual(h.val(x), 0) self.assertEqual(h.val(y), 1) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.maximize, x - y <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.maximize, 0 <= x - y <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.maximize, 4 <= x - y) self.assertRaises(Exception, h.maximize, 4) def test_get_expr(self): h = self.get_basic_model() expr = h.getExpr(0) # -x + y >= 2 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [0, 1], [-1, 1], None, [2, highspy.kHighsInf]) expr = h.getExpr(1) # x + y >= 0 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [0, 1], [1, 1], None, [0, highspy.kHighsInf]) c = h.getConstrs() self.assertEqualExpr(c[0].expr(), [0, 1], [-1, 1], None, [2, highspy.kHighsInf]) self.assertEqualExpr(c[1].expr(), [0, 1], [1, 1], None, [0, highspy.kHighsInf]) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.getExpr(2)) def test_add_variables(self): """Test adding multiple variables to the model.""" h = highspy.Highs() var = h.addVariables() self.assertEqual(var, None) keys = ["a", "b", "c"] v = h.addVariables(keys) self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, dict)) self.assertEqual(int(v["a"]), 0) h.addConstr(v["a"] + v["b"] + v["c"] == 1) h.maximize(v["a"]) self.assertEqual(h.val(v), {"a": 1.0, "b": 0, "c": 0}) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, h.getVariables())), [0, 1, 2]) # provided len(parameters) != len(indices) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariables(5, type=[highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous, highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger])) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariables(5, name=["a", "b"])) # some parameters not valid self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariables(5, type=[highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous, None])) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariables(5, name=["a", None])) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariables(5, out_array=["a"])) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.addVariables(5, name_prefix=["a"])) # correct usage y = h.addVariables(5, type=[highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous] * 5) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, y)), [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) y2 = h.addVariables( ["a", "b", "c"], type={"a": highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous, "b": highspy.HighsVarType.kInteger, "c": highspy.HighsVarType.kContinuous} ) self.assertEqual({k: int(v) for k, v in y2.items()}, {"a": 8, "b": 9, "c": 10}) y3 = h.addVariables(2, name=["a", "b"]) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, y3)), [11, 12]) def test_delete_variable(self): h = highspy.Highs() keys = ["a", "b", "c"] D = h.addVariables(keys) X = h.addVariables(5) self.assertEqual({k: int(v) for k, v in D.items()}, {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2}) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, X)), [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) # delete variable and update collections h.deleteVariable(D["b"], D, X) self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 7) self.assertEqual({k: int(v) for k, v in D.items()}, {"a": 0, "b": -1, "c": 1}) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, X)), [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) # delete variable and update collections h.deleteVariable(X[3], D, X) self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 6) self.assertEqual({k: int(v) for k, v in D.items()}, {"a": 0, "b": -1, "c": 1}) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, X)), [2, 3, 4, -1, 5]) # delete variable and update collections h.deleteVariable(X[2], D, *X) self.assertEqual(h.numVariables, 5) self.assertEqual({k: int(v) for k, v in D.items()}, {"a": 0, "b": -1, "c": 1}) self.assertEqual(list(map(int, X)), [2, 3, -1, -1, 4]) def test_remove_constraint(self): h = highspy.Highs() keys = ["a", "b", "c"] D = h.addVariables(keys) X = h.addVariables(5) c1 = h.addConstr(D["a"] + D["b"] + D["c"] == 1) cX = h.addConstrs((x >= 1 for x in X)) c2 = h.addConstr(qsum(X) == 1) c3 = h.addConstr(qsum(D.values()) == 1) hash_test = {c1: "c1", c2: "c2", c3: "c3"} self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 8) self.assertEqual([int(c1)] + list(map(int, cX)) + [int(c2), int(c3)], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) # delete constr and update collections