use super::Editor; use registry::{key::Error as RegError, Data, Hive, Security}; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use tempfile::TempDir; use tokio::fs; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tokio::runtime::Handle; const EDITOR_NAME: &str = "editor.ps1"; const EDITOR_ID: &str = "hoard.test.editor"; fn set_reg_key(key: &str, name: &str, val: &Data) { let reg = Hive::CurrentUser .open(key, Security::AllAccess) .or_else(|err| match err { RegError::NotFound(_, _) => Hive::CurrentUser.create(key, Security::AllAccess), _ => Err(err), }) .expect("opening/creating registry key should not fail"); reg.set_value(name, val) .expect("setting registry value should not fail"); } fn get_reg_key(key: &str, name: &str) -> Option { match, Security::Read) { Ok(reg) => reg .value(name) .map(Some) .expect("reading registry key should not fail"), Err(err) => match err { RegError::NotFound(_, _) => None, _ => panic!("failed to open registry item {}: {:?}", key, err), }, } } /// Returns previous default editor fn set_default_editor(file_type: &str, command: &str) { let key = format!("Software\\Classes\\.{}", file_type); set_reg_key(&key, "", &Data::String(EDITOR_ID.try_into().unwrap())); let key = format!("{}\\OpenWithProgIds", key); set_reg_key(&key, &EDITOR_ID, &Data::String("".try_into().unwrap())); let key = format!("Software\\Classes\\{}\\shell\\open\\command", EDITOR_ID); let data = Data::String(command.try_into().unwrap()); set_reg_key(&key, "", &data); } fn remove_default_editor() { let key = format!("Software\\Classes\\{}", EDITOR_ID); Hive::CurrentUser.delete(key, true).unwrap(); } pub struct EditorGuard { temp_dir: TempDir, script_file: PathBuf, old_path: OsString, modified_registry: bool, } impl EditorGuard { pub fn script_path(&self) -> &Path { &self.script_file } } impl Drop for EditorGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.modified_registry { Handle::current().block_on(remove_default_editor()); } std::env::set_var("PATH", &self.old_path); } } async fn create_script_file(editor: Editor) -> EditorGuard { let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("creating tempdir should succeed"); let script_file = temp_dir.path().join(EDITOR_NAME); let mut script = fs::File::create(&script_file) .await .expect("creating script file should not succeed"); script .write_all(editor.file_content().as_bytes()) .await .expect("writing to script file should succeed"); let old_path = std::env::var_os("PATH").expect("windows systems should always have PATH set"); EditorGuard { temp_dir, script_file, old_path, modified_registry: false, } } const SHELL_EDITOR_COMMAND: &str = "Unknown\\shell\\editor\\command"; const SHELL_OPEN_COMMAND: &str = "Unknown\\shell\\Open\\command"; const TXTFILE_OPEN_COMMAND: &str = "txtfile\\shell\\Open\\command"; pub async fn set_default_gui_editor(editor: Editor) -> EditorGuard { let mut guard = create_script_file(editor).await; let command = format!( "powershell.exe -Path {} \"%1\"", guard.script_path().display() ); for file_type in ["toml", "yaml", "yml"] { set_default_editor(file_type, &command); } guard.modified_registry = true; guard } pub async fn set_default_cli_editor(editor: Editor) -> EditorGuard { let mut guard = create_script_file(editor).await; std::env::set_var("EDITOR", EDITOR_NAME); let mut path: OsString = guard.temp_dir.path().into(); path.push(";"); path.push(&guard.old_path); std::env::set_var("PATH", path); guard }