# `hn-cli`, a command-line tool to read [HackerNews](https://news.ycombinator.com) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/hn-cli)](https://crates.io/crates/hn-cli) [![Rust](https://github.com/scastiel/hn/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/scastiel/hn/actions/workflows/rust.yml) ## Screenshots
## Installation You’ll need first to [install the Rust toolchain](https://rustup.rs/), then: `cargo install hn-cli` ## Usage List stories (add `-p3` or `--page 3` to display the third page): - Top stories: `hn` or `hn top` or `hn t` - New stories: `hn new` or `hn n` - Best stories: `hn best` or `hn b` - Show HN stories: `hn show` or `hn s` - Ask HN stories: `hn ask` or `hn a` - Job stories: `hn job` or `hn j` After listing stories, note the index of the story you are interested in (let’s suppose it is `5`), then: - Show story details and comments: `hn details 5` or `hn d 5` - Open story link in your browser: `hn open 5` or `hn o 5` You can also display the details about a user with `hn user the_user_name` or `hn u the_user`. To login, use `hn login` or `hn l`. The auth token will be persisted to be used in the next commands. Note that to perform write operations (such as upvoting a story), you will need to reload the list of the stories using the commands listed above, such as `hn top`. To logout and remove the persisted auth token, use the command `hn logout`. **Note:** information is obtained by scraping the HackerNews website. The reason this crate does not use the [official API](https://github.com/HackerNews/API) is that it does not provide a convenient way to get all the comments for a given story, and only allows read operations. ## License MIT, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/scastiel/hn/blob/main/api/LICENSE).