{ "by" : "tel", "descendants" : 16, "id" : 121003, "kids" : [ 121016, 121109, 121168 ], "score" : 25, "text" : "or HN: the Next Iteration
I get the impression that with Arc being released a lot of people who never had time for HN before are suddenly dropping in more often. (PG: what are the numbers on this? I'm envisioning a spike.)
Not to say that isn't great, but I'm wary of Diggification. Between links comparing programming to sex and a flurry of gratuitous, ostentatious adjectives in the headlines it's a bit concerning.
80% of the stuff that makes the front page is still pretty awesome, but what's in place to keep the signal/noise ratio high? Does the HN model still work as the community scales? What's in store for (++ HN)?", "time" : 1203647620, "title" : "Ask HN: The Arc Effect", "type" : "story" }