use controller::{Device, PropertyValueStore}; use rumqttc::{AsyncClient, EventLoop}; use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration}; use tokio::{ sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender}, task::JoinHandle, }; use common::{setup_ctrlc, HomieMQTTClient, Settings}; use homie5::{parse_mqtt_message, Homie5ControllerProtocol, Homie5Message, HomieID, ToTopic}; mod common; mod controller; #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum AppEvent { Homie(Homie5Message), MqttConnect, MqttDisconnect, MQTT(rumqttc::Event), Exit, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { env_logger::init(); let (channel_tx, mut channel_rx) = channel(65535); setup_ctrlc(channel_tx.clone(), AppEvent::Exit); let settings = common::get_settings(); let (mqtt_client, eventloop, protocol) = create_client(&settings); let handle = run_mqtt_eventloop(eventloop, channel_tx).await; let mut devices: HashMap = HashMap::new(); loop { let Some(event) = channel_rx.recv().await else { continue; }; match event { // DISCOVERY STEP 1/3 - get devices state messages // when connected subscribe to ../+/$state for all devices to begin discovery AppEvent::MqttConnect => { log::debug!("Connected! Discovering devices"); devices.clear(); mqtt_client .homie_subscribe(protocol.discover_devices(&settings.homie_domain)) .await?; mqtt_client .homie_subscribe(protocol.subscribe_broadcast(&settings.homie_domain)) .await?; } // DISCOVERY STEP 2/3 - subscibe to device // when a state for a device is received it is either a new device we discovered or a // state update for an already discovered device // In case it is a new device we subscribe to all of its known attributes (e.g. // $description,...) to get more information AppEvent::Homie(Homie5Message::DeviceState { device, state }) => { // Check if the device already exists in the map if let std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) = devices.entry( { // If the device exists, update its state and log the update log::debug!("[{}]: Received state update: {:#?}", device.to_topic(), state); state.clone_into(&mut entry.get_mut().state); } else { log::debug!("New Device discovered: {} - starting discovery", device.to_topic()); // Insert the new device into the map with the provided state and an empty description devices.insert(, Device { ident: device.clone(), state: state.to_owned(), description: None, // No description available yet for the new device properties: PropertyValueStore::new(), }, ); // Subscribe to the new device's MQTT topics for updates mqtt_client.homie_subscribe(protocol.subscribe_device(&device)).await?; } } // DISCOVERY STEP 3/3 - subscibe to properties // when a description is received we can subscribe to all the devices properties // ==> This basically concludes all steps needed for discovery AppEvent::Homie(Homie5Message::DeviceDescription { device, description }) => { // Handle error if device does not exist let Some(existing_device) = devices.get_mut(& else { log::error!( "ERROR: received description for non-existing id [{}]: {:#?}",, description ); continue; }; // Unsubscribe from old properties if we have a description for the existing device if let Some(old_description) = &existing_device.description { mqtt_client .homie_unsubscribe(protocol.unsubscribe_props(&device, old_description)) .await?; } // Update the device description and subscribe to new properties existing_device.description = Some(description.clone()); mqtt_client .homie_subscribe(protocol.subscribe_props(&device, existing_device.description.as_ref().unwrap())) .await?; } AppEvent::Homie(Homie5Message::DeviceLog { device, log_msg }) => { log::debug!("DeviceLog: {:?}o - {}", device.to_topic(), log_msg); } AppEvent::Homie(Homie5Message::PropertyValue { property, value }) => { log::debug!("PropertyValue: {} - {}", property.to_topic(), value); let Some(device) = devices.get_mut(& else { continue; }; device.store_value(property, value)?; } AppEvent::Homie(Homie5Message::PropertyTarget { property, target }) => { log::debug!("PropertyTarget: {} - {}", property.to_topic(), target); let Some(device) = devices.get_mut(& else { continue; }; device.store_target(property, target)?; } AppEvent::Homie(Homie5Message::Broadcast { homie_domain: _, subtopic: _, data: _, }) => { log::debug!("{:#?}", event); } AppEvent::Homie(Homie5Message::DeviceRemoval { device }) => { // Unsubscribe from device-specific topics mqtt_client .homie_unsubscribe(protocol.unsubscribe_device(&device)) .await?; // If device exists in the map, remove it, otherwise continue let Some(dev) = devices.remove(& else { continue; }; // If description exists, unsubscribe from property-specific topics if let Some(description) = dev.description { mqtt_client .homie_unsubscribe(protocol.unsubscribe_props(&device, &description)) .await?; } log::debug!("Device removed: {}",; } AppEvent::Exit => { log::debug!("Disconnecting mqtt"); mqtt_client.disconnect().await?; break; } AppEvent::MQTT(event) => match &event { rumqttc::Event::Incoming(rumqttc::Packet::ConnAck(_ca)) => {} rumqttc::Event::Incoming(rumqttc::Packet::Publish(p)) => { log::debug!("MQTT Publish: {:#?}", p); } _ => {} }, _ => {} } } handle.await??; log::debug!("Exiting example app"); Ok(()) } fn create_client(settings: &Settings) -> (AsyncClient, EventLoop, Homie5ControllerProtocol) { let mut mqttoptions = rumqttc::MqttOptions::new(settings.client_id.clone(), settings.hostname.clone(), settings.port); mqttoptions.set_credentials(settings.username.clone(), settings.password.clone()); mqttoptions.set_keep_alive(Duration::from_secs(5)); mqttoptions.set_clean_session(true); let client = Homie5ControllerProtocol::default(); let (mqtt_client, eventloop) = rumqttc::AsyncClient::new(mqttoptions, 65535); (mqtt_client, eventloop, client) } /// spawn the mqtt event loop task /// this will run the mqtt eventloop, parse mqtt messages into homie5 messages or otherwise /// keep the raw mqtt event and push them into the application eventloop async fn run_mqtt_eventloop(mut eventloop: EventLoop, channel_tx: Sender) -> JoinHandle> { tokio::task::spawn(async move { let mut connected = false; let mut exit = false; loop { match eventloop.poll().await { Ok(event) => match &event { rumqttc::Event::Incoming(rumqttc::Packet::Publish(p)) => { if let Ok(event) = parse_mqtt_message(&p.topic, &p.payload) { channel_tx.send(AppEvent::Homie(event)).await?; } // invalid messages get ignored for now... } rumqttc::Event::Incoming(rumqttc::Incoming::ConnAck(_)) => { log::debug!("HOMIE: Connected"); connected = true; channel_tx.send(AppEvent::MqttConnect).await?; } rumqttc::Event::Outgoing(rumqttc::Outgoing::Disconnect) => { log::debug!("HOMIE: Connection closed from our side. Will exit"); exit = true; } _ => (), }, Err(err) => { if exit { break; } if connected { connected = false; channel_tx.send(AppEvent::MqttDisconnect).await?; } log::error!("Error connecting mqtt. {:#?}", err); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)).await; } } } log::debug!("HOMIE: exiting eventloop"); Ok(()) }) }