use crate::{ make_config, utils::{ check_for_line_with, kill_homestar, listen_addr, multiaddr, retrieve_output, subscribe_network_events, wait_for_socket_connection, ChildGuard, ProcInfo, TimeoutFutureExt, BIN_NAME, ED25519MULTIHASH, ED25519MULTIHASH2, ED25519MULTIHASH3, ED25519MULTIHASH5, SECP256K1MULTIHASH, }, }; use anyhow::Result; use diesel::RunQueryDsl; use homestar_runtime::{ db::{self, schema, Database}, Db, Settings, }; use libipld::Cid; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::{ path::PathBuf, process::{Command, Stdio}, str::FromStr, time::Duration, }; static BIN: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| assert_cmd::cargo::cargo_bin(BIN_NAME)); #[test] #[serial_test::parallel] fn test_libp2p_dht_records_integration() -> Result<()> { let proc_info1 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let proc_info2 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let rpc_port1 = proc_info1.rpc_port; let rpc_port2 = proc_info2.rpc_port; let metrics_port1 = proc_info1.metrics_port; let metrics_port2 = proc_info2.metrics_port; let ws_port1 = proc_info1.ws_port; let ws_port2 = proc_info2.ws_port; let listen_addr1 = listen_addr(proc_info1.listen_port); let listen_addr2 = listen_addr(proc_info2.listen_port); let node_addra = multiaddr(proc_info1.listen_port, ED25519MULTIHASH); let node_addrb = multiaddr(proc_info2.listen_port, SECP256K1MULTIHASH); let toml1 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519.pem" }} [] listen_address = "{listen_addr1}" node_addresses = ["{node_addrb}"] [] p2p_receipt_timeout = 3000 p2p_workflow_info_timeout = 3000 receipt_quorum = 1 workflow_quorum = 1 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port1} [] port = {rpc_port1} [] port = {ws_port1} "# ); let config1 = make_config!(toml1); let homestar_proc1 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config1.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info1.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let proc_guard1 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc1); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port1, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } tokio_test::block_on(async { let mut net_events1 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port1).await; let sub1 = net_events1.sub(); let toml2 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "secp256k1", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_secp256k1.der" }} [] listen_address = "{listen_addr2}" node_addresses = ["{node_addra}"] [] p2p_receipt_timeout = 3000 p2p_workflow_info_timeout = 3000 receipt_quorum = 1 workflow_quorum = 1 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port2} [] port = {rpc_port2} [] port = {ws_port2} "# ); let config2 = make_config!(toml2); let homestar_proc2 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config2.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info2.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let proc_guard2 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc2); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port2, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } let mut net_events2 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port2).await; let sub2 = net_events2.sub(); // Poll for connection established message loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["connection_established"].is_object() { break; } } else { panic!("Node one did not establish a connection with node two in time.") } } // Run test workflow with a single task on node one let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port1.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one-part-one.json") .output(); // Poll for put receipt and workflow info messages let mut put_receipt_cid: Cid = Cid::default(); let mut put_receipt = false; let mut put_workflow_info = false; let mut receipt_quorum_success = false; let mut workflow_info_quorum_success = false; loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["put_receipt_dht"].is_object() { put_receipt_cid = Cid::from_str(json["put_receipt_dht"]["cid"].as_str().unwrap()) .expect("Unable to parse put receipt CID."); put_receipt = true; } else if json["put_workflow_info_dht"].is_object() { put_workflow_info = true; } else if json["receipt_quorum_success_dht"].is_object() { receipt_quorum_success = true; } else if json["workflow_info_quorum_success_dht"].is_object() { workflow_info_quorum_success = true; } } else { panic!( r#"Expected notifications from node one did not arrive in time: - Put receipt to DHT: {} - Put workflow info to DHT: {} - Receipt quorum succeeded: {} - Workflow info quorum succeeded: {} "#, put_receipt, put_workflow_info, receipt_quorum_success, workflow_info_quorum_success ); } if put_receipt && put_workflow_info && receipt_quorum_success && workflow_info_quorum_success { break; } } // TODO: Test full-flow for Receipt pull from DHT // // Polling on the workflow results will fail the first time around due // to the purposeful race condition between grabbing a receipt from the // DHT (outside the workflow) and running the workflow on the node // itself. // // Step 2: // a) We've started on the implementation of retries, which if a // Cid (outside the workflow) cannot be resolved, the workflow's // promises can be picked-up again by a background polling mechanism and // resolved separately or the worker itself can retry (possibly both // options) before having the runner cancel it. // b) This will also involve work around checking if a task/promise even is // running anywhere (if outside the given workflow). let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port2.