use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; #[cfg(not(windows))] use assert_cmd::prelude::*; use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset}; #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] use jsonrpsee::{ core::client::{Client, Subscription, SubscriptionClientT}, rpc_params, ws_client::WsClientBuilder, }; #[cfg(not(windows))] use nix::{ sys::signal::{self, Signal}, unistd::Pid, }; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use port_selector::Selector; use predicates::prelude::*; #[cfg(not(windows))] use retry::delay::Fixed; use retry::{delay::Exponential, retry}; use std::{ env, fmt, fs, fs::File, future::Future, io::Write, net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, Shutdown, SocketAddr, TcpStream}, path::PathBuf, process::{Child, ChildStdin, ChildStdout, Command, Stdio}, str::FromStr, time::Duration, }; use tokio::time::{timeout, Timeout}; use wait_timeout::ChildExt; #[cfg(windows)] use winapi::shared::winerror::ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; /// Binary name, which is different than the crate name. pub(crate) const BIN_NAME: &str = "homestar"; /// Test-default ed25519 multihash. pub(crate) const ED25519MULTIHASH: &str = "12D3KooWDpJ7As7BWAwRMfu1VU2WCqNjvq387JEYKDBj4kx6nXTN"; /// Test-default ed25519 multihash 2. #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) const ED25519MULTIHASH2: &str = "12D3KooWK99VoVxNE7XzyBwXEzW7xhK7Gpv85r9F3V3fyKSUKPH5"; /// Test-default ed25519 multihash 3. #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) const ED25519MULTIHASH3: &str = "12D3KooWJWoaqZhDaoEFshF7Rh1bpY9ohihFhzcW6d69Lr2NASuq"; /// Test-default ed25519 multihash 4. #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) const ED25519MULTIHASH4: &str = "12D3KooWRndVhVZPCiQwHBBBdg769GyrPUW13zxwqQyf9r3ANaba"; /// Test-default ed25519 multihash 5. #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) const ED25519MULTIHASH5: &str = "12D3KooWPT98FXMfDQYavZm66EeVjTqP9Nnehn1gyaydqV8L8BQw"; /// Test-default secp256k1 multihash. pub(crate) const SECP256K1MULTIHASH: &str = "16Uiu2HAm3g9AomQNeEctL2hPwLapap7AtPSNt8ZrBny4rLx1W5Dc"; /// Return listener address. pub(crate) fn listen_addr(port: u16) -> String { format!("/ip4/{port}") } /// Return multiaddr address. #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) fn multiaddr(port: u16, hash: &str) -> String { format!("/ip4/{port}/p2p/{hash}") } static BIN: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| assert_cmd::cargo::cargo_bin(BIN_NAME)); /// [port_selector::Selector] wrapper for tests. pub(crate) struct RpcSelector(pub(crate) Selector); impl RpcSelector { pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Self(Selector { check_tcp: true, check_udp: true, port_range: (10000, 15000), max_random_times: 100, }) } /// Select a free port within the port range. pub(crate) fn select_free_port(&mut self) -> Result { port_selector::select_free_port(self.0).context("failed to select free port") } } /// Guard for a [Child] process. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct ChildGuard { guard: Option, } impl fmt::Display for ChildGuard { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match &self.guard { Some(child) => write!(f, "{}",, None => write!(f, "None"), } } } #[allow(dead_code)] impl ChildGuard { /// Create a new [ChildGuard] from a [Child] process. pub(crate) fn new(child: Child) -> Self { Self { guard: Some(child) } } /// Take the [Child] process from the [ChildGuard]. pub(crate) fn take(mut self) -> Child { self.guard.take().expect("Failed to take the `Child`") } /// Take the [Child] process from the [ChildGuard] and return the [ChildStdin]. pub(crate) fn stdin(&mut self) -> Option { match &mut self.guard { Some(child) => child.stdin.take(), None => None, } } /// Take the [Child] process from the [ChildGuard] and return the [ChildStdout]. pub(crate) fn stdout(&mut self) -> Option { match &mut self.guard { Some(child) => child.stdout.take(), None => None, } } /// Wait for the [Child] process to exit and return the [std::process::Output]. pub(crate) fn wait_with_output(self) -> std::io::Result { self.take().wait_with_output() } /// Wait for the [Child] process to exit and return if successful. pub(crate) fn wait_with_result(self) -> Result<()> { let out = self.wait_with_output()?; if out.status.success() { Ok(()) } else { bail!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stderr)) } } } impl Drop for ChildGuard { #[cfg(windows)] fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(mut child) = self.guard.take() { if matches!(child.try_wait(), Ok(None)) { if let Err(err) = child.kill() { const ACCESS_DENIED: Option = Some(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED as i32); if !matches!(err.raw_os_error(), ACCESS_DENIED) { eprintln!("Failed to clean up child process {}: {}", self, err); } } // Sending a kill signal does NOT imply the process has exited. Wait for it to exit. let wait_res = child.wait(); if let Ok(code) = wait_res.as_ref() { eprintln!("Child process {} killed, exited with code {:?