use rumqttc::{AsyncClient, EventLoop}; use std::time::Duration; use homie5::*; use homie5::{client::*, device_description::*}; // Create mqtt binding code for rumqttc #[allow(dead_code)] fn qos_to_rumqttc(value: homie5::client::QoS) -> rumqttc::QoS { match value { homie5::client::QoS::AtLeastOnce => rumqttc::QoS::AtLeastOnce, homie5::client::QoS::AtMostOnce => rumqttc::QoS::AtMostOnce, homie5::client::QoS::ExactlyOnce => rumqttc::QoS::ExactlyOnce, } } #[allow(dead_code)] fn lw_to_rumqttc(value: homie5::client::LastWill) -> rumqttc::LastWill { rumqttc::LastWill { topic: value.topic, message: value.message.into(), qos: qos_to_rumqttc(value.qos), retain: value.retain, } } #[allow(dead_code)] async fn publish(client: &AsyncClient, p: Publish) -> Result<(), rumqttc::ClientError> { client .publish(p.topic, qos_to_rumqttc(p.qos), p.retain, p.payload) .await } #[allow(dead_code)] async fn subscribe(client: &AsyncClient, subs: impl Iterator) -> Result<(), rumqttc::ClientError> { for sub in subs { client.subscribe(sub.topic, qos_to_rumqttc(sub.qos)).await?; } Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { env_logger::init(); // start of actual application logic // =================================================== let device_id = "test-dev-1".try_into()?; // create all client objects let (protocol, mqtt_client, mut eventloop) = create_client(&device_id); let mut state; let mut prop_light_state_value = false; let mut prop_light_brightness_value = 0; let (device_desc, _, prop_light_state, prop_light_brightness) = make_device_description(protocol.homie_domain(), &device_id); loop { match eventloop.poll().await { Ok(event) => match &event { rumqttc::Event::Incoming(rumqttc::Packet::Publish(p)) => { // =================== // Handle property /set message // =================== match parse_mqtt_message(&p.topic, &p.payload)? { Homie5Message::PropertySet { property, set_value } => { // parse the value (to keep it simple for the example the whole loop will // fail in case of a invalid payload. Don't do it this way in real life! let value = device_desc .with_property(&property, |prop| HomieValue::parse(&set_value, prop).unwrap()) .unwrap(); // if the message was for light state, update our state and publish the new // value if property == prop_light_state { if let HomieValue::Bool(value) = value { prop_light_state_value = value; log::debug!("light state: {}", prop_light_state_value); publish( &mqtt_client, protocol.publish_value_prop( &prop_light_state, prop_light_state_value.to_string(), true, ), ) .await?; } // if the message was for light brightness, update our brightness state and publish the new // value } else if property == prop_light_brightness { if let HomieValue::Integer(value) = value { prop_light_brightness_value = value; log::debug!("light brightness: {}", prop_light_brightness_value); publish( &mqtt_client, protocol.publish_value_prop( &prop_light_brightness, prop_light_brightness_value.to_string(), true, ), ) .await?; } } } Homie5Message::Broadcast { homie_domain, subtopic, data, } => { log::debug!("Broadcast received: {} | {} | {}", homie_domain, subtopic, data); } _ => (), } // invalid messages get ignored for now... } rumqttc::Event::Incoming(rumqttc::Incoming::ConnAck(_)) => { log::debug!("HOMIE: Connected"); // =================== // Publishing device // =================== log::debug!("Publishing device"); for step in homie_device_publish_steps() { match step { DevicePublishStep::DeviceStateInit => { state = HomieDeviceStatus::Init; publish(&mqtt_client, protocol.publish_state(state)).await?; } DevicePublishStep::DeviceDescription => { publish(&mqtt_client, protocol.publish_description(&device_desc)?).await?; } DevicePublishStep::PropertyValues => { publish( &mqtt_client, protocol.publish_value_prop( &prop_light_state, prop_light_state_value.to_string(), true, ), ) .await?; publish( &mqtt_client, protocol.publish_value_prop( &prop_light_brightness, prop_light_brightness_value.to_string(), true, ), ) .await?; } DevicePublishStep::SubscribeProperties => { subscribe(&mqtt_client, protocol.subscribe_props(&device_desc)?).await?; } DevicePublishStep::DeviceStateReady => { state = HomieDeviceStatus::Ready; publish(&mqtt_client, protocol.publish_state(state)).await?; } } } } rumqttc::Event::Outgoing(rumqttc::Outgoing::Disconnect) => { log::debug!("HOMIE: Connection closed from our side. Will exit"); } _ => (), }, Err(err) => { log::error!("Error connecting mqtt. {:#?}", err); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; break; } } } log::debug!("Exiting example app"); Ok(()) } fn create_client(device_id: &HomieID) -> (Homie5DeviceProtocol, AsyncClient, EventLoop) { // start building the mqtt options let mut mqttoptions = rumqttc::MqttOptions::new("homie_mini_example_dev", "", 1883); //mqttoptions.set_credentials("user", _"pass"); mqttoptions.set_keep_alive(Duration::from_secs(5)); mqttoptions.set_clean_session(true); // create device protocol generater let (protocol, last_will) = Homie5DeviceProtocol::new(device_id.clone(), HomieDomain::Default); // finalize mqtt options with last will from protocol generator mqttoptions.set_last_will(lw_to_rumqttc(last_will)); // create rumqttc AsyncClient let (mqtt_client, eventloop) = rumqttc::AsyncClient::new(mqttoptions, 65535); (protocol, mqtt_client, eventloop) } fn make_device_description( homie_domain: &HomieDomain, device_id: &HomieID, ) -> (HomieDeviceDescription, NodeRef, PropertyRef, PropertyRef) { let light_node = NodeRef::new(homie_domain.clone(), device_id.clone(), "light".try_into().unwrap()); let prop_light_state = PropertyRef::from_node(light_node.clone(), "state".try_into().unwrap()); let prop_light_brightness = PropertyRef::from_node(light_node.clone(), "brightness".try_into().unwrap()); // Build the device description let desc = DeviceDescriptionBuilder::new() .name(Some("homie5client test-device-1".to_owned())) .add_node(, NodeDescriptionBuilder::new() .name(Some("Light node".to_owned())) .add_property(, PropertyDescriptionBuilder::new(HomieDataType::Boolean) .name(Some("Light state".to_owned())) .format(HomiePropertyFormat::Boolean { false_val: "off".to_string(), true_val: "on".to_string(), }) .settable(true) .build(), ) .add_property(, PropertyDescriptionBuilder::new(HomieDataType::Integer) .name(Some("Brightness".to_owned())) .format(HomiePropertyFormat::IntegerRange(IntegerRange { min: Some(0), max: Some(100), step: None, })) .unit(Some(HOMIE_UNIT_PERCENT.to_string())) .settable(true) .build(), ) .build(), ) .build(); (desc, light_node, prop_light_state, prop_light_brightness) }