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one-part-two.json") .output(); // Check database for stored receipt and workflow info let config_fixture = config2.filename(); let settings = Settings::load_from_file(PathBuf::from(config_fixture)).unwrap(); let db = Db::setup_connection_pool( settings.node(), Some(proc_info2.db_path.display().to_string()), ) .expect("Failed to connect to node two database"); // Run the same workflow run on node one to retrieve // workflow info that should be available on the DHT. // This test must be run last or node one will complete // the first task on its own and not use the DHT. let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port2.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one-part-one.json") .output(); // Poll for retrieved workflow info message let received_workflow_info_cid: Cid; loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["got_workflow_info_dht"].is_object() { received_workflow_info_cid = Cid::from_str(json["got_workflow_info_dht"]["cid"].as_str().unwrap()) .expect("Unable to parse received workflow info CID."); break; } } else { panic!("Node two did not get workflow info in time.") } } let stored_workflow_info = Db::get_workflow_info(received_workflow_info_cid, &mut db.conn().unwrap()); // assert_eq!(stored_receipt.cid(), received_receipt_cid); assert!(stored_workflow_info.is_ok()); // Collect logs then kill proceses. let dead_proc1 = kill_homestar(proc_guard1.take(), None); let dead_proc2 = kill_homestar(proc_guard2.take(), None); // Retrieve logs. let stdout1 = retrieve_output(dead_proc1); let stdout2 = retrieve_output(dead_proc2); // Check node one put receipt and workflow info let put_receipt_logged = check_for_line_with(stdout1.clone(), vec!["receipt PUT onto DHT"]); let put_workflow_info_logged = check_for_line_with(stdout1.clone(), vec!["workflow info PUT onto DHT"]); let receipt_quorum_success_logged = check_for_line_with(stdout1.clone(), vec!["quorum success for receipt record"]); let workflow_info_quorum_success_logged = check_for_line_with(stdout1, vec!["quorum success for workflow info record"]); assert!(put_receipt_logged); assert!(put_workflow_info_logged); assert!(receipt_quorum_success_logged); assert!(workflow_info_quorum_success_logged); let retrieved_workflow_info_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout2.clone(), vec!["found workflow info", ED25519MULTIHASH], ); let retrieved_receipt_info_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout2.clone(), vec!["found receipt record", ED25519MULTIHASH], ); // this may race with the executed one on the non-await version, but we // have a separated log. let committed_receipt = check_for_line_with( stdout2, vec![ "committed to database", "dht.resolver", &put_receipt_cid.to_string(), ], ); assert!(retrieved_workflow_info_logged); assert!(retrieved_receipt_info_logged); assert!(committed_receipt); let stored_receipt = Db::find_receipt_by_cid(put_receipt_cid, &mut db.conn().unwrap()); assert!(stored_receipt.is_ok()); }); Ok(()) } #[test] #[serial_test::parallel] fn test_libp2p_dht_quorum_failure_intregration() -> Result<()> { let proc_info1 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let proc_info2 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let rpc_port1 = proc_info1.rpc_port; let rpc_port2 = proc_info2.rpc_port; let metrics_port1 = proc_info1.metrics_port; let metrics_port2 = proc_info2.metrics_port; let ws_port1 = proc_info1.ws_port; let ws_port2 = proc_info2.ws_port; let listen_addr1 = listen_addr(proc_info1.listen_port); let listen_addr2 = listen_addr(proc_info2.listen_port); let node_addra = multiaddr(proc_info2.listen_port, ED25519MULTIHASH3); let node_addrb = multiaddr(proc_info1.listen_port, ED25519MULTIHASH2); let toml1 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519_2.pem" }} [] listen_address = "{listen_addr1}" node_addresses = ["{node_addra}"] [] receipt_quorum = 100 workflow_quorum = 100 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port1} [] port = {rpc_port1} [] port = {ws_port1} "# ); let config1 = make_config!(toml1); let homestar_proc1 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config1.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info1.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let proc_guard1 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc1); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port1, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } tokio_test::block_on(async { let mut net_events1 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port1).await; let sub1 = net_events1.sub(); let toml2 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519_3.pem" }} [] listen_address = "{listen_addr2}" node_addresses = ["{node_addrb}"] [] receipt_quorum = 100 workflow_quorum = 100 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port2} [] port = {rpc_port2} [] port = {ws_port2} "# ); let config2 = make_config!(toml2); let homestar_proc2 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config2.