h.removeConstr(cX[2], c1, cX, c2, c3) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 7) self.assertEqual([int(c1)] + list(map(int, cX)) + [int(c2), int(c3)], [0, 1, 2, -1, 3, 4, 5, 6]) # delete variable and update collections h.removeConstr(c1, c1, cX) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 6) self.assertEqual([int(c1)] + list(map(int, cX)) + [int(c2), int(c3)], [-1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) # add dictionary of constraints with highs_var keys cM = h.addConstrs({x: x >= 1 for x in X}) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 11) self.assertEqual([int(c1)] + list(map(int, cX)) + [int(c2), int(c3)], [-1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) self.assertEqual({int(k): int(c) for k, c in cM.items()}, {3: 6, 4: 7, 5: 8, 6: 9, 7: 10}) # add dictionary of constraints with string keys cD = h.addConstrs({k: x >= 1 for k, x in D.items()}) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 14) self.assertEqual([int(c1)] + list(map(int, cX)) + [int(c2), int(c3)], [-1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) self.assertEqual({int(k): int(c) for k, c in cM.items()}, {3: 6, 4: 7, 5: 8, 6: 9, 7: 10}) self.assertEqual({k: int(c) for k, c in cD.items()}, {"a": 11, "b": 12, "c": 13}) # delete constraint from dictionary h.removeConstr(cM[X[2]], c1, cX, c2, c3, cM, cD) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 13) self.assertEqual([int(c1)] + list(map(int, cX)) + [int(c2), int(c3)], [-1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) # unchanged self.assertEqual({int(k): int(c) for k, c in cM.items()}, {3: 6, 4: 7, 5: -1, 6: 8, 7: 9}) self.assertEqual({k: int(c) for k, c in cD.items()}, {"a": 10, "b": 11, "c": 12}) # delete constraint from dictionary h.removeConstr(cD["b"], c1, cX, c2, c3, cM, cD) self.assertEqual(h.numConstrs, 12) self.assertEqual([int(c1)] + list(map(int, cX)) + [int(c2), int(c3)], [-1, 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 5, 6]) # unchanged self.assertEqual({int(k): int(c) for k, c in cM.items()}, {3: 6, 4: 7, 5: -1, 6: 8, 7: 9}) # unchanged self.assertEqual({k: int(c) for k, c in cD.items()}, {"a": 10, "b": -1, "c": 11}) # delete non-existent constraint self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.removeConstr(cD["b"], c1, cX, c2, c3, cM, cD)) def test_qsum(self): """Test summation.""" h = highspy.Highs() X = h.addVariables(10) # qsum expr = qsum(X) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, X, [1] * 10) expr = qsum((2 * x for x in X)) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, X, [2] * 10) expr = qsum((qsum(X) for k in range(11))).simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, X, [11] * 10) # sum expr = sum(X) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, X, [1] * 10, 0) expr = sum((2 * x for x in X)) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, X, [2] * 10, 0) # init sum with empty expression expr = sum((2 * x for x in X), highs_linear_expression()) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, X, [2] * 10) # manual sum expr = h.expr() for x in X: expr += x self.assertEqualExpr(expr, X, [1] * 10) def test_user_interrupts(self): N = 8 h = highspy.Highs() h.silent() x = h.addBinaries(N, N) y = np.fliplr(x) h.addConstrs(x.sum(axis = 0) == 1) # each col has exactly one queen h.addConstrs(x.sum(axis = 1) == 1) # each row has exactly one queen h.addConstrs(x.diagonal(k).sum() <= 1 for k in range(-N + 1, N)) # each diagonal has at most one queen h.addConstrs(y.diagonal(k).sum() <= 1 for k in range(-N + 1, N)) # each 'reverse' diagonal has at most one queen h.HandleUserInterrupt = True t = h.startSolve() self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.startSolve()) h.cancelSolve() h.wait() h = self.get_basic_model() h.HandleKeyboardInterrupt = True self.assertEqual(h.HandleKeyboardInterrupt, True) self.assertEqual(h.HandleUserInterrupt, True) h.solve() h.minimize() h.maximize() h.minimize() h.joinSolve(h.startSolve()) h.joinSolve(h.startSolve(), 0) # replace wait function with Ctrl+C signal highspy.highs.Highs.wait = lambda self, t: signal.raise_signal(signal.SIGINT) h.HandleKeyboardInterrupt = False self.assertEqual(h.HandleKeyboardInterrupt, False) self.assertEqual(h.HandleUserInterrupt, False) h.joinSolve(h.startSolve(), 0) h.startSolve() h.joinSolve(None, 0) with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): h.startSolve() h.joinSolve(None, 5) unittest.main(exit=False) def test_callbacks(self): N = 8 h = highspy.Highs() h.silent(False) x = h.addBinaries(N, N) y = np.fliplr(x) h.addConstrs(h.qsum(x[i, :]) == 1 for i in range(N)) # each row has exactly one queen h.addConstrs(h.qsum(x[:, j]) == 1 for j in range(N)) # each col has exactly one queen h.addConstrs(h.qsum(x.diagonal(k)) <= 1 for k in range(-N + 1, N)) # each diagonal has at most one queen h.addConstrs(h.qsum(y.diagonal(k)) <= 1 for k in range(-N + 1, N)) # each 'reverse' diagonal has at most one queen do_nothing = lambda e: None check_callback = [] chk_callback = lambda e: check_callback.append(e) check_solution = [] chk_solution = lambda e: check_solution.append(e.val(x)) # check callback is added and called h.cbLogging += chk_callback h.cbMipSolution += chk_solution self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 1) self.assertEqual(len(h.cbMipSolution.callbacks), 1) h.solve() self.assertNotEqual(len(check_callback), 0) self.assertNotEqual(len(check_solution), 0) check_callback.clear() check_solution.clear() # check callback is removed and not called h.cbLogging -= chk_callback h.cbMipSolution -= chk_solution self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 0) self.assertEqual(len(h.cbMipSolution.callbacks), 0) h.solve() self.assertEqual(len(check_callback), 0) self.assertEqual(len(check_solution), 0) h.disableCallbacks() self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.cbLogging.subscribe(do_nothing)) h.enableCallbacks() h.cbLogging += chk_callback h.cbSimplexInterrupt += do_nothing h.cbIpmInterrupt += do_nothing h.cbMipSolution += do_nothing h.cbMipImprovingSolution += do_nothing h.cbMipLogging += do_nothing h.cbMipInterrupt += do_nothing h.cbMipGetCutPool += do_nothing h.cbMipDefineLazyConstraints += do_nothing self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 1) # check callback is disabled and not called h.disableCallbacks() self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 1) h.solve() self.assertEqual(len(check_callback), 0) check_callback.clear() # check callback is enabled and called h.enableCallbacks() self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 1) h.solve() self.assertNotEqual(len(check_callback), 0) check_callback.clear() h.cbLogging -= chk_callback h.cbSimplexInterrupt -= do_nothing h.cbIpmInterrupt -= do_nothing h.cbMipSolution -= do_nothing h.cbMipImprovingSolution -= do_nothing h.cbMipLogging -= do_nothing h.cbMipInterrupt -= do_nothing h.cbMipGetCutPool -= do_nothing h.cbMipDefineLazyConstraints -= do_nothing self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 0) h.cbLogging.subscribe(do_nothing) self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 1) h.cbLogging.unsubscribe(do_nothing) self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 0) h.cbLogging.unsubscribe(do_nothing) # does not throw error if not exists self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 0) h.cbLogging.subscribe(do_nothing, "test") self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 1) h.cbLogging.unsubscribe_by_data("test") self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 0) h.cbLogging += do_nothing h.cbLogging += do_nothing h.cbLogging += do_nothing self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 3) h.cbLogging.clear() self.assertEqual(len(h.cbLogging.callbacks), 0) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbLogging", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbSimplexInterrupt", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbIpmInterrupt", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbMipSolution", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbMipImprovingSolution", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbMipLogging", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbMipInterrupt", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbMipGetCutPool", None)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: h.