[package] name = "hirola" version = "0.4.0" authors = ["Geoffrey Mureithi "] description = "Hirola is an un-opinionated web framework that is focused on simplicity and predictability" repository = "https://github.com/geofmureithi/hirola" documentation = "https://hirola-docs.vercel.app" readme = "README.md" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" keywords = ["wasm", "html", "dom", "web"] edition = "2021" [dependencies] hirola-core = { path = "crates/hirola-core", version = "0.4.0" } hirola-macros = { path = "crates/hirola-macros", version = "0.4.0" } hirola-dom = { path = "crates/hirola-dom", version = "0.4.0", optional = true } hirola-ssr = { path = "crates/hirola-ssr", version = "0.4.0", optional = true } [features] default = ["dom"] ## Enables browser based rendering including websys and wasmbindgen dom = ["hirola-dom"] ## Enables server side rendering ssr = ["hirola-ssr"] docsrs = ["document-features"] [dev-dependencies] wasm-bindgen-test = "0.3.39" wasm-bindgen = { version = "0.2.89" } hirola = { path = "." } futures-util = "0.3" web-sys = { version = "0.3", features = ["Document", "Node", "Element"] } [workspace] members = [ "crates/hirola-core", "crates/hirola-macros", "crates/hirola-form", "crates/hirola-kit", "crates/hirola-ssr", "crates/hirola-dom", "examples/axum", "examples/counter", "examples/todo-mvc", "examples/canvas", "examples/fake-api", "examples/chartjs", "examples/x-for", "examples/effects", "examples/form", "examples/docs", ] [dependencies.document-features] version = "0.2" optional = true [package.metadata.docs.rs] # defines the configuration attribute `docsrs` rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"] default-target = "wasm32-unknown-unknown" features = ["docsrs"] [profile.release] opt-level = "z" overflow-checks = false debug = 0 strip = "symbols" debug-assertions = false codegen-units = 1 lto = true