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info2.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let proc_guard2 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc2); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port2, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } // Poll for connection established message loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["connection_established"].is_object() { break; } } else { panic!("Node one did not establish a connection with node two in time.") } } // Run test workflow let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port1.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one.json") .output(); // Poll for quorum failure messages let mut receipt_quorum_failure = false; let mut workflow_info_quorum_failure = false; loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["receipt_quorum_failure_dht"].is_object() { receipt_quorum_failure = true } if json["receipt_quorum_failure_dht"].is_object() { receipt_quorum_failure = true } else if json["workflow_info_quorum_failure_dht"].is_object() { workflow_info_quorum_failure = true } } else { panic!( r#"Expected notifications from node one did not arrive in time: - Receipt quorum failure: {} - Workflow info failure: {} "#, receipt_quorum_failure, workflow_info_quorum_failure ); } if receipt_quorum_failure && workflow_info_quorum_failure { break; } } // Collect logs then kill proceses. let dead_proc1 = kill_homestar(proc_guard1.take(), None); let _dead_proc2 = kill_homestar(proc_guard2.take(), None); // Retrieve logs. let stdout1 = retrieve_output(dead_proc1); // Check that receipt and workflow info quorums failed let receipt_quorum_failure_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout1.clone(), vec!["QuorumFailed", "error propagating receipt record"], ); let workflow_info_quorum_failure_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout1, vec!["QuorumFailed", "error propagating workflow info record"], ); assert!(receipt_quorum_failure_logged); assert!(workflow_info_quorum_failure_logged); }); Ok(()) } #[test] #[serial_test::parallel] fn test_libp2p_dht_workflow_info_provider_integration() -> Result<()> { let proc_info1 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let proc_info2 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let rpc_port1 = proc_info1.rpc_port; let rpc_port2 = proc_info2.rpc_port; let metrics_port1 = proc_info1.metrics_port; let metrics_port2 = proc_info2.metrics_port; let ws_port1 = proc_info1.ws_port; let ws_port2 = proc_info2.ws_port; let listen_addr1 = listen_addr(proc_info1.listen_port); let listen_addr2 = listen_addr(proc_info2.listen_port); let node_addra = multiaddr(proc_info1.listen_port, ED25519MULTIHASH2); let node_addrb = multiaddr(proc_info2.listen_port, ED25519MULTIHASH5); let toml1 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519_2.pem" }} [] idle_connection_timeout = 360 listen_address = "{listen_addr1}" node_addresses = ["{node_addrb}"] [] receipt_quorum = 1 workflow_quorum = 1 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port1} [] port = {rpc_port1} [] port = {ws_port1} "# ); let config1 = make_config!(toml1); let homestar_proc1 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config1.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info1.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let proc_guard1 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc1); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port1, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } tokio_test::block_on(async { let mut net_events1 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port1).await; let sub1 = net_events1.sub(); let toml2 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519_5.pem" }} [] idle_connection_timeout = 360 listen_address = "{listen_addr2}" node_addresses = ["{node_addra}"] [] p2p_workflow_info_timeout = 0 receipt_quorum = 1 workflow_quorum = 1 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port2} [] port = {rpc_port2} [] port = {ws_port2} "# ); let config2 = make_config!(toml2); let homestar_proc2 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config2.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info2.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let proc_guard2 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc2); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port2, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } let mut net_events2 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port2).await; let sub2 = net_events2.sub(); // Poll for connection established message loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["connection_established"].is_object() { break; } } else { panic!("Node one did not establish a connection with node two in time.") } } // Run test workflow on node one let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port1.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one.json") .output(); // We want node two to request workflow info directly from node one // because of timeouts not because workflow info was missing from the // DHT, so we give node one time to put add workflow info to the DHT. tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; let expected_workflow_cid = "bafyrmidbhanzivykbzxfichwvpvywhkthd6wycmwlaha46z3lk5v3ilo5q"; // Run the same workflow run on node two. // Node two should be request workflow info from // node one instead of waiting to get the record // from the DHT. let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port2.