__setattr__("cbMipDefineLazyConstraints", None)) class TestHighsLinearExpressionPy(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.h = highspy.Highs() self.h.silent() self.x = self.h.addVariables(10) def assertEqualExpr(self, expr, idxs, vals, constant=None, bounds=None): self.assertEqual(list(map(int, expr.idxs)), list(map(int, idxs)), "variable index") self.assertEqual(expr.vals, vals, "variable values") self.assertEqual(expr.constant, constant, "constant") self.assertEqual(expr.bounds, (bounds[0], bounds[1]) if bounds is not None else None, "bounds") def test_init_empty(self): # Test initialization with no arguments expr = highspy.highs.highs_linear_expression() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [], []) expr = self.h.expr() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [], []) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: self.h.expr([])) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: self.h.expr(self.h)) def test_init_var(self): # Test initialization with a highs_var expr = highspy.highs.highs_linear_expression(self.x[0]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [self.x[0]], [1.0]) expr = 1.0 * self.x[0] self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [self.x[0]], [1.0]) expr = self.h.expr(self.x[0]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [self.x[0]], [1.0]) def test_init_const(self): # Test initialization with a constant expr = highspy.highs.highs_linear_expression(5) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [], [], 5) expr = self.h.expr(5) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [], [], 5) def test_mutable(self): x, y, z = self.x[0:3] expr = x + 2 * y expr2 = expr # reference to expr expr3 = expr.copy() # copy of expr self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y], [1, 2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr3, [x, y], [1, 2]) expr += z self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, z], [1, 2, 1]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y, z], [1, 2, 1]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr3, [x, y], [1, 2]) expr *= 2 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, z], [2, 4, 2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y, z], [2, 4, 2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr3, [x, y], [1, 2]) # test simplify expr += x + y + z expr += x + y + z expr += x + y + z self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, z] + [x, y, z] * 3, [2, 4, 2] + [1, 1, 1] * 3) expr4 = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, z] + [x, y, z] * 3, [2, 4, 2] + [1, 1, 1] * 3) self.assertEqualExpr(expr4, [x, y, z], [5, 7, 5]) # test edge cases e1 = x + z <= 3 e2 = 2 * y # addition self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 + (e2 + 3)) # cannot add if one has bounds and the other has constant self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 + 5) # cannot add constant to expr with bounds self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 + []) # unknown type expr = e1 + (1 <= (e2 + 4) <= 2) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, z, y], [1, 1, 2], None, [-self.h.inf, 1]) expr = e2.copy() expr += e1 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [y, x, z], [2, 1, 1], None, [-self.h.inf, 3]) # subtract self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 - (e2 + 3)) # cannot add if one has bounds and the other has constant self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 - 5) # cannot add constant to expr with bounds self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 - []) # unknown type expr = e1 - (1 <= (e2 + 4) <= 2) # (-inf <= x + z <= 3) + (2 <= -2y <= 3) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, z, y], [1, 1, -2], None, [-self.h.inf, 6]) expr = e2.copy() expr -= e1 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [y, x, z], [2, -1, -1], None, [-3, self.h.inf]) def test_immutable(self): x, y, z = self.x[0:3] expr = (1 * x - 2 * y).simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -2]) expr2 = expr + z self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y, z], [1, -2, 1]) expr2 = expr + 5 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y], [1, -2], 5) expr2 = expr <= 3 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y], [1, -2], None, [-self.h.inf, 3]) expr2 = 0 <= expr <= 3 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y], [1, -2], None, [0, 3]) expr2 = 0 <= expr <= 3 expr2 += z self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -2]) self.assertEqualExpr(expr2, [x, y, z], [1, -2, 1], None, [0, 3]) def test_negation(self): # Test negation of a highs_var expr = -self.x[0] self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [self.x[0]], [-1]) # Test negation of a highs_linear_expression x, y = self.x[0:2] expr = x - 2 * y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -2]) negr = -expr self.assertEqualExpr(negr, [x, y], [-1, 2]) # Test negation of a highs_linear_expression expr = -self.h.qsum(self.x) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, list(map(int, self.x)), [-1] * len(self.x)) def test_equality(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] expr = x == y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [0, 0]) expr = x + y == [1, 2] self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [1, 2]) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x == [x, y]) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x == self.h) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x != self.h) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x + y != y) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x + 5 != self.h) def test_le_inequality(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] # Test inequality of two highs_linear_expressions expr = x <= y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 0]) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x <= self.h) def test_ge_inequality(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] # Test inequality of two highs_linear_expressions expr = x >= y # y - x <= 0 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 0]) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x >= self.h) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x + 4 >= self.h) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x + 4 >= (y <= 2)) def test_chain_inequality(self): x, y, z = self.x[0:3] # test basic chain inequality expr = 2 <= x + y <= 6 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [2, 6]) expr = 2 <= (x + y) <= 6 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [2, 6]) expr = 2 <= x <= 6 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x], [1], None, [2, 6]) # advanced chain use cases expr = y <= 6 + x <= y # -6 <= x - y <= -6 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [-6, -6]) expr = x <= 6 <= x # x == 6 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x], [1], None, [6, 6]) expr = x + y <= 6 <= x + y # 6 <= x + y <= 6 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [6, 6]) expr = x + y + 1 <= 6 <= x + y + 2 # 4 <= x + y <= 5 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [4, 5]) # test chain ordering with a constant t1 = x + y t2 = x - y self.assertEqualExpr(t1, [x, y], [1, 1]) self.assertEqualExpr(t2, [x, y], [1, -1]) expr = (t1 + t2).simplify() # 2x + 0y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [2, 0]) t3 = 2 <= expr <= 4 # 2 <= 2x + 0y <= 4 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [x, y], [2, 0], None, [2, 4]) vx, vl = [x, y, x, y], [1, 1, 1, -1] t3 = 2 <= (t1 + t2) <= 4 # 2 <= 2x + 0y <= 4 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [2, 4]) t3 = 2 <= t1 + t2 <= 4 # 2 <= 2x + 0y <= 4 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [2, 4]) t3 = (t1 + t2) <= 4 # -inf <= 2x + 0y <= 4 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [-self.h.inf, 4]) t3 = t1 + t2 <= 4 # -inf <= 2x + 0y <= 4 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [-self.h.inf, 4]) t3 = 2 <= t1 + t2 # 2 <= 2x + 0y <= inf self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [2, self.h.inf]) t3 = t1 + t2 + 5 # 2x + 0y + 5 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, 5) t3 = 5 + t1 + t2 # 2x + 0y + 5 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, 5) t3 = 5 <= t1 + t2 + 5 # 0 <= 2x + 0y <= inf self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [0, self.h.inf]) t3 = 5 + t1 + t2 <= 4 # -inf <= 2x + 0y <= -1 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [-self.h.inf, -1]) t3 = 2 <= 5 + t1 + t2 # -3 <= 2x + 0y <= inf self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [-3, self.h.inf]) t3 = 2 <= 5 + t1 + t2 <= 6 # -3 <= 2x + 0y <= 1 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [-3, 1]) # test chain with variables on both sides t3 = 5 + x - x <= y <= 10 # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) t3 = 5 + 2 * x - 2 * x <= y <= 10 # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) t3 = 5 <= y <= 10 + 2 * x - 2 * x # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) t3 = 5 - x + x <= y <= 10 + y - y # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) t3 = 10 >= y >= 5 + x - x # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) t3 = 10 >= y >= 5 + 2 * x - 2 * x # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) t3 = 10 + 2 * x - 2 * x >= y >= 5 # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) t3 = 10 + y - y >= y >= 5 - x + x # 5 <= y <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, [y], [1], None, [5, 10]) vx, vl, nl = list(self.x), [1] * len(self.x), [-1] * len(self.x) t3 = qsum(self.x) <= 10 # -inf <= sum(x) <= 10 