# hok > Hok is a CLI implementation of [Scoop](https://scoop.sh/) in Rust ## Install 🚧 **CAVEAT**: Under heavy development, interfaces may change without notice. Assuming you have the original Scoop installed, simply run: ```sh scoop bucket add dorado https://github.com/chawyehsu/dorado scoop install dorado/hok ``` Note this will add the `dorado` bucket I maintain to install Hok. Hok is experimental and it's currently only available in that bucket. ## License **hok** © [Chawye Hsu](https://github.com/chawyehsu). Released under the [Apache-2.0](LICENSE) license. > [Blog](https://chawyehsu.com) · GitHub [@chawyehsu](https://github.com/chawyehsu) · Twitter [@chawyehsu](https://twitter.com/chawyehsu)