use futures::TryStreamExt; use std::io::ErrorKind; use std::ops::DerefMut; use std::{ ops::Deref, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use tokio::{fs, io}; use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReadDirStream; use super::test_subscriber::MemorySubscriber; use hoard::dirs::{COMPANY, PROJECT, TLD}; use hoard::{ command::Command, config::{Builder, Config, Error}, }; pub struct Tester { config: Config, home_dir: PathBuf, config_dir: PathBuf, data_dir: PathBuf, subscriber: MemorySubscriber, temp_dirs: [tempfile::TempDir; 3], local_uuid: uuid::Uuid, remote_uuid: uuid::Uuid, #[cfg(windows)] old_appdata: PathBuf, } #[cfg(windows)] impl Drop for Tester { fn drop(&mut self) { hoard::dirs::set_known_folder(hoard::dirs::FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, &self.old_appdata) .expect("restoring APPDATA should not fail") } } impl Tester { pub async fn new(toml_str: &str) -> Self { Self::with_log_level(toml_str, tracing::Level::INFO).await } pub async fn with_log_level(toml_str: &str, log_level: tracing::Level) -> Self { #[cfg(all(not(unix), not(windows)))] panic!("this target is not supported!"); let home_tmp = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create temporary directory"); let config_tmp = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create temporary directory"); let data_tmp = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create temporary directory"); #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] let (home_dir, config_dir, data_dir) = { ::std::env::set_var("HOME", home_tmp.path()); let config_dir = home_tmp .path() .join("Library") .join("Application Support") .join(format!("{}.{}.{}", TLD, COMPANY, PROJECT)); ( home_tmp.path().to_path_buf(), config_dir.clone(), config_dir, ) }; #[cfg(windows)] let old_appdata = hoard::dirs::get_known_folder(hoard::dirs::FOLDERID_RoamingAppData) .expect("getting APPDATA dir should not fail"); #[cfg(windows)] let (home_dir, config_dir, data_dir) = { ::std::env::set_var("HOARD_TMP", home_tmp.path()); hoard::dirs::set_known_folder(hoard::dirs::FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, config_tmp.path()) .expect("failed to set APPDATA"); let appdata = config_tmp.path().join(COMPANY).join(PROJECT); ( home_tmp.path().to_path_buf(), appdata.join("config"), appdata.join("data"), ) }; #[cfg(all(not(target_os = "macos"), unix))] let (home_dir, config_dir, data_dir) = { ::std::env::set_var("HOME", home_tmp.path()); ::std::env::set_var("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", config_tmp.path()); ::std::env::set_var("XDG_DATA_HOME", data_tmp.path()); ( home_tmp.path().to_path_buf(), config_tmp.path().join(PROJECT), data_tmp.path().join(PROJECT), ) }; fs::create_dir_all(&config_dir) .await .expect("failed to create test config dir"); fs::create_dir_all(&home_dir) .await .expect("failed to create test home dir"); fs::create_dir_all(&data_dir) .await .expect("failed to create test data dir"); let config = { ::toml::from_str::(toml_str) .expect("failed to parse configuration from TOML") .build() .expect("failed to build config") }; Self { config, home_dir, config_dir, data_dir, subscriber: MemorySubscriber::new(log_level), temp_dirs: [home_tmp, config_tmp, data_tmp], local_uuid: uuid::Uuid::new_v4(), remote_uuid: uuid::Uuid::new_v4(), #[cfg(windows)] old_appdata, } } pub fn local_uuid(&self) -> &uuid::Uuid { &self.local_uuid } pub fn remote_uuid(&self) -> &uuid::Uuid { &self.remote_uuid } pub async fn use_local_uuid(&self) { fs::write( self.uuid_path(), self.local_uuid.as_hyphenated().to_string(), ) .await .expect("failed to write to uuid file"); } pub async fn use_remote_uuid(&self) { fs::write( self.uuid_path(), self.remote_uuid.as_hyphenated().to_string(), ) .await .expect("failed to write to uuid file"); } pub fn config(&self) -> &Config { &self.config } pub fn mut_config(&mut self) -> &mut Config { &mut self.config } pub fn reset_config(&mut self, toml_str: &str) { self.config = toml::from_str::(toml_str) .expect("configuration