# Overview **Hinku** is a small library for writing parsers based on token streams. It provides an integration for lexers created with the [logos](https://github.com/maciejhirsz/logos) crate but provedes flexible trait based interface for integration with other token streams. # Example Below you can find a rudimentary parser implemented using this library and the Logos crate. ```rust use logos::Logos; use hinku::{ logos::BufferedLexer, Either, ParseError, ParseResult, TokenStream, TokenStreamExt, }; #[derive(Logos, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] enum Token { #[token("foo")] Foo, #[token("bar")] Bar, #[error] #[regex(r"[ \n\r\f\t]+", logos::skip)] Error, } /// A function that either consumes a Foo token or returns an error. fn foo(stream: &mut dyn TokenStream) -> ParseResult { match stream.advance() { None => Err(ParseError::EndOfStream), Some((Token::Foo, _)) => Ok(Token::Foo), Some((other, span)) => Err(ParseError::custom(span, "expected a foo".into())), } } /// A function that either consumes a Bar token or returns an error. fn bar(stream: &mut dyn TokenStream) -> ParseResult { match stream.advance() { None => Err(ParseError::EndOfStream), Some((Token::Bar, _)) => Ok(Token::Bar), Some((other, span)) => Err(ParseError::custom(span, "expected a bar".into())), } } /// A function that consumes either one of the tokens. fn foo_or_bar(mut stream: &mut dyn TokenStream) -> ParseResult { stream.either(foo, bar) .map(Either::merge) .expected("expected either a foo or a bar") } /// A function that expects a Foo token, followed by a Bar token. fn foobar(mut stream: &mut dyn TokenStream) -> ParseResult<(Token, Token), String> { let f = stream.take(foo)?; let b = stream.take(bar)?; Ok((f, b)) } let lex = Token::lexer("foo bar bar foo bar"); let mut stream = BufferedLexer::new(lex); assert_eq!(stream.take(foo), Ok(Token::Foo)); assert_eq!(stream.take(bar), Ok(Token::Bar)); assert_eq!(stream.take(foo_or_bar), Ok(Token::Bar)); assert_eq!(stream.take(foobar), Ok((Token::Foo, Token::Bar))); ```