[homie] # The name of the file containing mappings of Homie prefixes to InfluxDB databases. mappings_filename="mappings.toml" [mqtt] # The hostname of the MQTT broker to use. host="test.mosquitto.org" # The port number of the MQTT broker to use. port=1883 # The prefix to use to generate client names for connecting to the MQTT broker. client_prefix="homie-influx" # The username with which to authenticate to the MQTT broker, if any. #username="" # The password with which to authenticate to the MQTT broker, if any. #password="" # Whether to use TLS for the connection to the MQTT broker. use_tls=false # How long to wait between reconnection attempts if the MQTT connection is dropped. reconnect_interval_seconds=5 [influxdb] # The URL of the InfluxDB to which to connect. url="http://localhost:8086" # The username with which to authenticate to InfluxDB, if any. #username="" # The password with which to authenticate to InfluxDB, if any. #password=""