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, vl, None, [-self.h.inf, 10]) t3 = qsum(self.x) <= y # -inf <= sum(x) - y <= 0 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [-self.h.inf, 0]) t3 = y <= qsum(self.x) <= y # sum(x) == 0 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [0, 0]) t3 = y >= qsum(self.x) >= y # sum(x) == 0 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [0, 0]) t3 = qsum(self.x) == y # sum(x) - y == 0 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [0, 0]) t3 = y == qsum(self.x) # sum(x) - y == 0 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [0, 0]) t3 = y + 1 <= qsum(self.x) <= y + 6 # 1 <= sum(x) - y <= 6 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [1, 6]) t3 = y + 6 >= qsum(self.x) >= y + 1 # 1 <= sum(x) - y <= 6 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [1, 6]) t3 = qsum(self.x) >= y >= qsum(self.x) # sum(x) - y == 0 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [0, 0]) t3 = qsum(self.x) <= y <= qsum(self.x) # sum(x) - y == 0 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [0, 0]) t3 = qsum(self.x) + 5 >= y >= qsum(self.x) + 2 # -5 <= sum(x) - y <= -2 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [-5, -2]) t3 = qsum(self.x) + 2 <= y <= qsum(self.x) + 5 # -5 <= sum(x) - y <= -2 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx + [y], vl + [-1], None, [-5, -2]) t3 = (qsum(self.x) == 1 + qsum(self.x)).simplify() # [] == 1 self.assertEqualExpr(t3, vx, [0] * len(vx), None, [1, 1]) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: x <= y <= 1) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (qsum(self.x) + 5 >= y) >= qsum(self.x) + 2) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: qsum(self.x) + 2 <= (y <= qsum(self.x) + 5)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: qsum(self.x) + 2 <= y <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 <= y <= 5 + qsum(self.x)) def test_order_priority(self): x, y, z = self.x[:3] # prefer more variables self.assertEqualExpr(x <= y + z, [y, z, x], [1, 1, -1], None, [0, self.h.inf]) self.assertEqualExpr(y + z >= x, [y, z, x], [1, 1, -1], None, [0, self.h.inf]) self.assertEqualExpr(x >= y + z, [y, z, x], [1, 1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 0]) self.assertEqualExpr(y + z <= x, [y, z, x], [1, 1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 0]) self.assertEqualExpr(y + z == x, [y, z, x], [1, 1, -1], None, [0, 0]) self.assertEqualExpr(x == y + z, [y, z, x], [1, 1, -1], None, [0, 0]) self.assertEqualExpr(x + y == 2 * x + 2 * y + z, [x, y, z, x, y], [2, 2, 1, -1, -1], None, [0, 0]) # prefer constant self.assertEqualExpr(y <= x + 2, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 2]) self.assertEqualExpr(x + 2 >= y, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 2]) self.assertEqualExpr(x + 2 <= y, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [2, self.h.inf]) self.assertEqualExpr(y >= x + 2, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [2, self.h.inf]) self.assertEqualExpr(y + 2 == x, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [2, 2]) self.assertEqualExpr(x == y + 2, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [2, 2]) # prefer 'left' self.assertEqualExpr(x + 2 <= y + 3, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 1]) self.assertEqualExpr(y + 3 >= x + 2, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, 1]) self.assertEqualExpr(x + 2 >= y + 3, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, -1]) self.assertEqualExpr(y + 3 <= x + 2, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [-self.h.inf, -1]) self.assertEqualExpr(x + 2 == y + 3, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [1, 1]) self.assertEqualExpr(y + 3 == x + 2, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [-1, -1]) self.assertEqualExpr(6 <= x + y <= 8, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [6, 8]) self.assertEqualExpr(6 + x <= y <= 8 + x, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [6, 8]) self.assertEqualExpr(6 + x <= y + 2 <= 8 + x, [y, x], [1, -1], None, [4, 6]) self.assertEqualExpr(x <= 6 <= x, [x], [1], None, [6, 6]) self.assertEqualExpr(x <= y + z <= x + 5, [y, z, x], [1, 1, -1], None, [0, 5]) def test_chain_inequality_hacks(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] # Test hacks around chain inequality # These don't need to be supported, good to check if logic changes t = x + y self.assertEqualExpr(t, [x, y], [1, 1]) bool(t <= 10) expr = 5 <= t self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, 