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one.json") .output(); // Poll for retrieved workflow info message let received_workflow_info_cid: Cid; loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["received_workflow_info"].is_object() { received_workflow_info_cid = Cid::from_str(json["received_workflow_info"]["cid"].as_str().unwrap()) .expect("Unable to parse received workflow info CID."); break; } } else { panic!("Node two did not get workflow info in time.") } } assert_eq!( received_workflow_info_cid.to_string(), expected_workflow_cid ); // Check database for workflow info let settings = Settings::load_from_file(PathBuf::from(config2.filename())).unwrap(); let db = Db::setup_connection_pool( settings.node(), Some(proc_info2.db_path.display().to_string()), ) .expect("Failed to connect to node two database"); let stored_workflow_info = Db::get_workflow_info(received_workflow_info_cid, &mut db.conn().unwrap()); assert!(stored_workflow_info.is_ok()); // Collect logs then kill proceses. let dead_proc1 = kill_homestar(proc_guard1.take(), None); let dead_proc2 = kill_homestar(proc_guard2.take(), None); // Retrieve logs. let stdout1 = retrieve_output(dead_proc1); let stdout2 = retrieve_output(dead_proc2); // Check node one providing workflow info let providing_workflow_info_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout1.clone(), vec!["successfully providing", expected_workflow_cid], ); // Check node two got workflow info providers let got_workflow_info_provider_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout2.clone(), vec!["got workflow info providers", ED25519MULTIHASH2], ); // Check node one sent workflow info let sent_workflow_info_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout1.clone(), vec![ "sent workflow info to peer", ED25519MULTIHASH5, expected_workflow_cid, ], ); // Check node two received workflow info let received_workflow_info_logged = check_for_line_with( stdout2.clone(), vec![ "received workflow info from peer", ED25519MULTIHASH2, expected_workflow_cid, ], ); assert!(providing_workflow_info_logged); assert!(got_workflow_info_provider_logged); assert!(sent_workflow_info_logged); assert!(received_workflow_info_logged); }); Ok(()) } #[ignore] #[test] #[serial_test::parallel] fn test_libp2p_dht_workflow_info_provider_recursive_integration() -> Result<()> { // NOTE: We are ignoring this test for now because we do not have a means // to properly isolate node a from node c. In the future when nodes are // partitioned as private nodes or from NATs, we will bring this test back. // // Start 3 nodes (a, b, c): // - a peers with b and c // - b peers with a // - c peers with a // // 1. Start a, b, and c // 2. Wait for connection between a and b to be established // 3. Wait for connection between a and c to be established // 4. Run workflow on a // 5. Wait for put_workflow_info_dht on a // 6. Run workflow on b // 7. Wait for got_workflow_info_dht on b // 8. Delete a's DB // 9. Run workflow on c // 10. Wait for network:receivedWorkflowInfo on c (from b, through a) let proc_info1 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let proc_info2 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let proc_info3 = ProcInfo::new().unwrap(); let rpc_port1 = proc_info1.rpc_port; let rpc_port2 = proc_info2.rpc_port; let rpc_port3 = proc_info3.rpc_port; let metrics_port1 = proc_info1.metrics_port; let metrics_port2 = proc_info2.metrics_port; let metrics_port3 = proc_info3.metrics_port; let ws_port1 = proc_info1.ws_port; let ws_port2 = proc_info2.ws_port; let ws_port3 = proc_info3.ws_port; let listen_addr1 = listen_addr(proc_info1.listen_port); let listen_addr2 = listen_addr(proc_info2.listen_port); let listen_addr3 = listen_addr(proc_info3.listen_port); let node_addra = multiaddr(proc_info1.listen_port, ED25519MULTIHASH); let node_addrb = multiaddr(proc_info2.listen_port, SECP256K1MULTIHASH); let node_addrc = multiaddr(proc_info3.listen_port, ED25519MULTIHASH2); let toml1 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519.pem" }} [] listen_address = "{listen_addr1}" node_addresses = ["{node_addrb}", "{node_addrc}"] # Force node one to request from node two # as a provider instead of from DHT p2p_workflow_info_timeout = 0 p2p_provider_timeout = 10000 receipt_quorum = 1 workflow_quorum = 1 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port1} [] port = {rpc_port1} [] port = {ws_port1} "# ); let config1 = make_config!(toml1); tokio_test::block_on(async move { let homestar_proc1 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config1.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info1.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let _proc_guard1 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc1); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port1, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } let mut net_events1 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port1).await; let sub1 = net_events1.sub(); let toml2 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519.pem" }} [] listen_address = "{listen_addr2}" node_addresses = ["{node_addra}"] # Allow node two to request workflow info from DHT p2p_workflow_info_timeout = 5000 p2p_provider_timeout = 0 receipt_quorum = 1 workflow_quorum = 1 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port2} [] port = {rpc_port2} [] port = {ws_port2} "# ); let config2 = make_config!