# 0.5.3 - `Scheduler::single_threaded` has been added to support executors which are not `Sync`. See merge request [#1] for details. [#1]: https://gitlab.com/twittner/holly/merge_requests/1 # 0.5.2 - Maintenance release without API changes. # 0.5.1 - Maintenance release without API changes. # 0.5.0 - Distinguish stoppable and closable streams. To update from previous versions replace `holly::stream::stream` with `holly::stream::stoppable`. # 0.4.0 - Split `io` module into `stream` and `sink`. - Rename `StreamItem` to `Event` and include the ID in all cases, not just `End`. # 0.3.0 - Changed and simplified `io` module. - Changed `Actor::process` method to use an optional message where a `None` denotes the end of the message stream. - Actors are now allowed to add additional streams of messages to their mailbox (cf. `State::Stream`). - Actors can close their primary mailbox (cf. `State::Close`). - Changed license from 0BSD to Blue Oak Model License version 1.0.0 (see LICENSE.md or https://blueoakcouncil.org/license/1.0.0) # 0.2.0 - Added `io` module. # 0.1.0 - Initial release.