10]) expr = 5 <= t self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, self.h.inf]) bool(t <= 10) expr = t <= 18 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [-self.h.inf, 18]) bool(t <= 10) expr = t >= 5 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, 10]) expr = t >= 5 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, self.h.inf]) expr = bool(t <= 10) and t >= 5 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, 10]) # test hack if expression is modified bool(t <= 10) t += y expr = 5 <= t self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, y], [1, 1, 1], None, [5, self.h.inf]) # test hack if using 'equal' temporary expr bool(x + y <= 10) expr = 5 <= x + y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, 10]) expr = 5 <= x + y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, self.h.inf]) # test hack if using 'not-equal' temporary expr bool(x + 3 * y <= 10) expr = 5 <= x + y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1], None, [5, self.h.inf]) def test_bounds_already_set(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (1 <= 2 * x + 3 * y) <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (x <= 4) <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 <= (x <= 4) <= 5) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 <= (4 <= x)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 2 <= (x <= 4)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: 4 >= (x >= 2)) # Cannot a constant if bounds already exist self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (x + y <= 3) + 5) self.assertEqualExpr((x + y <= 3) + (self.h.expr() == 5), [x, y], [1, 1], None, [-self.h.inf, 8]) # Cannot a expr with constant if bounds already exist self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: (x + y <= 3) + (x + 5)) self.assertEqualExpr((x + y <= 3) + (x == -5), [x, y, x], [1, 1, 1], None, [-self.h.inf, -2]) def test_addition(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] # Test addition of two variables expr = x + y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 1]) # Test addition of two exprs (with bounds) e1 = 2 <= x - y <= 4 e2 = 2 <= 2 * x - y <= 4 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [2, 4]) self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [2, -1], None, [2, 4]) expr = e1 + e2 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, x, y], [1, -1, 2, -1], None, [4, 8]) expr = (e1 + e2).simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [3, -2], None, [4, 8]) # Test multiplication/addition of two exprs (with bounds) expr = (2 * e1 + 3 * e2).simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [8, -5], None, [10, 20]) def test_subtraction(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] # Test subtraction of two highs_linear_expressions expr = x - y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, -1]) # Test subtraction of two exprs (with bounds) e1 = 2 <= x - y <= 4 e2 = 2 <= 2 * x - y <= 4 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [1, -1], None, [2, 4]) self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [2, -1], None, [2, 4]) expr = e1 + (-1.0 * e2) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, x, y], [1, -1, -2, 1], None, [-2, 2]) expr = e1 + (-e2) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, x, y], [1, -1, -2, 1], None, [-2, 2]) expr = e1 - e2 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, x, y], [1, -1, -2, 1], None, [-2, 2]) expr = (e1 - e2).simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [-1, 0], None, [-2, 2]) # Test multiplication/subtraction of two exprs (with bounds) expr = (2 * e1 - e2).simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [0, -1], None, [0, 6]) # test rsub expr = 5 - (x + y) self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [-1, -1], 5) def test_multiply(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] # basic tests e1 = x * 3 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x], [3]) e1 = 3 * x self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x], [3]) e1 = x - y self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [1, -1]) e2 = 2 * e1 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [2, -2]) e1 *= 3 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [3, -3]) e2 = -1 * e1 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [-3, 3]) e2 = 0 * e1 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [0, 0]) e2 = highs_linear_expression(-1) * e1 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [-3, 