(toml2); let homestar_proc2 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config2.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info2.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let _proc_guard2 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc2); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port2, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } let mut net_events2 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port2).await; let sub2 = net_events2.sub(); let toml3 = format!( r#" [node] [] existing = {{ key_type = "ed25519", path = "./fixtures/__testkey_ed25519_2.pem" }} [] listen_address = "{listen_addr3}" node_addresses = ["{node_addra}"] # Allow node two to request workflow info from DHT p2p_workflow_info_timeout = 0 p2p_provider_timeout = 10000 receipt_quorum = 1 workflow_quorum = 1 [] enable = false [] enable = false [] enable_client = false [] port = {metrics_port3} [] port = {rpc_port3} [] port = {ws_port3} "# ); let config3 = make_config!(toml3); let homestar_proc3 = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0") .env( "RUST_LOG", "homestar=debug,homestar_runtime=debug,libp2p=debug,libp2p_gossipsub::behaviour=debug", ) .arg("start") .arg("-c") .arg(config3.filename()) .arg("--db") .arg(&proc_info3.db_path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let _guard3 = ChildGuard::new(homestar_proc3); if wait_for_socket_connection(ws_port3, 1000).is_err() { panic!("Homestar server/runtime failed to start in time"); } let mut net_events3 = subscribe_network_events(ws_port3).await; let sub3 = net_events3.sub(); // Poll node one for connection established with node two message loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["connection_established"].is_object() { assert_eq!( json["connection_established"]["peer_id"], SECP256K1MULTIHASH.to_string() ); break; } } else { panic!("Node one did not establish a connection with node two in time.") } } // Poll node one for connection established with node three message loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); if json["connection_established"].is_object() { assert_eq!( json["connection_established"]["peerId"], ED25519MULTIHASH2.to_string() ); break; } } else { panic!("Node one did not establish a connection with node three in time.") } } // Run test workflow on node one let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port1.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one.json") .output(); // Poll for put workflow info messages loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); println!("node1: {json}"); if json["put_workflow_info_dht"].is_object() { assert_eq!( json["put_workflow_info_dht"]["cid"].as_str().unwrap(), "bafyrmihctgawsskx54qyt3clcaq2quc42pqxzhr73o6qjlc3rc4mhznotq" ); break; } } else { panic!("Node one did not put workflow info in time.") } } // Run the same workflow run on node two let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port2.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one.json") .output(); // Poll for got workflow info messages on node two loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); println!("node2: {json}"); if json["got_workflow_info_dht"].is_object() { assert_eq!( json["got_workflow_info_dht"]["cid"].as_str().unwrap(), "bafyrmihctgawsskx54qyt3clcaq2quc42pqxzhr73o6qjlc3rc4mhznotq" ); break; } } else { panic!("Node two did not get workflow info in time.") } } let db = db::Db::setup_connection_pool( &Settings::load().unwrap().node(), Some(proc_info1.db_path.display().to_string()), ) .unwrap(); diesel::delete(schema::workflows_receipts::table) .execute(&mut db.conn().unwrap()) .unwrap(); diesel::delete(schema::workflows::table) .execute(&mut db.conn().unwrap()) .unwrap(); // Run the workflow on node three. // We expect node three to request workflow info // from node one, which claims it is a provider. But // node one no longer has the workflow info and should // request it from node two. let _ = Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("run") .arg("-p") .arg(rpc_port3.to_string()) .arg("tests/fixtures/test-workflow-add-one.json") .output(); // Poll for received workflow info messages on node three, which // should come from node one loop { if let Ok(msg) = { let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&msg.unwrap().unwrap()).unwrap(); println!("node3: {json}"); if json["type"].as_str().unwrap() == "network:receivedWorkflowInfo" { assert_eq!( json["data"]["provider"], "16Uiu2HAm3g9AomQNeEctL2hPwLapap7AtPSNt8ZrBny4rLx1W5Dc" ); assert_eq!( json["data"]["cid"].as_str().unwrap(), "bafyrmihctgawsskx54qyt3clcaq2quc42pqxzhr73o6qjlc3rc4mhznotq" ); break; } } else { panic!("Node three did not receive workflow info in time.") } } // TODO Check that node three stored the workflow info in its database. // TODO Check for logs that indicate: // - Node three sent workflow info as a provider // - Node one received workflow info from node two provider // - Node one forwarded workflow info to node three // - Node three received the workflow info from node one }); Ok(()) }