should parse correctly") .build() .expect("configuration should build correctly"); } pub fn home_dir(&self) -> &Path { &self.home_dir } pub fn config_dir(&self) -> &Path { &self.config_dir } pub fn data_dir(&self) -> &Path { &self.data_dir } async fn inner_run_command(&self, command: Command, force: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { let config = Config { command, force, ..self.config.clone() }; self.clear_output(); } #[inline] pub async fn run_command(&self, command: Command) -> Result<(), Error> { self.inner_run_command(command, false).await } #[inline] pub async fn force_command(&self, command: Command) -> Result<(), Error> { self.inner_run_command(command, true).await } pub async fn extra_logging_output(&self) -> String { let list_home = Self::list_dir_to_string(self.home_dir(), 3).await; let list_data = Self::list_dir_to_string(self.data_dir(), 4).await; let list_env: String = std::env::vars() .map(|(key, val)| format!("{key} = {val}")) .collect::>() .join("\n"); format!( "CONFIG:\n{:#?}\nOUTPUT:\n{}\nENV\n{}\nHOME:\n{}\nDATA DIR:\n{}", self.config(), self.output(), list_env, list_home, list_data ) } // Avoid recursion because that isn't supported well with async async fn list_dir_to_string(dir: &Path, max_depth: u8) -> String { let mut dir_stack = vec![(0, dir.to_path_buf())]; let mut output_list = Vec::new(); while let Some((depth, path)) = dir_stack.pop() { if depth > max_depth { continue; } output_list.push(format!("|-{}{}", " ".repeat(depth.into()), path.display())); if path.is_dir() && depth < max_depth { let mut stream = fs::read_dir(&path).await.unwrap(); while let Some(entry) = stream.next_entry().await.unwrap() { dir_stack.push((depth + 1, entry.path())); } } } output_list.join("\n") } async fn handle_command_result(&self, command: Command, result: Result<(), Error>) { if let Err(error) = result { let debug_output = Self::extra_logging_output(self).await; panic!("command {command:?} failed: {error:?}\n{debug_output}"); } } pub async fn expect_command(&self, command: Command) { self.handle_command_result(command.clone(), self.run_command(command).await); } pub async fn expect_forced_command(&self, command: Command) { self.handle_command_result(command.clone(), self.force_command(command).await); } pub fn clear_output(&self) { self.subscriber.clear(); } pub fn output(&self) -> String { String::from_utf8_lossy(self.subscriber.output().deref()).to_string() } fn has_output(&self, output: &str) -> bool { let as_bytes = output.as_bytes(); if self.subscriber.output().len() < as_bytes.len() { return false; } self.subscriber .output() .windows(as_bytes.len()) .any(|window| window == as_bytes) } async fn assert_output(&self, output: &str, matches: bool) { let debug_output = self.extra_logging_output().await; let not_or_not = if matches { "" } else { "not " }; assert_eq!( self.has_output(output), matches, "expected \"{output}\" {not_or_not}in program output\n{debug_output}" ); } pub fn assert_has_output(&self, output: &str) { self.assert_output(output, true); } pub fn assert_not_has_output(&self, output: &str) { self.assert_output(output, false); } fn uuid_path(&self) -> PathBuf { self.config_dir().join("uuid") } pub async fn get_uuid(&self) -> io::Result { fs::read_to_string(self.uuid_path()).await } pub async fn current_uuid(&self) -> Option { match self.get_uuid().await { Ok(s) => s.parse().ok(), Err(err) => match err.kind() { ErrorKind::NotFound => None, _ => panic!("unexpected error while reading UUID: {err}"), }, } } pub async fn set_uuid(&self, content: &str) -> io::Result<()> { fs::write(self.uuid_path(), content).await } pub async fn clear_data_dir(&self) { let mut stream = fs::read_dir(self.data_dir()) .await .map(ReadDirStream::new) .unwrap(); while let Some(entry) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() { if entry.path().is_file() { fs::remove_file(entry.path()).await.unwrap(); } else if entry.path().is_dir() { fs::remove_dir_all(entry.path()).await.unwrap(); } } } }