3]) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 * x) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 * highs_linear_expression(x)) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: e1 * highs_linear_expression(x - x)) # Test with constant e1 = x - y + 4 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [1, -1], 4) e2 = e1 * 2.5 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [2.5, -2.5], 10) e1 *= 2.5 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [2.5, -2.5], 10) e2 = -1.0 * e1 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [-2.5, 2.5], -10) e1 *= -1.0 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [-2.5, 2.5], -10) e1 *= highs_linear_expression(-1.0) self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [2.5, -2.5], 10) # Test with bounds e1 = x - 2 * y == [1, 4] self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [1, -2], None, [1, 4]) e2 = e1 * 2.5 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [2.5, -5], None, [2.5, 10]) e1 *= 2.5 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [2.5, -5], None, [2.5, 10]) e2 = -1.0 * e1 self.assertEqualExpr(e2, [x, y], [-2.5, 5], None, [-10, -2.5]) e1 *= -1.0 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [-2.5, 5], None, [-10, -2.5]) e1 *= highs_linear_expression(-1.0) self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x, y], [2.5, -5], None, [2.5, 10]) e1 = highs_linear_expression(-1.0) e1 *= x + 4 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x], [-1], -4) e1 = highs_linear_expression(-1.0) e1 *= x - 4 <= 3 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x], [-1], None, [-7, self.h.inf]) e1 = highs_linear_expression(1.0) e1 *= x - 4 <= 3 self.assertEqualExpr(e1, [x], [1], None, [-self.h.inf, 7]) def test_simplify(self): x, y, z = self.x[0:3] # basics expr = x + y + z self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, z], [1, 1, 1]) expr = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, z], [1, 1, 1]) expr = z + x + y # simplify reorders variables self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [z, x, y], [1, 1, 1]) expr = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, z], [1, 1, 1]) expr = x + x + x + x + x self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x] * 5, [1] * 5) expr = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x], [5]) expr = x - x + x - x + x self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x] * 5, [1, -1, 1, -1, 1]) expr = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x], [1]) expr = -x expr += x expr *= -5 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, x], [5, -5]) expr = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x], [0]) # with constant expr = x + y + 1 + y self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, y], [1, 1, 1], 1) expr = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 2], 1) # with bounds expr = 0 <= x + y + 1 + y <= 5 self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y, y], [1, 1, 1], None, [-1, 4]) expr = expr.simplify() self.assertEqualExpr(expr, [x, y], [1, 2], None, [-1, 4]) def test_evaluate(self): h = self.h x, y = h.addVariables(2, lb=-h.inf) h.addConstrs(-x + y >= 2, x + y >= 0) h.minimize(y) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x), -1) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(x + y), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(h.val(y - x), 2) self.assertEqual(h.val(y - x >= 2), True) self.assertEqual(h.val(y - x <= 1), False) def test_repr_str(self): x, y = self.x[0:2] self.assertEqual(repr(x), "highs_var(0)") self.assertEqual(str(x), "highs_var(0)") c = self.h.addConstr(x + y <= 5) self.assertEqual(repr(c), "highs_cons(0)") self.assertEqual(str(c), "highs_cons(0)") expr = c.expr() self.assertEqual(repr(expr), "-inf <= 1.0_v0 1.0_v1 <= 5.0") self.assertEqual(str(expr), "-inf <= 1.0_v0 1.0_v1 <= 5.0") expr = x + y self.assertEqual(repr(expr), "1.0_v0 1.0_v1") self.assertEqual(str(expr), "1.0_v0 1.0_v1") expr = x + y + x + x + y self.assertEqual(repr(expr), "1.0_v0 1.0_v1 1.0_v0 1.0_v0 1.0_v1") self.assertEqual(str(expr), "3.0_v0 2.0_v1") expr = y + x + 5 self.assertEqual(repr(expr), "1.0_v1 1.0_v0 5.0") self.assertEqual(str(expr), "1.0_v0 1.0_v1 5.0") expr = y + x == 5 self.assertEqual(repr(expr), "1.0_v1 1.0_v0 == 5.0") self.assertEqual(str(expr), "1.0_v0 1.0_v1 == 5.0") expr = y + x <= 5 self.assertEqual(repr(expr), "-inf <= 1.0_v1 1.0_v0 <= 5.0") self.assertEqual(str(expr), "-inf <= 1.0_v0 1.0_v1 <= 5.0")