Textures must be placed in the `assets/textures/` folder to be loaded. The texture editor can be opened at any time to edit the properties of the textures of the selected brushes. Entity, scale, and rotate tool also feature texture editing capabilities. These capabilities can be either enabled through the dedicated "Target" UI element in the bottom left area, or by pressing Alt + texture editor bind. Textures can have an associated animation which can either consist of a list of textures to display, each one for a specific time, or an atlas of textures generated by subdividing the textures in subareas. The animations can be applied to the texture as a default or to the texture of the selected brushes only. When editing a list type animation, it is possible to add a texture by clicking it with the left mouse button. To edit the animation of a texture that is not the one of the selected brushes, it needs to be pressed with the right mouse button. Textures can be reloaded while the application is running through the UI button in the Options menu. Default textures animation can be exported and imported between map files. The file extension of the animations files is .anms.