# hof Hacker one fetcher, fetch hacker one projects and get subdomains and heders for all scope domains. ## Installation `cargo install hof` ## Dependencies findomain: https://github.com/Findomain/Findomain ## Configure vpn switching feature: In the config file you can specify if you want the program to reconnect your vpn server every few requests, this can shorten the time that it takes to fetch a large chunk of domains from the same server, this is the default config file: ``` { "use_vpn": false, "vpn_cmd": "", "vpn_loop": 25, "vpn_reconnect_delay": 10 } ``` If you want to use this feature change the "use_vpn" key to true. in the "vpn_cmd" key specify a command to restart the vpn you are using, for example for openvpn you would use: "service openvpn restart". in the "vpn_loop" specify in how many requests you want to restart the vpn for example the default 25 means every 25 requests the program will restart the vpn. in the "vpn_reconnect_delay" specify how many seconds you want the progream to wait after reconnecting the vpn. ## Command arguments: ``` Hacker one fetcher, fetch hacker one projects and get subdomains and heders for all scope domains. Usage: hof [OPTIONS] --query --path Options: -q, --query A query for hackerone -p, --path A path you want your project to be saved at -t, --timeout Set timeout for each request in seconds [default: 8] --no-subdomains Tell the program not to find subdomains for scopes --no-headers Tell the program not to get http headers for domains -h, --help Print help information -V, --version Print version information ```