}", self, code); } else { eprintln!( "Failed to wait for child process {} that was terminated: {:?}", self, wait_res ); } } } } #[cfg(unix)] fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(mut child) = self.guard.take() { // attempt to stop gracefully let pid =; unsafe { libc::kill(libc::pid_t::from_ne_bytes(pid.to_ne_bytes()), libc::SIGTERM); } for _ in 0..10 { if child.try_wait().ok().flatten().is_some() { break; } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } if child.try_wait().ok().flatten().is_none() { // still alive? kill it with fire let _ = child.kill(); } let _ = child.wait(); } } } /// Stop the Homestar server/binary. #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) fn stop_homestar() -> Result<()> { Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("stop") .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .status() .context("failed to stop Homestar server")?; Ok(()) } /// Retrieve process output. pub(crate) fn retrieve_output(proc: Child) -> String { let output = proc.wait_with_output().expect("failed to wait on child"); let plain_stdout_bytes = strip_ansi_escapes::strip(output.stdout); String::from_utf8(plain_stdout_bytes).unwrap() } /// Check process output for all predicates in any line pub(crate) fn check_for_line_with(output: String, predicates: Vec<&str>) -> bool { output .split('\n') .map(|line| line_contains(line, &predicates)) .any(|curr| curr) } #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) fn count_lines_where(output: String, predicates: Vec<&str>) -> i32 { output.split('\n').fold(0, |count, line| { if line_contains(line, &predicates) { count + 1 } else { count } }) } /// Extract timestamps for process output lines with matching predicates #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) fn extract_timestamps_where( output: String, predicates: Vec<&str>, ) -> Vec> { output.split('\n').fold(vec![], |mut timestamps, line| { if line_contains(line, &predicates) { match extract_label(line, "ts").and_then(|val| DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(val).ok()) { Some(datetime) => { timestamps.push(datetime); timestamps } None => { println!("Encountered a log entry that was missing a timestamp label: {line}"); timestamps } } } else { timestamps } }) } /// Check process output line for all predicates fn line_contains(line: &str, predicates: &[&str]) -> bool { predicates .iter() .map(|pred| predicate::str::contains(*pred).eval(line)) .all(|curr| curr) } /// Extract label value from process output line #[allow(dead_code)] fn extract_label<'a>(line: &'a str, key: &str) -> Option<&'a str> { line.split(' ') .find(|label| predicate::str::contains(format!("{key}=")).eval(label)) .and_then(|label| label.split('=').next_back()) } /// Wait for process to exit or kill after timeout. pub(crate) fn kill_homestar(mut homestar_proc: Child, timeout: Option) -> Child { if let Ok(None) = homestar_proc.try_wait() { let _status_code = match homestar_proc .wait_timeout(timeout.unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(1))) .unwrap() { Some(status) => status.code(), None => { homestar_proc.kill().unwrap(); homestar_proc.wait().unwrap().code() } }; } homestar_proc } /// Kill the Homestar proc running as a daemon. #[cfg(not(windows))] pub(crate) fn kill_homestar_daemon() -> Result<()> { let pid = std::fs::read_to_string("/tmp/") .expect("Should have a PID file") .trim() .parse::() .unwrap(); rm_rf::ensure_removed("/tmp/").unwrap(); signal::kill(Pid::from_raw(pid.try_into().unwrap()), Signal::SIGTERM).unwrap(); retry(Fixed::from_millis(1000).take(5), || { Command::new(BIN.as_os_str()) .arg("ping") .assert() .try_failure() }) .unwrap(); Ok(()) } /// Remove sqlite database and associated temporary files pub(crate) fn remove_db(name: &str) { let _ = fs::remove_file(name); let _ = fs::remove_file(format!("{name}-shm")); let _ = fs::remove_file(format!("{name}-wal")); } /// ProcInfo struct for tests, filled with randomized ports and DB name. pub(crate) struct ProcInfo { pub(crate) metrics_port: u16, pub(crate) rpc_port: u16, pub(crate) ws_port: u16, pub(crate) db_path: PathBuf, pub(crate) listen_port: u16, } impl ProcInfo { pub(crate) fn new() -> Result { let uuid = &uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let name = format!("tests/fixtures/{}.db", uuid); let proc_info = Self { metrics_port: port_selector::random_free_tcp_port() .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("failed to select free port for metrics"))?, rpc_port: RpcSelector::new().select_free_port()?, ws_port: port_selector::random_free_port().ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!( "failed to select free port for JSON-RPC webserver" ))?, db_path: PathBuf::from_str(&name)?, listen_port: port_selector::random_free_port().ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!