# hitbox-redis Hitbox is an asynchronous caching framework supporting multiple backends and suitable for distributed and for single-machine applications. hitbox-redis is Cache [Backend] implementation for Redis. This crate uses [redis-rs] as base library for asynchronous interaction with redis nodes. It uses one [MultiplexedConnection] for better connection utilisation. ## Example backend usage with hitbox_actix ```rust use actix::prelude::*; use hitbox_actix::prelude::*; #[actix_rt::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), CacheError> { let backend = RedisBackend::new() .await? .start(); let cache = Cache::builder() .finish(backend) .start(); Ok(()) } ``` [MultiplexedConnection]: https://docs.rs/redis/latest/redis/aio/struct.MultiplexedConnection.html [Backend]: https://docs.rs/hitbox-backend/latest/hitbox_backend/trait.Backend.html [redis-rs]: https://docs.rs/redis/