mod common; use common::tester::Tester; use hoard::checkers::history::operation::{Operation, OperationImpl}; use hoard::checksum::{Checksum, MD5, SHA256}; use hoard::command::Command; use hoard::newtypes::PileName; use hoard::paths::RelativePath; use tokio::fs; const CONFIG: &str = r#" exclusivity = [[ "unix", "windows" ]] [envs] [envs.unix] os = ["linux", "macos"] env = [{ var = "HOME" }] [] os = ["windows"] env = [{ var = "HOARD_TMP" }] [hoards] [hoards.md5] config = { hash_algorithm = "md5" } "unix" = "${HOME}/testing.txt" "windows" = "${HOARD_TMP}/testing.txt" [hoards.sha256] config = { hash_algorithm = "sha256" } "unix" = "${HOME}/testing.txt" "windows" = "${HOARD_TMP}/testing.txt" [hoards.default] "unix" = "${HOME}/testing.txt" "windows" = "${HOARD_TMP}/testing.txt" "#; #[tokio::test] async fn test_operation_checksums() { let tester = Tester::new(CONFIG).await; let file_path = tester.home_dir().join("testing.txt"); // Relative path for a file is "" let rel_file = RelativePath::none(); common::create_file_with_random_data::<2048>(&file_path).await; tester .expect_command(Command::Backup { hoards: Vec::new() }) .await; let data = fs::read(&file_path) .await .expect("reading data from test file should succeed"); let md5 = Checksum::MD5(MD5::from_data(&data)); let sha256 = Checksum::SHA256(SHA256::from_data(&data)); let pile_name = PileName::anonymous(); let md5_op = Operation::latest_local(&"md5".parse().unwrap(), Some((&pile_name, &rel_file))) .await .expect("should not fail to load operation for md5 hoard") .expect("operation should exist") .checksum_for(&pile_name, &rel_file) .expect("checksum should exist for file"); let sha256_op = Operation::latest_local(&"sha256".parse().unwrap(), Some((&pile_name, &rel_file))) .await .expect("should not fail to load operation for sha256 hoard") .expect("operation should exist") .checksum_for(&pile_name, &rel_file) .expect("checksum should exist for file"); let default_op = Operation::latest_local(&"default".parse().unwrap(), Some((&pile_name, &rel_file))) .await .expect("should not fail to load operation for default hoard") .expect("operation should exist") .checksum_for(&pile_name, &rel_file) .expect("checksum should exist for file"); assert_eq!(md5_op, md5); assert_eq!(sha256_op, sha256); assert_eq!(default_op, sha256); }