( "failed to select free port for listen address" ))?, }; Ok(proc_info) } } impl Drop for ProcInfo { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(path) = self.db_path.to_str() { remove_db(path); }; } } /// Wait for socket connection or timeout. pub(crate) fn wait_for_socket_connection(port: u16, exp_retry_base: u64) -> Result<(), ()> { let socket = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), port); let result = retry(Exponential::from_millis(exp_retry_base).take(10), || { TcpStream::connect(socket).map(|stream| stream.shutdown(Shutdown::Both)) }); result.map_or_else(|_| Err(()), |_| Ok(())) } /// Wait for socket connection or timeout (ipv6). pub(crate) fn wait_for_socket_connection_v6(port: u16, exp_retry_base: u64) -> Result<(), ()> { let socket = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::LOCALHOST), port); let result = retry(Exponential::from_millis(exp_retry_base).take(10), || { TcpStream::connect(socket).map(|stream| stream.shutdown(Shutdown::Both)) }); result.map_or_else(|_| Err(()), |_| Ok(())) } /// Wait for asserts to pass or timeout expires. #[allow(dead_code)] pub(crate) fn wait_for_asserts( exp_retry_base: u64, assertion: impl Fn() -> bool, ) -> Result<(), ()> { let result = retry(Exponential::from_millis(exp_retry_base).take(10), || { if assertion() { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) } }); result.map_or_else(|_| Err(()), |_| Ok(())) } /// Client and subscription. #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) struct WsClientSub { #[allow(dead_code)] client: Client, sub: Subscription>, } #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] impl WsClientSub { pub(crate) fn sub(&mut self) -> &mut Subscription> { &mut self.sub } } /// Helper function to subscribe to network events /// Note that the client must not be dropped of the sub will return only None. #[cfg(feature = "websocket-notify")] pub(crate) async fn subscribe_network_events(ws_port: u16) -> WsClientSub { const SUBSCRIBE_NETWORK_EVENTS_ENDPOINT: &str = "subscribe_network_events"; const UNSUBSCRIBE_NETWORK_EVENTS_ENDPOINT: &str = "unsubscribe_network_events"; let ws_url = format!("ws://{}:{}", Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, ws_port); tokio_tungstenite::connect_async(ws_url.clone()) .await .unwrap(); let client = WsClientBuilder::default() .build(ws_url.clone()) .await .unwrap(); let sub: Subscription> = client .subscribe( SUBSCRIBE_NETWORK_EVENTS_ENDPOINT, rpc_params![], UNSUBSCRIBE_NETWORK_EVENTS_ENDPOINT, ) .await .unwrap(); WsClientSub { client, sub } } /// Helper extension trait which allows to limit execution time for the futures. /// It is helpful in tests to ensure that no future will ever get stuck forever. pub(crate) trait TimeoutFutureExt: Future + Sized { /// Returns a reasonable value that can be used as a future timeout with a certain /// degree of confidence that timeout won't be triggered by the test specifics. #[allow(dead_code)] fn default_timeout() -> Duration { // If some future wasn't done in 60 seconds, it's either a poorly written test // or (most likely) a bug related to some future never actually being completed. const TIMEOUT_SECONDS: u64 = 60; Duration::from_secs(TIMEOUT_SECONDS) } #[allow(dead_code)] /// Adds a fixed timeout to the future. fn with_default_timeout(self) -> Timeout { self.with_timeout(Self::default_timeout()) } /// Adds a custom timeout to the future. fn with_timeout(self, timeout_value: Duration) -> Timeout { timeout(timeout_value, self) } } impl TimeoutFutureExt for U where U: Future + Sized {} /// Config wrapper for tests. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct TestConfig { filename: String, toml_config: toml::Table, } #[allow(dead_code)] impl TestConfig { /// Save the [TestConfig] to the config directory. pub(crate) fn save_fixture(&self) -> Result<()> { let file_path = env::current_dir()?; let mut write_file = File::create(file_path.join(&self.filename))?; write_file.write_all(toml::to_string(&self.toml_config).unwrap().as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } /// Get the name of the [TestConfig]. pub(crate) fn filename(&self) -> &String { &self.filename } /// Get the toml config of the [TestConfig]. pub(crate) fn config(&self) -> &toml::Table { &self.toml_config } /// Create a new [TestConfig]. pub(crate) fn new(filename: String, toml: toml::Table) -> Self { TestConfig { filename: filename.to_string(), toml_config: toml, } } } impl Drop for TestConfig { fn drop(&mut self) { let file_path = env::current_dir().unwrap(); fs::remove_file(file_path.join(&self.filename)).unwrap(); } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! make_config { // For tests where all you want to do is write toml. ($toml:expr) => {{ let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let name = format!("tests/fixtures/{}.toml", uuid); let toml = $toml.parse::().unwrap(); let test_config = $crate::utils::TestConfig::new(name.to_string(), toml); test_config.save_fixture().unwrap(); test_config }}; // For some finer control over the config. ($name:expr, $toml:expr) => {{ let name = format!("tests/fixtures/{}.toml", $name); let toml = $toml.parse::().unwrap(); let test_config = $crate::utils::TestConfig::new(name.to_string(), toml); test_config.save_fixture().unwrap(); test_config }}; }